How do you feel about classic+ servers in addition to the classic ones?

And that’s the problem. Why should there even be 1000 votes over say flying? All that would do is annoy people.

So this is why I’m making sure people understand that it’s not just voting on a subject once. It could come up again and again.

I don’t want anyone getting fooled.
That simple.

its their choice to play on the server, if they know going in, its on them

Yes, and in order to make a good decisoon they need to know that it’s not just one vote per subject. You could win today and not have LFD, but 6 months later you’ll vote on it again.

The best way to make a decision is to be informed. And now they are.

well good, thanks for the help!

You moved the goalposts, liar.

They’ve also said they don’t want to mess with the 1.12 data. Take that for what you will.

You could only get flying if Blizzard included it as one of the voting options. Just because the community is voting on changes doesn’t mean that everything is possible.

That being said, I definitely see the community being in favor of changes that steer classic away from it’s roots instead of expanding on them.

I wanna see classic+ on a drawing board, be pretty interesting to be honest. Oh wait I see now 0.0 I wouldn’t want QOL changes. I’d want them to add more raids dungeons gear etc. Pvp arenas. I don’t want the pristine servers to come 0.0

I can’t wait to read all the whining from the Vanillabois about how Blizzard didn’t do Classic “the right way”.

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voted classic + servers will turn in BFA servers.



No it’s not, stop being disingenuous (at best).

changes are changes regardless of how many


Oh I’m sorry, you have fundamentally misunderstood Classic/#NOCHANGES - please read up and try again.

loot trading ruins grouping with strangers, thats a gameplay change

sharding means the big battle between the horde and alliance right where you are standing is great, if only you could be a part of it, too bad your in the wrong shard

thats 2 gameplay changes

you really need to learn what the word no means

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Thanks so much. I hadn’t realized that.

first post, thats cool, mine too

Seems like your definition of #nochanges differs from a lot of posters here.

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It also doesn’t differ from a lot of people here.



Sorry - try again.

why try again, how are those good things?