Except when you cross one “zone line” into the next, you would just be kicked off your mount and fall? It doesn’t address the core reason why they use the current pathfinder model. They don’t want us to make almost all ground content trivial because we spent a couple of hours in a zone to earn flight.
Oh but the problems existed, they weren’t just made up by blues or the devs. One problem for me was having to buy it for each and every character each an every time a new expansion was released. Flight gave an advantage over those with out, it created a situation where players were node/quest resource hopping. To name a few.
I prefer earning pathfinder 1 and 2 via normal gameplay versus having to buy it for each and every character each and every expansion.
Aside from what OP already replied, you can’t post on FFXIV forums without a sub - same as our forums.
I don’t care either way. Flying doesn’t make WoW what it is.
The spammy pro-FF threads are out of control. If you like the way FF is, play it.
8 rep grinds have no part in a flying Unlock
Bliz is pushing /timeplayed WAY too hard
Doesn’t anyone at bliz design wow for fun and choices anymore?
I’d much prefer the FFXIV way.
100% better
I hate not being able to fly per zone more than not being able to fly. I like the improvement on Pathfinder they made this round with unlocking flying for the rest of the expac.
But Kudo’s to FF for giving a reasonable (even if you have to squint) explanation to not having flying in a zone. I wish the next tweak Blizzard would make would be to design a reason for the “flying reset” next expac.
So you 100% that zone or complete certain criteria in that zone and you unlock flying for that zone only, rather complete a list of goals for the expansion to fly the whole continent and have it be account bound? (assuming if Final Fantasy’s flying isn’t account bound)
If so, then call me an Almond, but i much rather prefer the pathfinder.
Sounds perfect
Is questing a better way to unlock flying than a rep grind? Yes.
Is buying a flying skill better than a rep grind? Also yes.
Is exploring a zone better than a rep grind? Yes.
Unfortunately, no matter which combo of the above methods were used, Blizzard would still do two things to make obtaining flying feel like a chore and a punishment for players wanting to use flying:
- They would time gate it for and absurdly and unnecessarily long time, just like they have for 3 expansions in a row.
- Any combination would still be ultra-grindy. The quest line would be boorishly long, and still likely be rep-gated, just like quest lines in Surumar, Broken Shore, Nazjatar, ad infinitum, or be gated so that only one quest can be completed per some arbitrary cycle, such as once a week or every minor patch at Blizzard’s convenience. Zones would probably have areas that are blocked off until Blizzard says we can explore them… That sort of thing.
Pro-FF? I was just asking if people would like the way FFXIV does flying in WoW. WoW takes inspiration from other MMOs all the time.
It’s the rep grind that’s the issue. Reputation should have nothing to do with flight. I fly all over the country with neutral reputation. Same concept…
Are you incapable of reading?
Reread the OP.
I dont really care, flying isn’t life or death for me.
I dislike ffxiv immensely. I hated running all over the place trying to get to all those stupid points to unlock.
Pathfinder 1 is fine part 2 takes a little too long to unlock imo.
The difference is that you can do the quests/find the aether currents in about 1 hour tops… as opposed to a timegated rep-grind that you may have to wait out months or close to a year for.
FF is also one of those games where you don’t need alts for any reason.
Considering i don’t play Final Fantasy 14 at all, i have no idea how many zones are there. And have no idea how many you need to repeat it in order to get flying for all zones, let alone the varying difficulty lies ahead to said get flying. And again, i’m not sure if it’s account bound or anything. As tedious the pathfinder is sometimes, i can’t imagine completing an abridged version of it per zone after zone, after zone, after zone.
That said, an hour to unlock flying for that zone isn’t bad.
Wait, why not?
Everything doable on one character, quite literally.
Changing classes is an easy weapon swap, though they do have their own XP and levels to go up through.
Back to the topic, the FFXIV model is good… but doesn’t quite fit for WoW.
To be quite honest, Pathfinder only really needs 3 changes:
- Remove the overly tedious reputation grind.
- Remove the arbitrary time-gating.
- Add some character-specific requirements instead of it being an account-wide unlock (for example, hitting the level cap for the continent you’re on). Shouldn’t have alts leveling with flying, that’s all.
I think the system serves it’s purpose just fine, it just needs to refine the implementation by removing the really annoying aspects like the rep grind and time-gating.