How do you feel about the FFXIV model of unlocking flying?

FFXIV flying is basically pathfinder sans the rep grind and arbitrary time gate.

I’d be fine if we moved to that.

But I also think the rep grinds are fine. It provides a relatively short buffer where people can take their time seeing the content the first time without the “tryhard” people making it less enjoyable by having flight on day 2, swooping in taking tags, ganking then disappearing into the sky, etc.

It’s only the 8-10 month time gate that’s stupid with WoW.

In the words of the Virgin Mary - Come again?

The thing is, flight didn’t create problems. It was perfectly fine for more than half the game’s life, and the very idea it was a “problem” was mysteriously (and suspiciously) seeded out of the blue, just as (some of) the devs’ campaign to remove it got started. The timeline seems pretty clear in hindsight.

But right up until the end of MoP, flying was not considered a “problem” at all at max level, and quest areas were still being designed specifically for it in that expansion.

Agreed, and any kind of parachute would just be annoying. Any FFXIV-style unlock would have to be continent-wide.


There are ranks of ground mount speed and it’s upgraded on a zone-by-zone basis just like flight. It’s not like 60 vs 100 or 150 vs 280 like WoW though. It’s noticeable but smaller in comparison to WoW’s speed jumps.

It’s frustrating mostly because they sell a store mount that gets the highest speed in all zones automatically.

The best system was when you just needed to buy the training at max level. They fixed something that wasnt broken.


I like Blizzard’s mount speed approach more, but that’s not the topic at hand. The topic is unlocking flying and I think FF14 handles it a lot better. You explore the zone, you complete the zone’s story, you get to fly there.


I really don’t care about flying.

Well you are in luck. A re-master is coming to the Switch sometime later this year or early next year!

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Dang. That is a pretty big deal, how much is it? It’s basically rolling up all licenses, pathfinders and 310% speed into one cash shop item?

I do agree that they should probably stop the timegating as much, but from what I heard described, it’s basically Loremaster and Explorer.

I guarantee some people would still find that ‘excessive’ or a (take a shot) ‘slap in the face’

It was annoying.

WoWs zones aren’t individually instanced. They do exactly what FF14 does but at the expansion level.

Because it doesn’t make any sense in WoW to be able to fly in Nazmir > cross over into Zuldazar> and fall out of the sky.


I believe it’s a ground mount so it’s use is limited in a world where flying exists. Still annoying that a store mount has an advantage.

The reason why people want flying so badly is because mob density is so bad in this game and even worse in BfA zones. With flight paths and portals, along with ground mounts, it wouldn’t be so bad traversing the world with less mob density. But as it is right now it’s just a pain in the a** to walk around anywhere. If Blizz made it not irritating at all, we’d be perfectly fine on ground mounts. But Blizz chooses to add irritating mob density, and then gives us irritating rep/daily grinds we don’t want to do, just because they’re stubborn and have to have it their way even though the fans don’t like it.


Right, so to get over those core differences in how the games function, pathfinder part 1 is how it should be for WoW. Part 2 is needless timegating.


Yesssssss! :black_heart:

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Definitely nothing on the level of Loremaster and Explorer. Rank 1 flight is gained by exploring certain specific spots in a zone - similar to the GW2 Vista’s. That earns you flying for that zone and is easily done while doing the initial questing in that zone.

The secondary flying seems to be a new thing introduced 2 years ago so I haven’t played with it yet, but it’s done via using one of two existing currencies. Most players will already have some of these currencies and be farming for them for other purchases already.

Definitely far, far less work than Loremaster having done that and less than Pathfinder achieves as well. The only story part is the main story quest which is one game-wide story that you have to do anyway to unlock everything in the game. Anyone whose max level has already completed it.

Think of this as the equivalent of 15 “Kill 2-3 of X type of mob” daily quests and one world boss weekly. I believe you can farm other world bosses for more currency to gain faster as well so, not super hard and casuals can do the dailies to do it slower.

I don’t know. Why don’t you ask people who play FF on their forums?

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Right there in my OP if you bothered to read past the title.


I like it and wish WoW would do something similar. Do loremaster and explorer of an expansion and get flying would be the best way. I wouldn’t really mind just having pathfinder if it was just 1 part either honestly. Waiting 6 months to a year just to fly is crazy.

Nice thing about ffxiv is you make one character and that character can be every class, and learn every profession. Most all classes still start at level 1, except for a few just like DK and DH in wow, and you have to level them all up. Unlock it once and every class you like has it.

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