How do the High Elves feel about Void Elves?

You’d think so, but there’s blood elves and high elves hanging out in the rift and void elves walking around Stormwind with high elves.



They did a lot more to protect those stolen bloodstones (and their thieves) than the Hillsbrad farmers did to protect their fields, and both parties freely exchanged supply caravans while Hillsbrad (sworn in writing to Wrynn) sabotaged the Undercity’s. The Kirin Tor had their own agent in SFK only Alliance can speak to, their forces in Silverpine and Hillsbrad were not just non-hostile but Friendly to the Alliance, and the guy who’s overseeing the dome (and implied to be the one who worked with Garithos against Kael) is the same guy who, along with Jaina, voted to be rid of the Horde in Legion.

Whether they’re helpful is subjective. Before Cata retcons, Arugal was their fault and they were still on the “welfare check” stage with him while the Forsaken were prepared to kill him. But they were committed to the Alliance. And Ansirem Runeweaver, whatever his faults, is one of the main reasons Kalec and Rhonin even had a city to tolerate the Horde in.

And Lanesh and High Elves returning to Quel’thalas.

I’m curious, do we know of any high elves returning to Quel’thalas permanently?

I know there’s some blue eyed blood elves, but do we have any story for former Alliance loyalist high elves who went home and stayed home? This isn’t me being crabby. I’d just be interested to know.

It was Softsong who noted that Lanesh looks like he is wearing tattered Scryer clothing, and if he’s a former Scryer he’s an Outland High Elf presumably, because his blue eyes indicate he wasn’t w BEs during the time we would have gotten them as a side effect to stuff.

So if he’s a Outland HE he could be one of the Shattrath refugees we see or Allerian Elves.

And when asked Danuser on twitter said there is a story behind him & they are aware he has blue eyes the story just hasn’t been told yet. So the speculation / request for that story to be told is just as valid as Alliance HE fans who want to see some integration of any Elves in the rift.

The fact we have the blue eyed customization again allows for player agency for that story but the story isn’t baseless either, I know Mag has made the argument in the past as well but more centered around claiming Auric.

So it’s still a mystery about Lanesh’s deal and there’s no others we know of, then? Gotcha. I was just wondering if I’d missed anything.

I feel like Lanesh’s deal is tangible as people wishful thinking the SC out of Dalarans neutrality.

It’s a story that people feel is implied, Lanesh was introduced when blue eyes was still the determining factor of non Blood Elf High Elves, and pre dating the blue eye customization, and confirmed by devs to not be a bug & that they were aware of him bcz it was intentional.

Since then they’ve only continued to add blue eyed Blood Elf npcs, and given Lanesh a valid story assumption / hope can be to see some neutral High Elves return home.

True, and we also know that the green is wearing off. Or at least is supposed to be doing so.

So without story, it’s anyone’s guess what’s up with short elves.

As usual.

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To be fair that’s all you have Alliance side too.

So if both sides have that player agency, both sides should get story to appease people on both sides, because Blood Elves are High Elves and some people like that story narrative.

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No. That would be the Dark Trolls.

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If you read the Sylvannas novel, you’ll be restrained into how much of a violin you want to play for them. They were essentially Greyhawk Elves with all of the nastiness of Forgotten Realms Drow.

Who are extinct. Because Blizzard hates trolls.

“Hate” is probably a little strong. The Void Elves were kicked out because they were a danger to BE society but that doesn’t necessarily translate to personal hatred. Could be more like “We tried to tell them but they just wouldn’t listen, so regretfully, we had to send them away” or even “Why would they betray us like that?”

If there’s any hatred going on, it seems more likely to be in the other direction, since Void Elves immediately and cheerfully started attacking the people they originally said they wanted to protect.

The way it has always read to me is that all the different elves are pretty arrogant and chauvinist towards each other and everyone else, save the Night Elves who just seem benevolently patronizing and forgivably fruity.

Just how it seems from my playing the game and reading one novel, so not terribly authoritative.

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Elves are like trolls they hate each other until they need each other, and Elune forbid you say, “You are all the same!” Remember the Suramar questing in Legion where Elisande pointed out the elven differences? I always laughed cause she was not wrong!


I am sorry, I couldnt read all the 415 comments and such so I don’t know if it’s discussed, I was wondering if the void elfs can infiltrate silvermoon or Blood Elves can infiltrate Stormwind . I can assume they have magical wards in the city that can detect void energy within the city. But If it looks like a blood/void elf , walks like a blood/void elf and speak like a blood/void elf ( Thalassian) it would be easy to impersonate , even easier if they even find a way to mask their void presence. And also silvermoon is a capital but what about surrounding villages and pockets of BE/VE presence all around Azeroth and Outland? If I were Alleria and I was aggresive about cutting the elves ties with horde. I would send many agents disguised as Blood Elves and manipulate the blood elves from within step by step. As a gameplay method we players can see who is enemy or friend but in the World of Azeroth I believe no one is walking around in with a plate that states their name and race above their heads.

The Alliance doesn’t even need void elves to infiltrate Silvermoon. Shaw apperently has high level contacts in Silvermoon city.

Similarly, even Thrall has some human spies.

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Shaw hasn’t got a great track record.

Or like the dragon aspects we don’t actually see the good things he has does and the story will always have to focus on when he fails/barely suceeds.

Don’t forget Shaw apperently has a list of artifacts he keeps tabs on/makes sure doesn’t fall into the wrong hands. At the very least he seems better then Dalaran in that regard.

Yeah Void Elves who don’t have purple skin can potentially infiltrate the city as they pass as High Elves. Blood Elves have already had a blood elf going in and out. That Valeera Sanguinar who’s a friend of the monarchy of Stormwind. Blood Elves that don’t have fel green eyes merely have to cover their bodies and enter the city and pretend to be a high elf. Though to be fair, Shaw has contacts who are Alliance aligned within Silvermoon and can enter and go without much problem. Thalassian elves like Pandaren shouldn’t lore wise have an issue of entering opposing cities due to both races being in both factions. Similarly with Dracthyr.