How do you feel about classic+ servers in addition to the classic ones?

The problem is such a server would attracf those who want changes and those who don’t would stay away. So changes are guaranteed.

just like in osrc

but then stuff gets voted down

so uh? what?

And yet they have a history of having people vote on stuff until they say yes.

Like the equivalent of the wow token.

I’m not saying it should be used as a dislike button. But it should be used for flagging obvious trolling which this thread is. There is literally a sticked post in this section of the forums answering all of the questions he OP had. Not to mention Classic+ was discussed 1000 times before and trolls keep bringing this nonsense up.

so everything that has ever been voted on was added in? prove it

oh wait, you cant

Not everything but the point is that if something got voted no once that should be the end of it. And yet osrs has had some things r hat they make them vote again on later. That’s not fair or honest.

Am I going to have to vote no to flying every 6 months? Doesn’t seem fair to me.

I would like a server where everything is released at once so guilds can race to see who can beat naxx first from scratch.

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it wont matter to you since you wont be playing it, or are you saying you want to play on a classic+ server

if youre going to play on a classic+ server, and they say what the rules are for voting, and the rules state that everthing will come back for voting in 6 months, just how it will be

but you wont have to worry about it, since your a no changes kinda person right?

I’m saying why I wouldn’t play on them. And proving a point that it’s not as simple as you say with just vote no.

No, it’s voting no, again and again and again.

Your literally proving my point that classic + servers won’t be classic.

Those who want changes will play it. Will it start our as classic? Sure. But it won’t last long as flying, LFR and LFD, transmog and balance changes are all voted in.

So thanks for proving my point.

why do you care what other people play on?

this is a bad time to ask about those

Because you said classic+ would be just like classic. Clearly that’s not the case. It’s not even close to classic.

are you going to play on it? yes or no?
if no, thats ok
you dont have to

if yes
thats cool too
i dont care

no one is forcing you

No. But I have no plans on letting people say classic+ would be just like classic either.
It’s not. Which was my original argument, and all you’ve done is proven my point.

classic+ will be whatever it is, if it happens
and at the end of the day, you dont get to decide what other people call it
and there is nothing you can say or do to stop them

And yet you said earlier that this belonged in the classic forum because it was just classic. Now your telling me it’s nor classic.
Thanks for proving my argument. Have a good day

its a about classic and classic+, thank you for proving youre a troll

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Says the guy who repeatedly avoided answering my questions.

Well, you managed to last 10 minutes. New record!

what do you mean?