I know that Blood Elves hate their Voidkin but what about High Elves?
I assume indifference at worse, probably friendly relationships at best due to the fact they are both on the “same” side. I mean the leaders of the two races are sisters.
We see them in Stormwind walking together being super friendly. We also see them hanging out in Veldrakken at the spa. High/Void Elves are basically family of exiles and get along quite well. If you go to the Mage Quarter and walk around you will see Void Elves walking with High Elven mages. If you go into the tower you will find a High Elf teacher with a Void Elf in her class of students.
At the Spa you will find a Void Elf Darkfallen with a groupie including High/Blood Elves. At the line you will see a Void Elf with her girlfriend who’s a Night elf. So Elven relations are quite close on the Alliance side. In the starting area of the Dragon Isles you will see Void Elves talking with Blood Elves. So it appears that Thalassians are more or less super friendly in Dragonflight.
Well, it’s nice to see High Elves are much more tolerant with their Voidkin and want to help them.
Exactly! As Zerde mentioned, their leaders are sisters and they’re both living in exile. Most if not all Thalassian exiles share kinship. If you walk around Stormwind you will see High Elves interacting with Void Elves especially in the Mage quarter. If you’re interested in roleplay there are active community on the Alliance side who show this relationship between Thalassian elves.
Aw, wish we had High Elves playable as well in that case. Would be interesting to have that dynamic between High Elves and their Voidkin for players in game
I think this has to do with the Sun Well being Arcane and Light in nature.
More than an actual real hate among their people its an public safety WoW situation… I think if a story is written it must have been hard on the nations families… to further split the nations even more… (IMO)
Then again that place has not known peace and has been in ruins for a LONG time, even as a High Elf I would like to leave and join with my cousins and extended family as some of these people know each other for more than a thousand years! (IMO)
We are in all, but name. Void Elves are High Elves as they are former Blood Elves and you can see that in Telogrus Rift that High Elves are joining their kin in learning about the Void and the reason we have the skin tones of High/Blood Elves is because the Voidkin have been recruiting and now the population has exploded as can be seen since BFA. More and more find their way into the Void Elven ranks.
You do. You’ve got the option of blonde blue eyed pale skin Alliance Elves who speak Thalassian. Their leader is Alleria. What more could you ask for?
No. We’re Void Elves. We even got our own Void place and elvish name.
Since High Elves are exiles, being stuck on a rock is appropriate.
Look at this girl… she’s High Elf blonde and rocking it.
So get TRP and set your race to Quel’dorei, then go hang out in Hinterlands or something
The actual race name high elf and arcane theme racials? I am still hoping for a night elf night warrior style quest that gives us the customization option to change our name/change all the racials to arcane theme with similar functionalities.
People have been asking for High Elf theme for over a decade. Void Elves already make great mages, priests, warlocks etc. People still want more and the arcane theme racials have been done to death by Blood Elves/Nightborne and I think Void theme racials are pretty cool, and Night Elves having Nature theme is unique. Though I get where some people are coming from. I just think the racials themselves are fine and people need to be happy we have Thalassian elves and they’re Alliance.
All the night warrior t heme did was add an eye color which is now part of the standard customisation package.
What you are asking for would be a heck of a lot more to code. Void Elves have essentially removed any narrative space for High Elves at this point.
I think there will always be space for both high and void elves in the story. As an example, Vereesa did not disappear from the spotlight simply because we now have Alleria.
As for “hard” I am not sure it would be that much harder. Pretty sure certain toys can change your race nameplate/certain quest already do it.
I didn’t say “hard” I said that it would be more work, which means more diversion of manhours to do the coding and testing. And work does not come without costs.
Hard/more work, tomato/tomato. Look, I dont think the effort would be significantly more then what was needed for the NE black eye especially considering your essencially just changing the name.
Everything. They’ll ask for everything. Even after they get it there’s always more.