How do you feel about classic+ servers in addition to the classic ones?

Well, the benefit of the doubt has run out. Guess I was wrong; it is a troll thread.


It’s not Classic +.
Sharding isn’t confirmed, and if used launch only.
It’s still very authentic with loor trading and graphics.
Know what’s nor authentic vanilla? Balance changes, flying, LFR and LFD.

Now when am I going to get some answers out of you.

those are changes, you cant play it, no changes means no changes, if it even only for 1 day its still a change

which is, are changes ok, or not ok, there is no middle ground

No changes has never strictly meant no changes. Now I do believe your a troll. You won’t answer my questions and your acting like no changes is all about changing nothing.

Here let me give you a small list of stuff no changers have been okay with.
Security. integration due to it most likely being used.
Accessibility stuff like color blind mode.
Graphics as long as it doesn’t alter gameplay.

Loot trading we don’t have a choice on and most of us anticipate sharding will probably be used at launch but many will ubsub if it becomes permanent.

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I bet you feel right at home :yum:

well there you go, changes are totally fine, you said you will play classic+

see you there

No. Changed are not fine. Changed are fine if they don’t effect gameplay.

Now answer my question.

No Changes is your term, not Blizzard’s. Blizzard is free to what ever they choose with their own intellectual property.

This forum is for an upcoming product. This product can be what ever Blizzard chooses. This is the place to discuss possibilities.

Some subjects are not for everyone. There is no shame in moving on to a subject more in tune with your liking.


Blizzard has literally said No to everything except the stuff they have already told us we are getting.

So good luck with your quest for stuff like transmog. Especially seeing as blizzard already said no to it.

all changes effect gameplay, no matter how small

Really. Hmm. So if I require an authenticator to login that’s gameplay?

Please so show me where I have asked for transmog, or anything else for that matter.

Blizzard has said no to class balances. Not much else.

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Uhh you must nor have paid attention to the interviews then.

A classic + server would be interesting, as long as there would be no flying or anything like that. But it might spread the player base too much

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But that’s the thing. Classic. + would be player voted changes. You very well could get flying.

Not only have I paid attention, I actually understood what they were saying. All without personal bias to help confirm things that have never been said.

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I’m gone. I’ve answered the ops questions and he can’t even answer mine. That’s not fair or honest.

Have fun with your echo chamber.


I’d like to see Burning Crusade servers added eventually though, but leave Classic alone.


Yeah well I wouldn’t be for that then lol. If there was extra content it would have to stay vanilla. No flying, no dual spec, no resilience, no new zones that would spread the players around too much, nothing from the expansions.

again classic+ would all be voted on by the players, which is cool, and of course you dont have to play it

i dont know if i would play it, maybe

im more for a no changes kinda classic myself