How do you feel about classic+ servers in addition to the classic ones?

You seriously want the players voting on changes for the game? What a chaotic mess that would be.

that can be simply fixed by including the part of loot trading where it was only greeded items could be traded. if someone rolled need and won it was soulbound with no trading.

To be fair, there were many different iterations between Classic and BfA.

For example, the TBC expansion maintained Classic’s play style, while introducing much needed class balances, better add-on support and a LFG tool that was more of a communication tool than it’s current form.

Not all changes to the game killed the risk vs reward & community aspects of Classic that people have come to love.

And depending on the population of the servers…allowing for a dual spec could mean more tanks / heals available for dungeons

Classic…Classic +…Diet Classic…Classic with Lemon.

Then people will be back here complaining that their Classic version of choice feels empty and it will be because everyone had to have their own special version of Classic and the population is spread out all over the place. This community has no idea how to be satiated. You guys just want and want and want and want and can’t just be satisfied with something. No, we’re just too special for that.

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In some multiverse somewhere, there is a World of Warcraft game where Blizzard delivered TBC, WoTLK, MoP, Cata, WoD, Legion and BfA content & storyline with the same hard knocks / community focused play style that so may people love Classic for. That is the world I want to live in.

Can add to that I didn’t even add how they got the equivalent of the WoW token in it was #$%^ed up.

that would be a change
and i am against changes