You gotta imagine it in more of a stoner tone lol. But no worries.
Been playing Shadowbringers. Actually its pretty cool with being able to get flying after competing each zones story.
Was doing A rank world hunts with about 150 other players yesterday and its actually pretty cool to see a mob of players all on their flying mounts fly in to get to each hunt monster.
I do enjoy FFXIV quite a bit, yes, but I’ve played it for 2-3 months- I’ve played WoW for 15 years, it’s clear I’m a long time WoW fangirl, I mean, I was a kid when I started.
But I’m not going to be forgiving of them when they put a year time gate and boring rep grinds in front of flying. Now, FFXIV and WoW are very different games- the first is very story oriented, hence the requirement to play the story to unlock everything from dungeons to raids to flying, as dungeons, raids, even flying are tied to the story.
I don’t think simply doing a zone’s quests and exploration for WoW would work- partly because zones are connected, but I do think a hybrid could work. Put flying behind zone questlines and exploration, but knock off the rep grind, and knock off the year time gate.
There’s nothing enthralling about waiting a year, the content is always long stale by then- it feels spiteful, like Blizz is angry we enjoy flying. The argument ‘we can skip content’ doesn’t really match up if we have to do all the questlines in the zone- at that point there’s no NEW content, there’s only repeatable WQs, which by their very nature are not new.
You have already seen all the zone has to offer by then.
Naturally, make it for all zones (FFXIV does unlock per zone- but I think WoW should be for, say, all three of the KT zones or Zandalari zones that are linked).
I don’t see what the harm would be in doing this.
Even forcing loremaster, in a game with this many quests, is quite a bit- just look at prePF xpacs.
Vanilla through Cata in particular, not many people had LF done during their xpacs, heck, even now. Similarly, many people didn’t finish those older rep grinds; I’m pretty sure I got my netherdrakes for example well after BC, and many don’t have it to this day.
As for other things- to risk going off topic, but may as well. Anime style is going to be very subjective of course (though WoW is kinda cartoony itself tbh). The GCD is effected by spell/skill speed, but definitely feels slower at first- that said, the rotations are much more involved and there’s more decision making, so it can be helpful (not to mention, there’s lots of offGCD abilities to fill gaps).
Rotation wise, yes, it feels slower. Mechanically, expect WoW raid style mechanics in everything- which makes the game more interesting from that standpoint. WoW feels sadly lacking for mechanics outside a few dungeon bosses, the raids and rare things like mage tower.
Crafting/gathering is its own class, with class quests, its own daily quests, and dozens of abilities which can make you choose between trying to make items faster, or higher quality, or a bit of balance. The downside though is that you have to put in the effort like a class to get good at it and level it up for the most part- perhaps a good thing if you’re into that?
All that said though… if you want to just skip the storyline, I can’t recommend FFXIV. It’s extremely story centric. That isn’t to say you can’t enjoy it if you were to skip it and just rush to something in endgame- as the raids/dungeons are enjoyable to- but it’d feel like skipping everything in Game of Thrones except the big battles.
Sure, they’re good- but without the context you’d be missing a lot.
Hunts are literally: kill 20 X monsters
Like if you’re gonna champion something don’t try to champion a dang carnage/kill quest.
Update: oh, you done with that one? go kill 20 Y monsters
Update2: oh, you done with that one? go kill 20 Z monsters
Update3: oh, you done with them? go to this other zone and kill 20…
(click and highlight text, and you’ll see a "Quote button pop up! Click that, and it’ll allow you to quote someone’s text wherever your cursor is! Useful!)
Yepyep, longtime player here as well! And still playing my Main since Vanilla having only taken a break mid-Mists? or was that Cata? for a few months but it was enough that i didn’t get my statue… /sadpanda
The rep grinds i really don’t mind… (up to 98! Mech and Naz’ll make 100 Exalteds!) But i agree with you on the timegating - they can certainly narrow the gap between PF1 and PF2! PF1 should be available at launch, and PF2 coming out with x.1… and the rest of the expansion is flight capable, no landmasses without flight like Argus!
All good ideas, and Blizzard could certainly take a page out of FF14’s book and unlock flying zone by zone through zone objectives via quest achievements or something like that, so that players “play the game” as Blizzard would prefer them to do, avoiding having players skip or rush through content.
Ion did mention in his last (8.2) interview that they went a bit too far in pruning class abilities and so i expect that most likely 9.0’ll have classes (and hopefully dungeons (tho’ the new Eternal Palace sounds rather epic!) more fleshed out!
Oh, i miss Vanilla’s class quests! At level 45? The warrior went for his Whirlwind Axe? Paladins for their steed. Warlocks for their Demon(s)? But crafting? Nice! That’s something that FF14 is certainly ahead of WOW with… envious
Side note- Eternal Palace is a pretty solid raid, I sort of liked BoD more, we managed to get to Azshara-N last night. I can see it taking a month to get through the H version, so I imagine I’ll be around til we’ve farmed H a few times (two months total I hope?)
Way too much trash though. I like how some of the trash packs prepare you for the coming boss fight by introducing some mechanics- but it definitely was the one tedious part of the night.
Im not against it, but it’s not really doable due to the world of warcraft not being instanced. Im not against Pathfinder only being tied to Exploration and Story completion. I don’t personally like that reputation is associated with it. Doesn’t make much sense to me that i need a ‘permit’ from these factions.
Yeah the general sense I’m getting is that people would much rather just have the rep removed from Pathfinder, and have it not be gated for almost a whole year. Which is kinda similar to the FFXIV system minus clicking on the slipstream objects and stuff. I can definitely get behind that change over what Pathfinder is like now.
no thanks, I play wow not FFXIV
Hopefully it’ll last us all a while before everyone begins to tire of it. I’ve yet to go in, maybe tonight? Good to hear that even on N it gave you some trouble, so that it’ll build up in difficulty as you build up gear!
You play wow not FF14 I come to the wow forums to read about wow but everyone keeps talking about FF14. Whats your secret? lol
Does FF not have a forum?
Or is this just a cry for attention?
Smells like a cry for attention.
I personally would just rather pay gold at max level. I don’t feel any great need to waste time for something that makes the game feel better to play.
As a newly boosted character it was a bit confusing, could use something to guide you into knowing its even a option… That said I prefer to unlock all zones at once versus zone by zone. I can’t stand having to keep unlocking it, but its better then WoW’s way.
Yeah, I’m really sick of hearing about that game on this game’s forum.
If everything is so grand and so perfect and so fun over there, why come here and post? Just go play your preferred game and post on that game’s forums.
I prefer paying gold for flying.
that’s exactly what it is.
Hunting the aether currents is a bit of fun, but the only thing I don’t like is that it’s tied to the MSQ, so there’s no chance of getting flying in a zone until you’re ready to move onto the next one. I wish you could get it done immediately, without it being gated to the story.
Still, it’s far better than having to wait over a year into an expansion to get it in WoW, and then, not have it everywhere.
Sadly, this is true.
We can post all we want about how flying should be changed, how Pathfinder should be changed, ways to improve the system, etc. And we will be ignored completely.
They don’t care what we think.