How do the High Elves feel about Void Elves?

There should have been no high elves that remained on the alliance side.

  1. The alliance (outside of Jaina’s brigades) was destroyed wc3.
  2. The High Elves weren’t part of the alliance in wc3
  3. High Elves were never noted (to my knowledge) of having such a high opinion of humans, that they would abandon hearth and home and even go to war against their countrymen because they thought humans were so.

I’m pretty sure High Elves regarded humans with a degree of disdain or contempt. Canon fodder even.


That’s…that’s just what the video chose to show. The concept is that you can choose a background based on your race, class, faction, or the current expansion. Along with what music you want, whether or not you want your current active pet or mount to show up.

And again, it was just a concept by one dude on his computer. I assume the final result from a AAA game company would look a little better and polished.

It’s honestly astounding you don’t think it’s an idea with at least some merit.

Blizzard makes narrative room for whatever they want. That’s like saying Worgen and Goblins didn’t make sense because there was no narrative room for them before Cataclysm. Or there was no narrative room for Pandaria before MoP. Blizzard wrote the narrative room.

Admittedly I’m a bit of a grouch over the concept of ARs in general; they felt like a conceptually cheap way to pad out the race roster and I dislike every single one that was added. Dracthyr felt like a huge visual letdown for me as well; it’s disappointing enough that they look so twiggy (on account of being based off of the awful female worgen model) but then not being able to transmog as well? And the visage limitations, ugh.

It’s just that nightborne and void elves are different from the other ARs in that they’re the only two to have traded factions to do so. I don’t think HM Tauren should’ve been a separate playable option when they could’ve been customization, but in the end they’re both still on the same faction, as would taunka if Blizzard was dumb enough to make a third tauren entry for them. Adding separate high elves would put the ratio of a formerly horde-only model to 2:1 in favor of the alliance.

Given that development time is limited, I don’t see this as a good use of limited resources. I’d go to the bottom priority on my list, dig a subcellar and stick this there.

It would.

High Elf fans never asked for a lot. They really want to play as an Alliance High Elf.

And THEY GOT IT. You can have a character

  1. Has the blonde hair.

  2. has the blue eyes.

  3. speaks Thalassian

  4. is an elf.

  5. wears the Alliance tabards

  6. Has the Quel’dorei body model.

If you’re willing to put in a minimal amount of effort you can get a white hawkstrider aa silver crescent hyppogryph and dragonhawk mounts to complete the ensmble.


Its “parent race” were always an Alliance one, the high elves. The only reason this entire thing has been on going is precisely because the high elves were original alliance races that ended up on the Horde side for population balance sake. Now that that is no longer a problem, it should be returned to its rightful place.

And again, we still don’t have what we want, which is the high elf racial title and the coresponding arcane theme racials.

In this same vein, if Blizzard were to finally give us “sub race title” I wouldn’t be oppose to having it extended to the various races. “Blackrock orc, Amani trolls, Lordearon humans, Stormwind Forsaken, Wildhammer Dwarves” etc,

Danuser already said we don’t need a 100 different intro and we effectively are the race we consider our toons but having said that more customization options would be awesome and generally speaking, would probably not take too much dev time if we get the ability to customize our race name.


They weren’t “always” an Alliance race. They were isolationists that had reluctant ties only with the Kingdom of Lordaeron due to debts owed to the bloodline of Terenas.

After the Second War like several other Alliance nations, they quit the Alliance. After being devastated by the Scourge, some of the survivors teamed up with what remaining leadership still existed in the northern Eastern Kingdoms, a team up which they would regret.

They were invited into the Horde by their old allies. the risen nation of Lordaeron now led by one who used to be one of their own… their own former Ranger General.

I wasn’t responding to you, but to the poster who said t hat "All we wanted was to be able to play an Alliance High Elf"and I pointed that IS what you have right now. racial titles don’t enter into game play, in fact it’s a miracle when my own race recognises that I’m not a stinking human.


I am talking on a meta level here. As in the very first game they were added, Warcraft 2, they were an Alliance race and even during Warcraft 3 where they “officially” departed there were those that ignored it and chose to still part of the Alliance all the way to present day.

They have been members of the Alliance, since the Alliance actually began.


They didn’t get it.

That’s still a Void Elf and all the things that come with it.

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You can get rid of all of the tentacles.

Being able to dimension jump works very well with an elven theme.

And again cosmetically you have the full High Elven appearance and body type, and you have the language.

Blizzard’s solution to the debacle was to allow both the existing “high elf” races to use high elf customizations. More might be done with that in the future, maybe Alleria/Rommath-themed tattoos and whatnot, but it certainly torpedoed any hope of high elves carrying their own player race.

Personally, I have no more sympathy for the request. We all knew how it would end. The push for a unique race with its own themes and aesthetics decayed over time into transparent begging for copy/pasted blood elf assets. First their skin tones and hairstyles, now their racials and thematics and heritage armor, probably half of their city next; I’d laugh if it wasn’t all so sad.

Cem put it more diplomatically, and he’s right, the “Alliance high elf” fantasy has been realized through the Thalassian exiles’ intertwining and the customizations open to them. A special void elf quest to just slough your racial identity entirely is a silly ask to say the least.


Not much at all, just a straight up copy of the Horde’s most popular race.


Which should never gone to the Horde in the first place, but here we all are.


Nah, it’s a much better story that way. It was set up in WC3 and all. Makes sense and the game was better for it.

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Oh? That the blood elves would be more willing to side with the faction that tried to wipe them out?

It would make just as much sense that the blood elves would have reconciled with the Alliance a la Gilneas/Kul Tiras.

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Funny how often this gets overlooked. The blood elves were divorced from the Alliance and put on a monster faction long before TBC.


And funny how you ignore we still had high elves in the Alliance in Vanilla WoW.

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sided with the side that was actually helping them and led by one of their fallen heroes and didn’t join the side that kept dicking them over despite supposedly being their allies?

Alliance shouldn’t have gone sabotaging Belf magical infrastructure with a clandestine military force then.

Enough to count on a hand!

Also a reminder that horde has been questing for high elves just as long too.


I thought the context of my post was clear enough that I was talking about playable options you’d see at WoW’s character creation screen. There’s no reason to talk about allied races as a mechanic outside of that.