How do you defeat depression

I would say,it is a two paths, one being inspire through it and the other being in it. An artist projects emotion through the medium to a world is inspiring to those that see the work,but looking deep in it it can effect the the people viewing it deeply the wrong way. You are what you put out in the world,be careful what you do with it.

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You don’t defeat depression so much as you find ways to cope with it and someday realize you’re not depressed anymore. Pulling against the wave will just leave you more depressed that you’re not less depressed.

Call me mean and call me suspicious and call me whatever you want but I think this is nothing more than a troll thread.

The name… the topic… it’s too on the nose.

The story gets progressively sadder I mean come on.

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Talking to your loved ones or seeking professional help is a great first step. But if you’re really deep into depression, then don’t do anything stupid. You only live once, and taking the pain away won’t do any good. You have people that care about you so please remember that. If you’re decently well and able to take care of yourself, maybe try adopting a pet they can keep you company and give u a new found purpose in life.

Like others said, seek real help or reach out to friends or family in real life.

But my personal tip is: comedy. You can be depressed and still get a laugh or two out of life.

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Maybe try picking up a hobby that keeps your mind busy, like art for example. Or writing. Also, I’m sorry to hear you have MS. MS sucks, theres many MS support groups out there on facebook you could try.

Or axe throwing, which has gotten real popular in my town lately.

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Its difficult, I won’t lie. I’ve been in therapy and on meds for over 20 years, but those things keep it “in control” as best as possible. I always thought it’d be depression + anxiety that’d “cripple” me, but it was Schizoaffective disorder that really troubles me. I think you can defeat it, in your own way. And that is all that matters. So me saying 20 years, yadadada, means nothing, as we all respond differently.

WOW forums are a great example of this. I’ve been going through a hard time these few days because of my cat but the wow forums have really distracted me and gave me a good laugh. So, to continue on with this advice, find a funny wow forum thread and read some of the comments. If you really need a good laugh make your own thread about something very stupid and make up a story you could do “how do dracthyr reproduce” “am i the a hole” things like that you can get funny responses or come up with ur own idea

For sure, why do you think I spend so much time here :sunglasses:

This place is Chuckle Town

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You don’t… some days, smoking keeps me leveled… some days, nothing really helps.

Pull up some Bill Burr on Youtube or george carlin

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Yeah,bro,find it easier to mellow out than using prescription meds,which i have head out in the morning to get some. Our family is sensitive to nearly every medication there is .

Keep searching. Not every therapist is a match for their client.


I have dealt with this myself for as long as I can remember. Simply put, let me tell you the things that have truly helped me keep depression at bay for long periods of time, keeping in mind that depression may come back periodically, though have faith the feelings will subside and things will improve.

  1. Try to improve your diet by eating clean, unprocessed foods, and eliminating simple sugars and starches that spike blood glucose and cause inflammation throughout the body, including the brain. Additionally, eat lots of fiber and vegetables along with probiotics that help replenish your gut bacteria.

  2. Have bloodwork done to see if you have vitamin or electrolyte deficiencies, and start taking vitamin D and fish oil. Start integrating more cardiovascular exercise, which in itself can bring about positive endorphins that generally carry on throughout the day, as sitting for long periods of time without activity generally starts making me depressed.

  3. Moderate amounts of caffeine, approximately 200mg per day through clean sources such as black coffee, which helps with gym motivation and provides some antioxidants.

  4. Take it easy on yourself, realizing that we’re all only human and can only work within our capabilities. Prioritize taking care of your needs over desires (for me that was giving up playing video games and taking up the gym and walking with music), realizing that you may have to make sacrifices in some areas to improve your health given a hectic schedule. Also, integrating things that will improve your health take time to have a positive effect, so don’t give up no matter how hard it gets, just keep pushing through it–you will make it to the other side, I assure you.

  5. Make a long term goal, but don’t worry about how LONG it actually takes; just keep in your mind that you’re always slowly improving, similar to WOW where you slowly get better gear and become more competitive. Finding what works for you and sticking to a set schedule/routine makes long term commitment easier to achieve and can eliminate stress, however, don’t worry about unplanned circumstances that prevent you from doing what you need to do; just be flexible and pick back up when you have time. Following a plan gives yourself a sense of purpose, which then gives you something to look forward to everyday.

  6. Lastly, and most importantly, believing in a higher power has made me realize and accept that despite how bad things become for us here on Earth, the battle has already been won for us and we can rest assured that our eternity is secured in a MUCH better place if we live our lives believing we are saved by grace and depart from our sinful ways (giving up things like pornography, etc.), and staying far away from negativity and harmful behaviors which cause unneeded stress. This has helped me improve my self worth and outlook/perception towards life. We’re simply here for a short time and pleasing our desires is not really what we are made to do. Our purpose is to simply love and encourage those around us and just live the best we can, realizing that everything is truly okay, and that anything that happens to us beyond that, either positive or negative, may largely be out of our control and doesn’t matter in the grand scheme as long as we try our best to live with what we’ve been given.

For me, depression does occasionally resurface, but it’s usually when I stop following or slack off on all the above strategies that have helped me keep it at bay for long periods of time and I can always get back to being happy if I keep myself busy and focus on the positive aspects of self improvement, and forgiving myself for mishaps or failures. I wish you the best in hoping that you feel better soon and I want to leave you with the message that it will get better, you just have to put in the work to make it happen.


Wonderful advice. I’m glad you won your battle. I hope this advice also helps the OP.

You do realize, many wow players deal with struggles like this right? If anything, this is a great place go to for advice. Many people use video games as an escape from depression, yes this isnt the best place to ask for help but it is also a good one too because people can share their experiences and advice. so grow up

They weren’t asking for an escape. They were asking for help. This isn’t the place for it. Coping with depression is different from actually treating it. Echo chambers like these are generally more damaging than anything and simply delay people from seeking effective treatment.

That’s real life. Confronting your issues. Not trying to accommodate them.

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Depression is a big beast. There’s a common misconception that depression is just feeling a bit sad, but it’s a mental illness that can completely wreck your life.

I heavily encourage therapy myself. Medication can also help but be sure to read up on what kind of side effects and other effects you may fall under. There’s no catch-all cure unfortunately.

Hopefully you find the help you need to feel better!

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Yeah, I know. They were asking for advice. It’s okay to ask for help for ways to cope. Yes, this isn’t the best place but it also a good place bc ofhers who have faxed the same thinf can share the rhinfa rhaf babe helped them. but yes i agree professional help instead of forums is a much better thi g to do

(sorry for many typos i was tuonf this on mobile.)