How do you feel about the FFXIV model of unlocking flying?

In FFXIV, you unlock flying by doing the main story quests, which unlocks a compass item to track “slipstream” objects that you click on a certain amount of (there’s 15 slipstreams in total for the entirety of all zones in one expansion, Heavensward) and unlock flying for that zone. Then you continue doing quests for each zone, finding and clicking on slipstreams for each zone, unlocking flying for each zone as you quest through them. By the time you’ve finished a zone, you’ve likely unlocked flying in it for whenever you need to go back to it.

How would you feel about a system like that being implemented in WoW, instead of what we have now? Would you prefer it over the current Pathfinder system?


I’ve been loving it so far. I get to go out and see some cool stuff, pick up some orbs, do some quests and BAM. Flying! :smiley:


FFXIV’s model of flying is better than anything Blizz has ever churned out. Getting to actually explore the zone a little, do a few quests… and boom- flying unlocked permanently!


Yeah I much prefer it over timegated rep grinding. It actually feels way more like I’m unlocking flying just from “playing the game”. I would never do timegated rep grinds unless there was a reward like flying or new races at the end of them.

I wouldn’t even mind if it wasn’t account wide in WoW because it would just feel like “playing the game” and going through the zone/story on an alt. It sounds infinitely better than Pathfinder.


No, pathfinder is the best solution to the problems that flight created. At the start of the expansion everyone is on the ground, then for the second half everyone can fly. Putting everyone who chooses to earn the achieve on an even footing.

I would hate to be flying and enter a zone that I hadn’t unlocked flight for resulting in me falling to the ground.

It works in FFXIV because they have load screens between each zone. It wouldn’t work in WoW.


WoW has phasing between each zone, they could totally do it.


The transition between zones from the players perspective in wow is still seamless.

It still wouldn’t work for wow and people would just complain about constantly falling to their deaths.


The simplest solution would be just that questing and exploration where required in every zone before flying was given. Cut off the rep and it’s basically no different than ffxiv’s version.


People already do that all the time because of phasing. They could easily just be like “you have not unlocked flying here”, give a short warning, and then ground people.

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I don’t care about Final Fantasy unless it’s announcing a remake of Crystal Chronicles because that game was my middle school JAM! I need a remake on Switch.

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Pathfinder is a fine compromise… the only problem is the huge gap between part 1 and part 2 (and the fact that there is a part 2 to begin with.

Nazjatar and Mechagon are filled with busy work. Prior to flying I was spending 90 minutes to get through the dailies as quick as possible. After flying, I’m still spending 90 minutes but it’s because I have easy access to elites and events to keep me occupied. Flying/no flying hasn’t changed the amount of time I’m spending personally.


Why do people keep insisting on making flying threads? Especially ones asking if this is something you would like? It doesn’t matter what anyone wants here. Blizzard doesn’t want flying. They added Pathfinder to keep it in. I don’t get what is so hard to understand here. They didn’t add Pathfinder because people wanted flying changed or removed.

Go play FFXIV then if flying is that important to you over the actual game.


It’s great and makes sense. You explore the zone then you can fly in it. Keep it simple.


If blizzard implements a similar system to wow, it is going to be madly timegated, like 1 slipstream/month or something like that.

Honestly, why not just have Part 1 unlock flying in Zand/KT and Part 2 unlock it for Mech/Naz? You could keep the mount as a part 2 reward or even add another mount in part 1. Even if it’s just another reskin mount, it’d be fine.

It would at least feel a bit better progression wise (in my opinion). Especially for the poor saps that are just starting up this grind from square one.

Not a perfect solution, mind you. Better than nothing though.


Superior in every way to Pathfinder.


They could just do the auto slowfall parachutes that they do with RaF dismounts. No harm done.


Are we just not going to talk about the fact you have to re-unlock faster ground speed upgrades in FF14?

Yeah I don’t mind that either. I’d much rather unlock any kind of travel by doing quests and exploring than ever having to do timegated rep grinds. I absolutely hate them.


It the only good thing about that game.