How do you feel about the FFXIV model of unlocking flying?

Considering each gathering profession is its own class, and one involved picking herbs/cutting wood, and another mining ore… yeah, you can hit max level in those classes by doing just that.

But yeah, if you want flight, you have to do the questline. If you want flight in WoW, you are forced to do- lots of rep grinding, lots of WQs, all the questlines for each of the initial zones, and wait a year- plus more rep grinding with this patch (and exploration, but honestly, that takes a few minutes), plus be of level for that patch.

So no, if you were to make an entirely new character- it would take longer to do WoW’s PF. If we were to assume you wanted each xpac’s flight in FFXIV, and each in WoW- it would take considerably longer to level, get PF per xpac, etc… in WoW than it would to do so in FFXIV, unless you get to the point of having dozens of characters.

Even if we look at it on a per xpac basis- to get through say, ShB story, unlock flight, compared to just getting through all the PF requirements for BfA and waiting a year- you could get a dozen characters flight in FFXIV if you really wanted to before getting a single one in WoW.

You can play more than one game at once: news at 11.

You can buy (with ingame gold) the Medallions to level up the Draenor reps (no grinding involved (& really, at 120, is it really that difficult?), and with a group, the rest of the reps go quickly, so that in a few weeks, you get the criteria for PF1 just by playing the game.

PF2 is the same. Explore, do the 2 new reps to Revered mind you (not exalted) and done! But people don’t want to bother, so they’ll remain grounded.

And all their alts get flying free. All of them.

Live at five!

If you scroll up, i never said that you couldn’t.

Yes times 1000000000000000

So then why does playing 2 games at once tell you a lot about how much FFXIV captivates me? I’m not sure what you’re trying to say.

Regardless of the better system “there”, you keep coming back to WOW, so it cant be all that terrible otherwise you’d stop playing it.

But you never said anything about enjoying both games in your OP.

So i could easily conclude that WOW is where your heart is, as you keep posting here, n’est-ce pas?

You can also just go through the FFXIV story, get to the xpac, get flying- easy. Want to alt a new class, don’t even need to change characters.

No need to have to find a group, no need to buy medallions that, yes, are now cheap but at the time cost a fortune.

And at the end of the day- to get it in FFXIV, you have to do only the main storyline quests. In WoW, for each PF, you need loremaster, which means doing all the questlines, which amounts to doing almost all of the quests in each zone- as well as a rep grind, exploration, etc…

If you have many alts, eventually, yes, it’d take less time to get to WoW endgame than to FFXIV endgame and get your PF (once you’ve waited the entire year, after which you have rep grinded the everloving crap out of that zone and it’s not really needed).

So, are you really going to say you prefer grinding rep off WQs for weeks, doing all the quests in a zone, and then waiting for a year before you can fly in that zone- over being able to do a questline, a dungeon, exploration and then flying in that zone, perhaps the same day you reach that zone?

If you were to argue that FFXIV flying is too easy, perhaps- but I know any time I enter a zone in FFXIV, I can get flying the same day. I know in WoW, any time I enter a new zone, I’m waiting a year and doing a lot of repetitive nonsense before I can fly there.

I never said WoW was terrible, that was not the point of this thread. I just asked what people thought about the FFXIV system of unlocking flight instead of Pathfinder. That’s it. You’re acting like I made this thread to be like “neener neener FFXIV is better” or something, when that’s clearly not what I said at all in my OP.

You’re reading way too into it.


You can post in different games- and frankly, the thread’s about flying. I’ll speak for myself- I’m here for the raid, the flying system in this game is awful, the WQ grinding is awful, but I’ll still play WoW for the raids.

I would like for other parts of the game to be made better, but as long as there’s something in WoW I enjoy, I’ll still do that at least.

Not liking one part of this game doesn’t mean you hate everything about it- similarly, liking one or two parts of the game doesn’t mean you want the parts that suck to not improve.

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Last i checked, i’m part of “people”, so i gave my opinion, and am discussing it with Karaski, who favours FF14.

Sorry if it offends you. Are you sure your name isn’t “Snowflake” for being so triggered? Perhaps you shouldn’t ask questions to which you might not like the answers to.

I mean I asked what people thought about FFXIV’s system of unlocking flight being put in WoW, and your response was “stop making pro FFXIV threads, clearly you still enjoy WoW tho because you’re posting here” which has nothing to do with flight at all. You’re just completely off topic and of course your only response is that I’m just “triggered” and a “snowflake” lol. Okay dude, whatever you say.

Perhaps next time you should read what you’re responding to before you make yourself look like a total idiot, and then when that gets pointed out, claim that we’re all just offended by what you have to say because we’re snowflakes lol.

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The only part about FF14 that sounded captivating to me was the potential for crafting to be better. Wow’s used to be better, but has been hollowed out.

Otherwise, the 2.5 second GCD for many abilities and the very anime-ness that i’ve seen and heard about just doesn’t sound very interesting. Then when i heard LazyPeon’s first impressions vid (i’d link it but don’t want to detract from the topic of this thread) which solidified my take of what i’d heard from others about the slo-mo fights, yeah…

Really don’t want to -have to- do the main story if i don’t want to (or the gear is irrelevant), or pay them JUST to get to flying / endgame.

The main story is the entire reason to play the game, there’s a bajillion cut scenes and it’s actually interesting. If you’re not a fan of RPGs, I would recommend not playing FFXIV.

But again, this thread is about flying. Not about if people want to play FFXIV or not. It’s about what people think of the system of unlocking flight in FFXIV and if they would like it in WoW over Pathfinder.

Dude, when you throw stones in glass houses… well.

And i said my piece about flying which you took as pro-WOW, which is interesting as i argued against FF14’s system which is obviously not what you were trying to argue and is thus being dismissed by you.

lets see, do all the quests in a zone, explore the zone and fly. What’s not to like. It’s what WoW should do. Also no dazing, no dismount, all around their mounts/riding/flying is better.

But this is my opinion, don’t like it, don’t care.

My guy, this is your first post in this thread:

Maybe the one in a glass house throwing stones is actually you.

Yeah it really says a lot about me that I enjoy playing 2 different games, what a triggered snowflake I am lol. I don’t know why you are trying to turn this into a FFXIV vs WoW thread, but this ain’t it, chief.

Last i checked, these are the forums and counterpoints are allowed.

Did you look back at your OP? You posted something, and i disagreed. I prefer the PF as many others do. I also have alts, and no, i wouldn’t like FF14s model as PF’s has worked by playing through the content.

Sorry that you disagree.

The glass houses part? Well, if you prefer to continue with name calling, well… i’ll refrain if you do.

You could have just freaking said that instead of trying to make this thread about some ridiculous notion of FFXIV vs WoW. That’s what I and other people in this thread have been trying to tell you.

Cut the hostility, my dude.

You could’ve also just seen where i was coming from.

“What’s he trying to say (perhaps none too clearly)?”

Yeah, text is tough to convey intent / emotion / SO MUCH sometimes.

My apologies, and enough with the “my dude”, my dude. Eesh, you make me think you’re a country bumpkin but that’s just the text talking again.