The lesson to take away is that the folks at SE who are behind FFXIV have taken the initiative in terms of dealing with flying in a fun, fair interactive way.
Meanwhile Blizz devs have done nothing new save regulating flying to a reputation wall, which requires a mind numbing amount of time and grinding to obtain. It might be arguable that since this unlock is account wide the difficulty of time is justified however the negative impact of being burnt out by doing repetitive content over and over might just leave too sour a taste in players gaming buds that can turn them off for weeks or more at a time.
I for one have had no enthusiasm to play wow again any time soon after having unlocked flying for BFA. The content is still largely the same. Armour cosmetics are bland across the board and the classes just aren’t flat out fun to play anymore since Legion.
Or offer more and better options for the rep grind, like killing mobs for rep that drop like 2-5 rep.
The reason why i enjoy pathfinding as it’s a great reward for not just characters at max level but for alts leveling though the zone as well. The terrain, while beautiful, is just a pain to navigate sometimes on the third run admittedly.
OT, with Pathfinder, i only have to do it once and it’s done for Main + alts. FF14’s? If i have 15 alts, I’ve got to do it 15 times for each and every zone.
People no-life a lot in MMOs… if not 15, then say 5… you still have to repeat as i mentioned in my reply for EVERY zone on EVERY toon unlike WOW’s method which is only done once, and it’s unlocked for every alt.
Do a few quests? You have got to be kidding me. FFXIV makes you do every. single. main quest in order to progress to a new expansion. Want to fly in the latest expac or even play its content? Better do every single main story quest there is from every previous expansion before you can play with your friends! Oh, don’t want to? Give us some money and we’ll let you skip it.
Problem is that these ‘main story’ quests consume hours upon hours just because they make you go from point A back to point B and back to point A; either wasting gil or using travel time. Compare that to World of Warcraft where you may not be max level but you can do dungeons or quest in any zone you want to play with your friends.
Did I mention that in order to unlock heroic modes in older dungeons that you’ll probably never run again you have to at least finish the normal ones? Not just like finish his normal dungeon to unlock its heroic component, but FINISH EVERY SINGLE DUNGEON IN THIS EXPANSION AND YOU CAN - despite the fact that the gear is obsolete due to the difficulty.
Pathfinder is not about flying.
Its about played time.
If we can unlock flying as your FFXIV model.
Large sum of players will skip Nazjatar rep
Large sum of players will skip Mechagon rep
Large sum of players will skip Talanji’s rep
Large sum of players will skip Voldunai rep
Large sum of players will skip … rep
Large sum of players will skip Loremaster
Large sum of players will skip a lot of things
Just because they are not good and rewarding contents.
Blizzard bundle them together and save lots of effort to really create something new.
We just want flying to grind them.
I’m sorry that you failed to read the OP and felt the need to go for whatever you call what you said, but the OP wasn’t saying what you (seem to) think they said.
Not my job to read for you.
What points? You’re obviously talking about a game you don’t know much about, but you feel like offering your opinion to be included or something.
Like, seriously, figure out what you’re trying to say, or just stop replying. I’m half inclined to believe you’re trolling.
Uh… why? You can be every class on one character, so there’s no need. But even if you did go ahead and make that many alts…
I’ve only played through Heavensward, but I could do the quests/exploration part fifteen times per zone, and still have flying a year before you get it in WoW.
And again… since you can be every class on one character, someone with 15 alts in that game is going to be an exceptionally rare case, heck, even in this game someone with every class at max is very rare.
As Sauri pointed out above, FF14 unfortunately suffers from forced quests just to progress (or pay to skip/to win?), before you can even work on flying.
Pathfinder is acquired over time (perhaps too much time, on that i think everyone agrees) but it doesn’t cost anyone and it isn’t required for any endgame content.
So maybe you won’t have alts due to jobs, but OP continues to play WOW as per their posts in the WOW forums (you need a sub to post (or an expiring one)), which tells us a lot about how much FF14 captivates them.
You can’t play multiple MMOs then? I didn’t realize this.
Yes, FFXIV does have a forced storyline- WoW also has forced daily quest grinding. In both cases, you’re forced to level (or, as you say, to pay to win and skip that).
In FFXIV, you do the main story, you’ll get to level cap. In WoW, you are ‘forced’ to grind quests/dungeons to get to level cap. In WoW, being max level is required for endgame content, and for raid content or doing M+, a fair bit of WQ grinding is required too.
If you break it down, both games ‘force’ you to do a fair amount to get flying, to get to endgame, to get to raid or whatever else- they just make you do different things.
As you seem to clearly see doing story related questlines as something horrible- keep in mind most gamers in general find doing repetitive kill x or gather x quests which have little or no relevant story at all in order to level/gear up to be pretty horrible.
Yet, you are ‘forced’ to do some form of grind in WoW… unless you pay to win, of course.
Flying isn’t required tho, for anything. It’s a luxury.
Did you even read Sauri’s reply above? You can skip the story in Wow, and just get to 120 by picking herbs & ore. It’ll take you forever, but Doubleagent did it.
Cant do that in FF14, right?
OT, if you want to have even a 2nd (or 5th) alt in either game, Wow’s PF is easier to get flying as it’s unlocked & free.
I don’t play FF14, so tell me how alt #2 (or 5th) alt gets flying in FF14? Do they have to do the forced questing to reach max level as well as each zone’s 15? orbs for flying?