How do you defeat depression

Ignorance is bliss. The more you know; the more you fear

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

You don’t. You just kinda cope with it. If you’re neurotypical, it will clear up on its own after a short while and normal functioning will resume. If you’re not neurotypical, you don’t defeat it, you have to manage it for the rest of your life.

You don’t.
You only learn to manage it.

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Slaughter Rogue mains would help, at anytime, in the game, from the Cradle, your choice.

I don’t have depression, so for them it could feel like their personality. I know someone with severe depression and it really can control your life… you never know what someone is going through. Sometimes it’s just nice to be around people that understand ya know?

Therapy and pills and coloring books and chocolate and the gym.

It may or may not be in that particular order.


My therapy was WoW back then when i was depressed.

I suck at my real life but i was excellent in WoW. My guildmates and friends respect me in WoW. Some were even excited when i go online. I was rich and popular on my realm back then.

But later i fixed my real life problems. I recovered. But it left me addicted to WoW.

I slowly cut my ties with WoW. I left WoW when a new expansion came. But i cant really leave WoW. Instead, i became Casual which is okay to me.

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Here have a hug.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Depression doesn’t exist no one is sad100% of the time. If you are, change you life style, people you surround yourself with and your mind set.

Don’t ask GD, depression has levels and left untreated can spiral into something worse. I dealt with depression myself but saw it in my family [specifically with my brother] who died last october. It wasn’t a suicide BUT he struggled and at one point was almost catatonic back in 2019, 2020.

What if people are stuck in their lifestyle and lack resources? They aren’t sad they feel hopeless. I’m sure you’re just being “that guy” posting tho lol


Seek out therappy, talk to a friend, tell someone talk to someone. You are not burdening others in doing so, but letting it fester alone can make things o’ so very worse. It’s the hardest battle of them all I would say ; mental health. But I believe in you. You got this, and I’m proud of you making it so far and reaching out to gain help in the first place. As someone suggested before I recommend searching up r/depression, seeking about either counseling or therapy in your area [Or both!] Don’t be ashamed either of wanting or needing help. It’s okay to ask for it. Supporting you wherever you are OP, and I hope things get better. <3

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Do a whole day of lower kara m+, you’ll realize life isn’t that bad.

Love this post :smiley: <3

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For me I had to learn a balancing act. The proper amount of exercise, vs work, vs play, ect. If I say played too much, I’d feel bad. If I worked too long, I’d be exhausted. So, I think everyone’s balance is different based on needs and wants, but also I probably would be much worse off if I didn’t learn how to meditate and apply it in my life. It’s really helpful for a worried, restless mind.

My husband is that guy too. Doesn’t believe in depression/anxiety/adhd… thinks people make it up for attention or as excuses.

I’ve struggled pretty freaking hard with things. Just impossible to speak to people like him without them making it worse unfortunately.

Doesn’t end up anywhere good if you keep sweeping it all under the rug, trust me.


No I’m not, I have felt hopeless. You have to change your way of thinking and how you look at things. Get up and be determined to change your life. If you lack resources you need to create them.

I felt trapped, was the only poor kid in my neighborhood on top of my mother never being home because she would rather be out with a boyfriend than raise me. I didn’t stay down. I got up and got my own. I found my self worth. We all go through crap but again you have to find your determination to not stay down.

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I feel the people that do exploit sympathy ruin it for people that actually hurt from it. It’s just an empathy problem you won’t understand unless you go through it I suppose : /

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I feel you, but the way you say it might come off bad to people in a bad situation. I think CBT and constantly repeating positive affirmations to myself are something that really helped me get through when I had a depressive phase from trauma awhile back.

That is not my problem. I don’t need to sugar coat things to spare peoples feelings. That is why people stay down and stay weak because we cater that weakness. I thank god I had a friends father pretty much(not in these words) tell me to stop acting like a sissy and do something about it. At 14 I did just that.

Pandering to a persons feelings doesn’t help them. On the internet it might be the cool thing to do but the real world doesn’t care. So I talk to people with the truth and the truth is you have to get up and handle it.