How do the High Elves feel about Void Elves?

Yup, in fact, in Cata they were specifically told to leave.


headcanon cope. The name honors their past, not separating themselves from it.

for being a cruel murderous monster

because they committed an atrocity that they need to be punished legally for

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What attrocity? Bear in mind they were not allowed long before the whole purge.

Again, the high elves were not the one to tossed out their citizens simply because they refused to suck mana nor where they the ones who openly allied with people who just a few years ago tried to wipe them out.

They tossed out whatever made them high elves in the first place.

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It’s not head canon. It’s a fact.

They’re Blood Elves


you answered here

Look, I get you don’t like the story as it exists, but it’s the story, sorry the pretty elves didn’t go alliance like you wish they had.

Yes, named to honor the blood of those that came before them.

I don’t think anyone’s challenged this; only questioned whether or not the latter are distinct enough from the former to warrant their own player race, or the obscene amount of bonus work you’d like done to diversify them as a sub-sub (?) race. That most of these suggestions are just “take this blood elf asset but make it blue” makes me think no, probably not.

You’re so disingenuous it makes my head spin. If they “remained outside” of Quel’Thalas when it was scourged, and “to this day still support the Alliance,” they - the Alliance-loyal high elf population being discussed in that passage - could not possibly have been exiled over the ethics of mana tapping in Quel’Thalas.

Vereesa is a poor example to single out here, because unlike the Silver Covenant, we actually do have her backstory and know she’s an “exile” of her own making. She considered becoming a blood elf but chose instead to depart with her personal source of strength, Rhonin, for Dalaran.


Yes there are those challenging it.

High Elves aren’t suddenly extinct and they aren’t Blood Elves


Or that passage is only talking about SOME(which is the wording used, ie not all the remaining high elves) that were not in Silvermoon at the time(likely those with Jaina/Dalaran/stormwind) high elves, but that other high elves(like the one from the Lodge/the one in Loch Modan/other elves in Quel’thalas itself) were tossed out and after hearing said atrocities those that were outside ended up so disgusted as to not want to return. The idea that it was just the lodge elves that were cased out is without merit.

Either way, it does not paint the blood elves in any favorable light.

She was already in Dalaran at the time, which as far as we know was not a crime otherwise their prince would have been the biggest offender.

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Distinct went out the window with Highmountain Tauren. They are literally just Tauren with moose antlers. And Lightforged Draenei are just pale Draenei with tattoos. Here’s some fan art of playable Alliance High Elf options, which I personally find more distinct than Highmountain Tauren.

They’re also so blatant on the Alliance side it’s ridiculous to say they’re aren’t enough of them or they aren’t able to organize into one faction. High Elves had more Settlements in Vanilla than Trolls or Gnomes. In BC they added a whole town full of them called Allerian Stronghold. In Wrath they represented the Alliance in Dalaran and the Argent Tournament, with almost every NPC in the Alliance area being a High Elf including all of the class trainers in Dalaran except Druid and Shaman. In Cata they represent the alliance in the fight against the Zandalari and Amani Trolls in Zul’Aman. In MoP the Silver Covenant show up again to help the Kirin Tor fight on the Isle of Thunder. And in Legion they show up again to march on Suramar with the Night and Blood Elves. In BfA, an expansion that introduced Void Elves, they were still putting High Elf NPCs all over the place, including more in Stormwind, the portal master to the Arathi Warftont, and one on an Alliance Island Expedition team. AND High Elves send ballistae to the Battle of Orgrimmar in BFA.

They literally get more screen time in major patches than most playable Alliance races. And for a group that’s supposedly so few, they sure do churn out a ton of victories for the Alliance.

The bonus work would literally just be changing a word from Void to High, changing the void background to the human Stormwind one, and maybe changing the racials to have light blue effects rather than dark purple.

I don’t see any of that as a huge drain on resources since they’re working on more cosmetic and customization stuff than ever and also working on stuff no one cares about like the Elemental Storms.

Edit: I actually just came up with the perfect solution to the problem without adding High Elves as an additional Allied Race while I was brushing my teeth.

Blizzard adds two NPCs in Stormwind. One is a High Elf, the other is a Void Elf.

When you make a Void Elf, you can go to the High Elf NPC and ask them “Can you please cleanse me of the Void?”. This renames your race to “High Elf”, changes the color of your racials, changes the background login screen for your character to just the human Stormwind one, changes your heritage armor to a blue version of the Blood Elf one, and changes the Void Hawkstrider to an Alliance normal themed one.

If you change your mind later, you can go back and speak to the Void Elf NPC and tell them “I wish to become one with the Void again.” Everything the High Elf NPC did is now reversed back to normal Void Elf options.

This would be the ultimate compromise and shut everyone up about this topic forever. High Elf enjoyers get to feel like a fully fleshed out race, and there’s no additional Allied Race using the Blood Elf model.


You mean the ARs that should have been customization options that were given to the same faction as the parent race? Because no one’s ever done this dishonest comparison of faction getting very similar thing to what they already had to faction getting a copy of other faction’s most popular race before.

And the high elves were once an Alliance race. That is the problem. They were our long before they were ever Horde, hence why the void elves were added in the first place. It is the Horde that should have never gotten it in the first place! Blizzard simply rectified it.

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for one RTS.

This is pure guesswork that you, in typical fashion, have twisted up into an obtuse mockery of what the canon plainly states. The UVG explicitly presents the general body of enduring high elves as Alliance loyalists who weren’t present for the scourging and never returned to Quel’Thalas. This is WoW’s most recent recounting of high elf lore and you’re just going to have to deal with that.

I hope you appreciate the irony of levelling this argument at my avatar. The one and only visual distinction between high and blood elves no longer exists, and both the playable high elf races can now (more or less) fully resemble their common root.

I don’t tend to make the population argument that Ion fumbled for, although he was at least citing the canon. And while you’re exaggerrating the high elves’ actual contributions to the plot, it’s certainly true that they’ve had a decent showing insofar as screentime and NPC representation goes. But surely in the fullness of time you see this was not to your benefit. As the “antis” long held, and the void elves usurping/cannibalizing their niche made plain, Blizzard never had any intention of making them playable.

Well, good luck with that one is all I can tell you. Blizzard bent over backwards to deny you the “high elf” tag, going so far as to contrive a brand new offshoot that properly clashes with the blood elves’ sun/light themes, but were gracious enough to realize the fantasy through character customization. For both those races.

You already got your compromise, and most of the posters who campaigned for one have washed their hands of the topic. It’s fine if you don’t accept it, but I wouldn’t hold my breath for a better one.


Oh no, they’re back to abusing that poor word again.

Two RTS and since the start of WoW.

Look who’s twisting things. Again, the wording was SOME(not some general body which you are making up). And suffice to say the blood elves did something so despicable that the high elves were willing to not go back to their homes, show such hostility as to willing join Jaina in the Purge.

Still not what we wanted.

I say keep asking for what we want. Honestly, with WoW at its current state, Blizzard is probably more willing then ever to make their players happy, and adding high elves to the Alliance has little to net negative to the Horde.

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One RTS.

That’s fine.

Just don’t call it a compromise when you’re asking for all of what you want and for the other side to get nothing.

Two, again, the current high elves were the same ones that never left the Alliance.

At this point I’m not asking for a compromise, I want high elves, simple as that. If the Horde gets something else in return(like say Amani trolls or whatever) so be it.

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And the ones in the RTS are for the most parts the ones who left the Alliance and joined the horde. There was only one RTS where they were completely part of the Alliance (and even back then they weren’t an eager member)

And making the high elves a part of the horde was a net positive to the game and story, and yet here we are well over a decade later.

That’s good. The person I was responding to was commenting on someone pulling out the nonsense that giving even more to the Alliance after the compromise and then added favoritism would somehow just be a compromise instead of more pandering.

Those of Kael 's group did leave, but they were not the only ones like for example Vereesa group/the Kirin Tor high elves/those that joined Jaina. They have remained loyal members of the Alliance all this time. Regardless of their race’s official depature, if anything that actually makes their loyalty that much more commendable.

And making the void elves part of the Alliance has been a net positive, and hopefully someday the full high elf package.

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Yes yes, you have a handful of elves that abandoned their people and culture that you want to pretend are the one true elf.