Yeah, they won’t get that and nobody who plays a Thalassian elf should believe that’s ever going to happen. I wish there was an ingame event where all the High Elves in the Alliance and who are neutral became Void Elves officially and put the nail so deep in that coffin nobody on Azeroth or beyond can pull it out.
He is an ambassador at the Sunwell and he isn’t there as a Horde Thalassian, but as a leader of the Alliance faction of Thalassians and he makes it clear. They only want permission to enter their holy of holies and leave as desired. Lor’themar granted them that in WOTLK.
Yes he does.
They’re all children of Silvermoon.
Exactly! “We are all children of Silvermoon!” Void Elves don’t touch the Sunwell! LoLz
Just saying Auric doesn’t seem like a good pick for high elf who doesn’t identify with the blood elves
Last mention of Auric is the island expedition team, Auric’s Angels.
Which probably means he’s still considered a bit of a standard bearer for team Blue.
I know the visage forms can wear armor but I don’t play dracthyr to want to look like a damn elf. Nor do I want to use their visages to look like one.
I’m also not into the dracthyrs’ barbershop armor. So I’m just screwed.
He also was Alleria’s second in command during the expedition to Draenor. He isn’t just going to abandon Lady Alleria Windrunner and turn Horde. I feel like Alleria Windrunner singlehandedly recruited a faction of not just Void Elves, but High Elves who are deeply devoted to her. She is basically a hero among heroes when it comes to Quel’thelas and I would guess many blood elves would join her in the Alliance if given the opportunity. She’s that big of an influence on the Thalassians. Where Alleria goes elves will follow.
It’s just hard to tell what connection he actually has to it, if he sponsors them or if it’s just elves that like him and use his name. I just feel like the elves have a complicated situation where there’s the loyalty to home and then the loyalty to the factions and the tensions between that. Like I can see an Auric type loving Silvermoon and wanting it to be friendlier to the Alliance, but not condemning his kin for not agreeing
For a second, I thought you meant WOD Draenor and I was very confused. I sat that expac out, so I could have easily missed that.
Outlands is my top place in the setting to revisit, even above Ashenvale. And I love Ashenvale a lot. Especially WSG.
Speaking of missed opportunities, I’d like evokers a lot more if they could tank. And if the spelling of dracthyr was just a little more chill instead of very Hiegh Phantasee.
Honestly some High Elves are probably panicking a little. The number of original Quel’dorei who are attuned to the Arcane inherently is probably shrinking, and if they go into the Light vs. Void stuff it’ll get even worse. The Sunwell is pure Light now, so on one side you have the Sin’dorei who are getting more in tune with holy energy to the point of having golden eyes in some cases, then on the other side you have the Ren’dorei who are one bad day from becoming a bucket of purple tentacles speaking in tongues.
At this point a lot of the Quel’dorei might think of themselves as the last of their old ways.
it’s actually a a mix of light and arcane now.
as per devs, the golden eyes are for those elves like paladins and priests who are personally attuned to the light, not the sunwell itself causing it
You’d think Blizzard would give us some lore on that, wouldn’t you?
Anyway, my entire point on that is that we can probably say he’s respected in the Alliance and not siding against them, since the fourth war would be a terrible time to name your patriotic team after a defector. But as usual, wild mass guessing.
At least with Auric there’s a bit from Wrath and the quel’delar questline to support that at least
Yeah, my assumption is that his deal is what it says on the tin: a follower of Alleria, Alliance partisan, but with strong affectionate ties to his old homeland and the people therein.
We could speculate all day, but that seems most parsimonious to me.
yeah, intra-elven issues seem like they’re best summed up as: It’s complicated
Elves: They’re complicated.
And evees
In this essay, I will break down the cladistics of trolls and the effect of magical energy on their morphology, with particular attention to the phylogeny of the group popularly known collectively as elve-- Nah.
Anyway, to try to answer the question in the OP, I don’t think the game’s said anything about what helves think of velves? I would have assumed that, as high elves refused to return to Silvermoon because of that idealogical objection to dark magic, the logical follow-up would be them being disgusted at the velves for not only being stupid enough to do it a second time, but to re-endanger the very object that keeps their entire race healthy. But welp.