How do you defeat depression

That worked for you. Someone else might need that kind of firm support but also not being called a sissy. To each their own I guess


You can tell yourself positive things but go do something productive and accomplish a goal and see how that makes you feel.

No cell phone, TikTok or YouTube just you and accomplishing a goal. You wonā€™t need to say positive things because you just handled it.

Try to hang out with positive people and do things that you like or make you happy. Plus, it is always good to let it out sometimes. Just know you are not the only one and people do care for you.

Itā€™s not a one size fits all solution. Some go through their lives like a cat, some like a dog.

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True, just trying to help. I mean the OP did ask ā€œwhat to doā€

Itā€™s all good. A lot of people have strong feelings about this, because its very personal how somebody overcomes this kind of challenge, so I understand the passion.


if you are a dude id recomend checking out medicine from a psychiatrist. i can vouge it helped me allot.

edit: i dont think its a raid boss your supposed to defeat tbh. i think its that dog your supposed to tame.
The weirdness of our consciousness helps me get through it. We are cave men with smartphones. its a impossibility to not get overwhelmed through the new generation of woes. we havent had any level of this mass access to reality before. isolate your ecosphere. put blinders on.

Physical beauty is always lost somewhere it seems. I love a social aware artist, somebody who really strikes the times with a hammer, true or not, they fit the time period and play a role in progression.

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In all honesty?

You live it out.
Find help where you can. Take meds if offered.

And then repeat for the rest of your life.

Mental health issues arent easy and there is no go away button.

Just distract yourself as much as you can.
Enjoy what you can.
Better yourself how you can.

And in time a new chapter will open up to you.

To quote a musical i love
ā€œAnd you find some way to survive. And you find out you dont have to be happy at all, to be happy youā€™re aliveā€


thereā€™s no such thing as being depressed.
its just a pity party where you wallow in self created grief
stop being a baby and grow up into the you that youā€™re desiring to be

figure out what is lacking in your life:
-someone you want to reach out and reconnect with?
-are you progressing irl every day?
-are you being creative?
-do you play an instrument?
-is your health alright? good sleep / food / exercise / socializing?

You donā€™t know these people and for you to insult a person suffering through depression is pretty shameful. I would bet my bottom dollar you are an unhappy person to be around.

Roll up a Demon Hunter and slay your inner demons.

You dont defeat depression you just accept it and live in misery like the rest of us, just make sure you suffer in silence like the rest of usā€¦ wouldnt want to rock the boat there.

I wish it wasnā€™t a real thing. Lol I like the questions you listed however.

Iā€™ll just play in my hall of mirrors

You donā€™t. You get along with your demons. Speaking as someone diagnosed as manic depressive.


I like that description. You learn to live with them, outsmart them, use them even.

I keep PTO and sick time ready for days i just cant.

Some people have a chemical imbalance.

Iā€™m pretty sure if ppl could magically not be depressed they would choose to not be.

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if you feel insulted, too bad. life doesnt wear kid gloves.
if a person is suffering they should fix their problems instead of cry abt it.