How do the High Elves feel about Void Elves?

Why would they need to do this. They look exactly like high elves. They’re the same thing.

High Elves and Void Elves don’t have fel green eyes. High Elves don’t have it because they didn’t siphon mana from creatures/demons. Void Elves don’t have green fel eyes because they are void infused and they return to blue/purple/etc eyes.

Blood Elves are the ones with fel green eyes. Though thanks to the Sunwell that is changing. So Blood Elves pretending to be Void/High Elves need to either hide their eyes if they’re fel green or have been cleansed and have blue eyes etc.

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I thought the green eyes came from radiation coming off of those fel crystals that were keeping the city running, not because of mana sucking. And trying to absorb fel magic was just a fast track to becoming wretched.

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You indicated blue eyed blood elves above.

Yes, it was radiation from the fel crystals.

Over indulgence of mana caused the wretched state.

Back in BC blood elves had a racial ability to siphon mana from creatures. Lore wise the green eyes were from siphoning those fel demonic green crystals which they used to rebuild part of Silvermoon. The city’s elves became mana addicts and that infuriated the High Elves who didn’t siphon mana from living creatures and demons. The technique taught by Illidan to Kael’thas/Rommath was a demon siphon skill which later all Blood Elves had done.

They were also like orcs exposed to the fel magics to help restore Quel’thelas. This is why Farstriders lore wise have fel eyes. They didn’t necessarily siphon mana as much, but were exposed to constant corrupt magics.

Currently younger elves are now being born or lack the direct corruption from the fel usage. This will take years to filter out from the Blood Elven population. If a blood elf wanted to appear like a High Elf/Void Elf they merely have to hide their eyes or have been cleansed and restored blue etc eyes.

Radiation and siphoning. Did you play during BC? Blood Elves reclaimed their lands with fel magics and many willingly drained magic and used the demonic technique taught to them via Illidan thru Rommath.

I played from vanilla onwards.

It was radiation for playable blood elves and nothing more.

This has been stated by devs several times now.

Some members of the blood elves did siphon power from the fel but most of them were with Kael’thas and would eventually become the Felblood Elves.

I assume warlocks still partake though.


Weren’t all high elves biologically mana addicts and didn’t know it until the Sunwell blew up? Maybe I’m reading too much into it but it doesn’t make sense to refer to just the city elves as addicts when they were all suffering from its loss.

I wasn’t aware the mana siphoning technique itself was demonic, though. Where was that mentioned? Because sucking on fel magic should’ve just corrupted them super fast, like that one quest hub in the belf starting zone, or Kael’thas himself after he had a demon crystal wedged in his chest.

It’s not. The opposite is actually stated with comments about siphoning demon energy being a step too far for them.

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That person also likes to play the numbers game in order to buff Alliance Thalassian numbers I can’t take their arguments seriously

Not correct. Blood Elves used Mana Tap which was taught by Illidan via Rommath. It’s why one of the High Elves in Allerian Stronghold comments, “I won’t suck the mana right out of you.” Fel exposure and use of mana tap.

Mana tap is unique in that it is (or was) one of the few racials not only directly referenced in the lore, but a large part of it. Via Illidan Stormrage, Kael’thas Sunstrider was able to learn a formidable technique by which to sate the elves’ magical addiction: the process of forcibly taking arcane magic from external sources. A servant of his, Rommath, went on to spread these teachings back home in Quel’Thalas, allowing the general sin’dorei populace (of which we the players belong to) to better deal with the pangs of addiction. Prior to its removal in Patch 3.0.2, instruction in its usage (mana tapping the crazed mana wyrms around the isle) was among the first things taught to new blood elf players.

Reckless overuse of the technique led to the birth of the Wretched, a group of physically warped magical addicts who showed neither restraint nor sensibility in their mana tapping.

The racial’s removal also ties directly into the lore, as with the revival of the Sunwell, there is no longer any need for blood elves to continually sustain themselves with energies from any other source than the well.

In the lore, even non-magi ordinary blood elves like Valeera Sanguinar are able to use Mana Tap for potent semi-offensive purposes, such as Valeera critically weakening Broll Bearmantle during his arena fight; absorbing magical energies from the naga during their confrontation at sea; and preventing several assassins from slaying Varian Wrynn after they reached the Eastern Kingdoms.

Kael’thas beseeched Illidan for a cure to the blood elves’ addiction to magic. Illidan had a different proposal in mind, though: in return for the blood elves’ loyalty, he would teach them to drain magic from powerful alternative sources, including demons. It was an offer Kael’thas felt he had to accept; he was certain his people would die without either a cure or a new source of magic. Kael’thas pledged his allegiance to Illidan, who taught several blood elves the techniques he had offered. These teachings spread to the other blood elves in Outland, who were then able to stave off their painful hunger for arcane magic. The prince sent back a master magus named Rommath and several of his magisters, with a message of hope for the blood elves remaining in Quel’Thalas: That one day Kael’thas would return to lead his people to paradise. Rommath has made great progress in teaching the blood elves advanced techniques to manipulate arcane energies, although unlike their brethren on Outland, the blood elves of Azeroth employed this technique only on mana crystals and small mana-bearing vermin, and attributed these teachings to Kael’thas alone - most were unaware of their prince’s alliance with Illidan. With renewed purpose, the blood elves rebuilt the city of Silvermoon, though it is powered by volatile magics.[10] Emboldened by the promise of Kael’thas’ return, the weary citizens of Quel’Thalas focused on regaining their strength, even as they forge a new path into an uncertain future.[11]

Really what argument do you mean? The Dragonflight NPCS? The BFA additions and so on? If you have an argument worth making. Present it. If not, then concede. It’s simple. The Void Elves were recruiting we see this in Telogrus Rift. We see this in Veldrakken and on the Dragon Isles Expedition teams. We see Void Elves in the Assault of Nazmir, Battle for Lordaeron and Battle for Zuldazar. If we took your argument seriously that only Umbric and a handful of students became Void Elves then the armies fielded in BFA and NPCs presented in many areas would make no sense. I’ve already presented the facts, my sources, and listed names, quests and in-game events. You have not.


I like the changing goal posts there, changing to talking about mana tap after going on about fel siphoning.

Also quite amused tying in fel exposure and a Allerian Stronghold high elf who most likely has had magnitudes more fel exposure in their time in Outland than any Blood Elf would have.

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I am correct.

Yes they do.

It’s not demonic. Nor does it have to be used on the fel. It works on inherent magic within most things.

No fel exposure was caused inherently by mana tap and per blizzard no player, or most of the populace of Silvermoon, drained the fel. Their green eyes were a result of the fel crystals being used to power the city itself.

The blood elves serving Kael’thas in Outland are a different group. Many of which would later become the Felblood elves.

No use of it to drain fel here nor is it demonic in nature.

I stated the same, but again no fel there, at least inherently.

Still not inherently fel based in any capacity…

I think you lost the plot of your argument.

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Mana Tap is a form of spell siphoning which was a warlock ability and in-lore demonic skill taught by Illidan. Did you not read Illidan the book? This is all well established lore going back to 2006.

You didn’t read Illidan (book) or bothered doing all the questing and understanding of the lore behind it? The reason for the use of volatile magics aka demon magics was to sate their hunger. It was a survival mechanism taught by Illidan. Mana tap lore wise was a skill taught by Illidan and spread via Rommath. I can get more sources. Trust me, that statement is false.

That’s the reason why Night Elves studying the movements and actions of the Blood Elves. That’s why we had Blackfathom Deeps questing.

Foolish blood elves toil with demonic magic. Have they not witnessed what happened with the naga and with the satyrs of Kalimdor?

I fear that the blood elves will meet a similar deformation. Azeroth cannot afford to give birth to another vile race of monsters.

I wish to study the brain stems of the satyr and naga so that I might deduce what fate the elves are headed toward. In Blackfathom Deeps, on the coast of Ashenvale, you will find both satyr and naga.

'Tis a long journey, .

And the Blood Elves of Azeroth never used it on demons to siphon fel energy.

They basically just work off what they want to be implied and pass it as fact lol

Like I admit when I’m speaking on something that I feel is implied vs without more than that yet like Lanesh for example

But that person outright argues population numbers of Blood Elves are dwindling compared to some massive surge he sees for Alliance HEs lmao, an actual joke.

The main population of High Elves was always Blood Elves by a large margin. A small squad leaving doesn’t equal dwindling numbers save to some alliance HE stan who is used to operating w their head canon

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No sir, they siphoned magic from mana wyrms and the demonic crystals all over the city. By the end of BC the Blood Elves realized the skill was not a solution and was actually harming them since it was a demonic magic. Gershala Nightwhisper even commented on this. I know not all Blood Elves used demonic magic personally like the Farstriders which leads to confusion, but it wasn’t just fel radiation from the volatile magic, but the mana tap which was a demonic technique taught by Illidan. That’s why the Night Elves were freaking out on the Blood Elves, because the magic being used is dangerous.


The crystals were there to power the city, not for eating.

The Sunwell got reignited so they didn’t need those coping measures anymore.

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Let me get more sources which disproves your statement. The Blood Elves who over indulged can be seen consuming from the crystals. We even have a dungeon boss who shows the results of overconsumption. The fight with Selin Fireheart shows him overindulging himself with consuming from the crystals. We see that makes the wretched and that Blood Elves were consuming the magic itself via siphoning through mana tap. Go quest in Quel’Danas and go to the starting areas of Quel’thelas. There’s evidence all over the place.

Gershala Nightwhisper feared this transformation might occur before the events of The Burning Crusade. He even sent adventurers in Blackfathom Deeps to get corrupted brain stems from naga and satyr. The Wretched can be compared to both naga and satyr because their magical dependence caused them to undergo physiological changes. Unlike those two races, this transformation can occur in an instant as soon as the blood elf succumbs to his or her thirst for magic (as Magistrix Elosai’s transformation into the Wretched shows).

Felblood Initiates use the wretched model when emaciated, indicating a connection between the two.

That’s a shame. Becoming a naga looks like an upgrade instead of staying a belf.