How do you feel about classic+ servers in addition to the classic ones?

Sorry I’m not going to sit there and let the op lie to people about what osrs is like and tell them that classic+ would be honest about it’s voting like osrs is. I’d rather keep people informed.

I asked you questions repeatedly that you ignored and didn’t answer.

prove to me then that all voted on changes make it into the game
you are the telling lies, troll

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They repeatedly made them vote on the equivalent of the wow token.
For one.

If the goal is players get to decide why do you need to have people vote again?

so everything they voted on is in the game then?

No. But to sit there and pretend that you just vote no and you don’t have to worry about it anymore is a lie. It very well could come up again in the future.

You say that players vote on the changes but osrs has shown us they would make people vote on the same item until it passes.

And the wow token wasn’t the only time it happened.

if they the rules clearly show how its going to work
and people make the choice to play on the server

they are the ones who chose to play on it, if they dont like it, they dont have to play it, who is forcing them to play? no one

Yeah the rules. Because those always get followed here’s a list btw

The problem with your statement is this.

Let’s say someone starts on your osrs server and everything is fine. Minor changes are made like updated mail but big tickets all no. Then they start repolling all those big ticket items.

So those people should just be screwed and have to start over again because the system is being abused ?

you dont have to play on the servers, let people make their own choices, they can stop whenever they want

I know I don’t.

I’m here to make sure those who are actually interested in the idea have the full information.
Like the dude who posted saying he’d loke it so long as flying and the like wasn’t in. I gave him information that it very well could be in so he woulsnt be fooled.

And the full information includes that the polling could be abused.

and should the time come, he can make the choice to either keep playing, or stop

And that’s the problem. He’s literally lost all his progress because the system was abused.

So I would rather people be informed and not waste hundreds of hours and lose that progress.

You sit there and act like it’s a great system and it’s just player voted and now your at the point where your like “well if he doesn’t like it he cab just leave”.

They are leaving the legacy servers open to the community. SO I would imagine that certain servers will be going to a certain expansion. Personally, they should just flag certain serves that will transition to a expansion(s), even current ones.

and he knew that it could happen the entire time, yet he still chose to play on it

No. He didn’t. Because the way you made it sound, it was one vote and done. Which is proven to not be the case.

He has to keep voting on stuff again and again.

i never said it would be one vote and done, please point that out to me

The way you worded it sounded like that

“Okay we voted no flying. Don’t have to worry about that”. 1 year later “why are we voting on flying?”

where does it say one vote and done, i cant find it

The way you say it’s player voted changes sounds that way.
Either way, I aim to make sure every one has all the information about what to expect if classic + servers were to actually happen.

if the servers are made, it will be up to the players to decide, if it takes one vote or a thousand, its still up to the players to decidem they know going in, that it could change at any moment, if they play the server, its the risk they are going to have to take

or not, they dont have to play it