How do the High Elves feel about Void Elves?

They live in Dalaran and Stormwind so they’re not homeless. Those like Vereesa cannot go home as she would be arrested the moment she steps into Silvermoon and used as a political hostage.


I agree that I wish Blizz would give us options about renaming ourselves or giving us a different character selection screen without void. I’ve been a huge advocate of playable High Elves for the Alliance since I started coming on these forums in Wrath. And I’m so happy that we have Thalassian Elves on the Alliance after a decade of being teased by Blizzard continuously shoving High Elves in our faces and then saying “Never be playable though”.

But I’m just really not a fan of the void or void themed stuff. The racial ability and the character login screen really break my immersion as someone who chooses to pretend my Void Elf is a High Elf.

Honestly all it would take is a selection in the character creation menu and where you select Thalassian Elves and choose between Void or High Elf. The only differences between the two would be the stormwind background for your character’s login screen instead of the void one, the racial abilities would be changed to arcane themed coloring/animations instead of void ones, and “High Elf” would show up when you hover over someone instead of “Void Elf”. And maybe if they wanted to just finish the fight, give High Elves a High Elf themed bird mount and a High Elf blue themed copy of the Blood Elf heritage armor.

Honestly I don’t think it’s a big deal when they’ve shown to work on side things for races like Night Warrior Eyes and Darkfallen Ranger skins. If they just did this then there would never be another High Elf thread again. And then we can focus our power on getting Furbolgs, Ankoan, Frost Dwarves, and Broken Draenei for the Alliance.


In a perfect world Void Elves would have been High Elves and character creation screen wouldn’t be the Telogrus Rift. I don’t see it as a dealbreaker and I don’t linger on the character selection screen for too long. I know it’s a problem, but the racials are fine.

Turning Void as my hunter, reminds me that High Elves have joined their Voidkin and have embraced the shadows. It’s why are characters are what they are. A new generation of Thalassian elves who openly follow the path of Alleria Windrunner. I know it isn’t perfect, but I think if we embrace the new lore instead nitpick it to death we will have a better experience.


Well, we could still get High Elves one day… They are very popular and would be easy to implement for big returns.

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You essentially have them. Since they’re present in all but name, Blizzard isn’t going to add them as a separate race.

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I never saw the login screen on any character as “part of my immersion”. In fact, quite the opposite. Messing with magic from Beyond… that’s totally elven.

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Not really. My racial and theme are Void and our voicelines are pretty Void too. I believe we have a voice filter too so we should off due to the Void when compared to High and Blood Elves.

Blizzard should release High Elves and then go full Void options for Void Elves.

I don’t think they’ll ever add them as a separate race at this point since Void Elves can look just like High Elves. I think the best we can hope for are a few of these minor UI changes to complete our immersion. Different background options for our characters (which would benefit everyone who wants to change the background), a racial title option for High Elf instead of Void Elf, and changing the color of the racials. These changes would just be replacing wording and changing colors.

You underestimate how much I don’t like Void stuff or it’s color scheme. Having to look at all that void stuff every time I log on a character personally breaks my immersion and it’s a bit of a reminder that Blizz really just would do absolutely anything except give us High Elves, including pulling a new race out of the nether that makes even less sense.


I disagree. Each faction already has multiples of the same base race (like Human or Orc) and High Elves would prove popular and the easiest allied race to add in. Blizzard can’t lose adding them into the Alliance.

That would be easier than adding in new customization options which wouldn’t really entice players or build hype.

While annoucing playable Alliance High Elves, after so long, would generate a ton of buzz and player enthusiasm.

For me the login screen has never ever been part of my immersion.

And again customization means that you can have your blonde hair, blue eyes, and get rid of all of the Lovecraft trimmings. You can have TotalRP addon give you all the High Elf haughty bits you can ask for.

I fully agree, I just think giving Void Elves the High Elf options was Blizz’s way of saying “Hey here’s your stuff so you can be High Elves”. I just think the more likely scenario from our stubborn overlords is that they’ll add something like a background changer and maybe even a racial glyph or something to change the color scheme of our racials.

Personally I hope the next expac is an old world revamp and since the worst expacs are the ones with no new class or race, hopefully they’ll be incentivized to add a few more allied races. The obvious ones for Alliance are High Elves, Broken, Furbolgs, Frost Dwarves, and Ankoan.

I get that, but that login screen IS there to immerse you. It’s why it changes depending on what race or class you are. It’s great that you can ignore it but I just can’t, I hate Void stuff.

Does that addon actually change my racial name to everyone who hovers over me? Or only for those who have the addon?

If that’s what it’s supposed to do, then for me it failed on day one on every single character. Play is what immerses me. Heck it took me pretty much to level 12 to personalise this character. For me the login screen on any game is about as immersive as a store window dress model. The only really immersive one for me has been the group gang character screen on Lost Ark because the characters there actually have more nuanced and varying poses on the character selection screen. None of Blizzard’s games are even close.

I’ve always found the Lost Ark screen to be amusing because each of the characters is in a different pose of boredom until you mouse over them, and then they snap to attention.

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It’s not really meant to do anything but give a neat background based on the character you pick. That’s all. I’m willing to bet 90%+ of people barely give the background any thought. If they do at all.

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Here’s the problem.

The narrative window for introducing the High Elves was mostly closed during the RTS. The introduction of Blood Elves closed that window since they claim the nation of Quel’thelas.

The remaining sliver of a door was closed when Alleria emerged with Turalyon and her band of Void Elves. The other thing is that the Blood Elves ARE High Elves. they are 90 percent of those Quel’dorei who survived Arthas’ diplomatic visit. And in the beginning the name change was nothing more than that a change to honor the fallen. The Void Elves are a subset of this group.

Alleria seems to have pretty much abandoned the High Elves that are still on Outland.


Not really.

Just have the High Elf have their start intro be in Dalaran as a member of the Silver Covenant who gets sent to Stormwind. That would satisfy every High Elf fan.

I highly doubt it. They would want their own city, the full enchilada. And even then it might not be enough.

It’s been a fairly popular idea for us to choose what backgrounds we want for years.

Are you telling me this wouldn’t be cool to add in the game? If not then fine, but I really don’t get the concept of being against Blizz adding things to the game to customize our experience.

It really doesn’t matter, Blizz has shown time and again that rule of cool overwrites story or lore. They can easily have the High Elves represent the Alliance, AGAIN, during a new patch and it would give plenty of room to add High Elves as playable, if they so chose. And keep in mind, that’s not even the most likely scenario I’m advocating for. But I would be even more excited if they just gave us High Elves as their own race at this point.

I always think this is a nonsense argument. Yes, we all know Blood Elves are High Elves. What we, the Alliance want, are to be able to play the High Elves that remained on the Alliance side. The ones that are literally everywhere on the Alliance. The ones that are in Stormwind, Hinterlands, and Loch Modan. The ones in the Allerian Stronghold, the ones in Northrend Dalaran, the ones in the Isle of Thunder, the ones that are right there marching along with the Night and Blood Elves in Suramar. Blizzard sure does love keeping them around and keeping them relevant for a supposedly extinct group, who allegedly aren’t united. There have been like five times Blizz could’ve made them playable.

But I’m sure more reasons will come up for why we’re stupid for wanting to play an obvious Alliance race that get more screen time than Worgen or Gnomes, in a game that I pay a monthly sub to play.

Edit: Hilariously I just encountered a Void Elf in Stormwind going for a High Elf theme and I whispered him and he wants more options as well. We just bonded over our shared hope.


Giving the alliance a second AR based off of blood elves would be awkward as hell, given that its “parent race”, so to speak, is a horde one. I don’t know if there’d be any way to really balance that out without pushing yet another nelf knockoff on the horde as well to keep things looking “fair” but I’d really not look forward to that at all.


Not denying that at all. But they’ve shown flexibility with races over the last few years, first with Allied Races in general being easy to make knock offs of main races, then with Dracthyr who can’t transmog pieces outside of their visage. I think if they really wanted to they’d do it. And the Horde version wouldn’t have to be another Elf, it could be Mok’nathal or something.

Again, whether they’re a whole new race or added options for Void Elves I’ll be happy. I just don’t get the stance of being against adding more options for players who want them. It’s like saying we have too many Tauren races already so I’m against Taunka becoming playable for Horde. In reality I also want you guys to get the races that Blizz skipped over.

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Yes I would it’s busy, and downright ugly. and it’s Night Elven, not a High Elven theme at all. I would not have wanted that for my Night Elves.

Because you want things that don’t have any narrative room for them. It’s like asking for a Death Knight expansion during Legion.