How do the High Elves feel about Void Elves?

Can’t get rid of everything else.

Void Elves are their own thing. We’re children of the Void.

Blizzard really needs a Void expansion they keep hinting at and let us do our thing that no other elf can do.


This is because we are here asking about high elves because of its ties to the RTS and like it or not WoW is rooted in the RTS. And even after the supposed “saga” ending does not mean it is still not affecting it to this day. Simply claiming the blood elves are the “parent” race because they were the first playable one added in WoW is nothing more then arbitrary.

The side that still tried to kill them. And really, saying the alliance never helped them is false as well considering Kael was helped by the night elves as well. Hell, if not for her their precious prince would have died long before he got to outland.

The blood elves structure were likely malfuctioning all on their own and didn’t need the night elves to sabotage it. Also, considering said magic was literally tearing the fabric of reality abit of clandestine military reconisance seemed appropriate.

Since when did population ever matter? And if simply questing for someone is enough to make them a race for a faction, then the goblins should equally be an Alliance race. Hell, we have a literal goblin NPC who is a high ranked member of SI:7.


Alliance did that too, except they did that while supposedly being their allies.

And why was he in the position to have died there in the first place?

That’s an exrtremely generous reading for the Alliance.

Believe me, as a horde player, I know. We really need to get humans for the amount of time we follow them around.

Also, isn’t that your point about the “high” elves?

Also as I didn’t see this earlier

You’re seriously trying to say the elves of Quel’thelas, who have the continuation of the government, have all of the organizations and culture and people of the race are the “offshoots” of the 5 elves who screamed that Lor’themar wasn’t their real dad and ran off to pretend to be humans in SW or Dalaran?

Actually as far as we know Garithos seemed to have been acting on his own without the support of the rest of the Alliance. Hence why Shaw does not have high opinions of him. I mean if you want to play the blame an entire race for the actions of one individual we can do that to and suffice the say the Horde will be blood red.

Because he wanted to travel to Dalaran after the plague had nearly destroyed everything? Of his own volition I might add.

And yet that is still a possible reading of it. Especially considering the guy maintaining the Sanctum mentioned it and only decided to change his stance when they learned of the night elves. A pretty convenient change in stance I might add.

I am saying the race that calls themselves high elves and maintained the traditions/values of the original race is the “parent” race. And not the ones who tossed it all out the moment it was inconvenient.

I mean, they are. That’s why they’re Blood Elves and don’t want to be addressed as High Elves. They see themselves as something entirely different.

High Elves aren’t the Sub as they’re the ones Blood and even Void originally were derived from.


No one cares about this helfer headcanon.

Possible, but unprobable what with all the stuff like the dwarf spy I believe having diagrams of those buildings he was passing on to the nelves.

That’s the Blood Elves. Not the high elves.

You mean the High Elves.

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“You think I do not know what I am? We sin’dorei were given a choice: our integrity or our well-being. As if that were any kind of choice at all. I chose my well-being. My wife chose her integrity.”

That is the high elves and not the blood elves.

And nothing proves it was them tampering with it. In fact, even BC lore talks about how volatile all the magic the blood elves were using.

Baenan spat on the floor near the elf’s feet. “Ye blood elves wouldn’t know nobility if ye had th’ definition tattooed on yer foreheads. Pathetic, slavering magic addicts, ye even sold out yer own people!

Talithar’s face whitened, giving Baenan the satisfaction of having hit a nerve. He realized it was unwise to bait his jailor, but he was too angry to care.

“Aye,” he pressed, “I’ve met high elves in me life. I know what ye did tae them. I come from Loch Modan; I’ve heard th’ stories from th’ Farstrider lass there—”

Always loved that part of the short story. Sold out their own people? I guess that what blood elves are. The dude didn’t even try to deny it.


Yes. We all know you don’t believe the Alliance can do anything bad no matter what comes out.

And really. I don’t care about what one Belf said in a book in a passage that really feels icky in how it presents the issue.

The Blood Elves honor the dead of QT, the have the continuation of the government, all the organizations like the Magisters and Farstriders are still part of their society. They are the continuation of those that came before.

The high elves abandoned their people in their moment of greatest need to hide with humans and act self righteous. They are the ones that turned their back on what they were.


The high elves were tossed out of their home because of the leader. Funny how history repeated itself in the inverse thanks to the Purge.

The high elves honor their dead to. They just don’t hide behind it as an excuse to have done despicable things.


One lodge was kicked out due to causing drama. The rest of the elves just didn’t come back.

As far as I can tell the High Elves have the blood elves cleary beat for horrible acts commited.

Wrong. which again the short story proves.

Baenan spat on the floor near the elf’s feet. “Ye blood elves wouldn’t know nobility if ye had th’ definition tattooed on yer foreheads. Pathetic, slavering magic addicts, ye even sold out yer own people!

Talithar’s face whitened, giving Baenan the satisfaction of having hit a nerve. He realized it was unwise to bait his jailor, but he was too angry to care.

“Aye,” he pressed, “I’ve met high elves in me life. I know what ye did tae them. I come from Loch Modan; I’ve heard th’ stories from th’ Farstrider lass there—”

It was high elves in general, and not just the lodge that was kicked.

I don’t know, creating mana bombs and siding with a genocidal maniac and committing genocide, twice, is kinda hard to beat.


For the way you avoid even reading a little bit into all the set up of what the alliance was doing in the Belf starter questing, that’s a lot of leaping there. The only one we have listed as definite exile is Quel’lithien. The rest ends up with stuff like “chose not to return”

That’s stretching a term there.

I mean, I assume we have the exaggeration of Teldrassil, what’s the other? When a military fort got blown up for being the landing point of an invasion?

The UVG states, in blanket terms, that the Alliance’s high elves stuck with it after the Second War and chose not to return to Quel’Thalas after the third. So no, that passage “proves” nothing, and trying to pass that dwarf’s in-universe seething off as Word of God lore rather puts Zerde’s own integrity into question. Baenan’s rant is directly contradicted by the canon and isn’t even consistent with how Lor’themar himself reflects on the lodge’s exile.

It’s especially funny since that short story ends with the dwarf and blood elf parting as friends and the latter dying a hero. “No integrity,” though. :laughing:


It’s literally their origin story. They aren’t High Elves - they’re Blood Elves.

Address them by their actual name.


Which are the high elves of wow.

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You seem hard in the head.

Blood Elves were High Elves.

Not all High Elves are Blood Elves.

Blood Elves existing doesn’t suddenly mean High Elves don’t.


Present tense, Blood elves ARE High Elves.

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No, they aren’t.

They no longer see themselves as High Elves.

Call them by their chosen name.


The UVG, just like Chronicles and other material, are just snap shots/condensed portions of lore/not the entire thing.

Or the story was focused on the lodge, hence his thinking at that point was purely focused on the lodge he was dealing with.

Actually the wording is:

Yet some high elves remained outside of Quel’thalas, digusted by the actions of their bretheren, and to this day still support the Alliance.(glad I have the book)

I does not say they “chose” to remain/was not simply forced out. And considering this is after Lother’mar going “yeah you can come back now, just ignore how we forced you out in the first place” does not actually negate the lore that they were tossed out in the first place.


Not to mention that if Vereesa went back home they would arrest her immediately and use her as a political hostage.

I highly doubt any member of the Silver Covenant can just go home freely unless they defect.