How do you defeat depression

How can I acomplish this?


Therapy might help.


Seeking legitimate help from professionals instead of the WoW forums.


You need to live in the present, it’s how you defeat both depression and anxiety but it’s much easier said than done.


Don’t shy away from medication if need be. Just talk to a professional first.

Also, a change in diet and regular exercise can do absolute wonders. Even if it’s a tiny bit of exercise here and there (there are physiological reasons for this). I know it sounds silly but coming from someone who has a natural chemical imbalance, it absolutely helps.

Grow up.


Was there anything incorrect about that statement?


Wait you can defeat depression?


We all know your angle was “OOO THIS’LL GET 'EM”. You’re not edgy.

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Talking to a mental health professional may help, you may wish to discuss medication options with your doctor. The most important thing is having a strong support network, family, friends, even other wow players who you can discuss your issues with.


Do what you can to find professional help. Don’t listen to any advice from random strangers aside from that. It’s not something to take lightly, but with qualified help things will get much better.

I wish you well. :heart:


I mean I get the perspective but I didn’t read anything bad from their statement either? O_o

Like I know tone from text is hard to discern but I legitimately believe there was no animosity here.


you should probably find someone that knows what they’re talking about because i’m just gonna suggest weed and vidya games :slight_smile:


It’s not even remotely hard to discern.

Tapping out. :dove:

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Not at all. I have my own issues. Venting to random people on the internet about them never did anything but allow those issues to spiral. There are professionals who deal with this. Who can, as you say, provide medication if need be. No one is going to be able to deal with your issues properly on the WoW forums, and in fact, people who try to provide advice can actually do more harm than good.

Again, seek professional help. The WoW forums are not the place for this.


Depends on the cause of the depression…for some people you’ll have to live with it on and off your entire life.

For clinical depression from a serotonin related depression medication helps bring you to…normal but also forcing yourself to act happy when interacting with other people can eventually have a positive effect on you as you eventually push past it in a way somewhat…or having hobbies or work that consume your time and attention to distract you.

There are other things that cause depression of course but those are wide and varied and have their own, solutions.

Several things i do when I feel a wave of depression,
Eat well<could be a lack of nutrients,
Talk to people <find someone,
Read something funny
Or just kid someone in the family(you have every right too)

If this doesn’t work seek help.

Smokers are jokers

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i read a book called gorilla mindset and that helped set me up for success with myself

overall i would recommend

  1. exercise. whatever’s your favorite kind. aerobic (swimming, running, etc), anaerobic (weightlifting, bodyweight)

  2. work on improving sleep hygiene, you can’t beat a good night’s sleep

  3. be true to yourself


Stop playing wow, it will help.

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Being direct is the point. Having worked in social services, from experience I can tell you that trying to soften the language tends to lead to the person in question not receiving the message. No one wants to get help, at first. Especially if it means another interaction that is mentally taxing. Thus, being direct and honest with the person is for the best.

Leave no wiggle room in your statement. And say no more than what is required. If someone wants to legitimately deal with a mental health issue, professional help is the only course of action.