Of course, but at some point in their life all Alliance High Elves chose the faction over their homeland. Which is why they’re still a part of the Alliance. They can go back home anytime they want, but they stay for a reason and that reason is that they’re loyal to the Alliance over their homeland, or at the very least they still love their homeland but believe it belongs in the Alliance. Any who don’t feel that way have probably already left and joined the Blood Elves. Aside from the original philosophical reason of not wanting to drain magic from dangerous places, this is the only explanation for why any remain in the Alliance, especially since the Blood Elves stopped messing around with that stuff.
The Great Elf Wars are more or less over, though there’s a few scuffles (mostly out of habit).
Want your Alliance high elf? Slap on the right mog and customize accordingly, then be one of the few, the uncompromising, the regal and the desperate.
Want your Horde high elf? Slap on the right mog and customize accordingly, then return home to your beloved kin and the city and people you’d give your all to protect.
Congratulations, everyone!
Of course, more customizations on both sides would be welcome and void elves are pretty lacking in that department compared to the other 3 Legion Allied races and their beefy pass. And void elves NEED lore desperately. But all in all, things are pretty good on the short elf front.
But that’s the thing with the elves that went with the Alliance Expedition. They didn’t make that choice yet. They made a choice to go to an alien world to protect their own with no expectation to come back ever. After BC is when that became a choice for them, and there’s all this history they missed while being in Outland that is suddenly a thing they know. And it’s just left hanging how those elves react to finally being able to go back home, but it’s a much different place than the one they left.
For what purpose? The Alliance and Horde are at peace right now.
I think you overestimate how much time the Blood Elves spend thinking about High Elves in general and Vereesa in particular.
In Vanilla Dalaran is a ruin guarded by Mages that admit no one after Archimonde’s bit of urban renewal. They are non hostile to Alliance but they aren’t helpful either.
True for most High Elves, but Veressa and the SC do kinda have that whole mass murder thing hanging over their heads still that might cause trouble
There’s no sign that anyone in Silvermoon cares about that. Aethas Sunreaver is getting presents for Jaina Proudmoore. The game is presenting that little matter as officially over.
The visage forms can transmog freely and you can at least customize their dracthryr form armor, but I agree that they could have done more on that area.
This makes me think though that they should have given the tauren plainsrunning after all.
Yet another piece of evidence for DF being rushed out the door. We’re just lucky it’s not a complete bug-ridden mess.
I’m honestly enjoying it.
Though probably because BFA and Shadowlands were such train wrecks in a story sense (and not infrequently the gameplay I care about), that anything that’s not Shadowlands feels so fun.
Oh, I’m basically having fun. I just see a lot of signs of corners being cut, likely due to an extremely tight schedule. Things like dracthyr customization options might have been on the table if the team had more time. But I sympathize with the people who had to do the rush job, and it could have turned out a lot worse (hence the comment about bugs).
I dare you to find any game that’s not “rushed out the door”, especially the late ones.
I agree it’s a cool story that they seem to have skipped over. But from my perspective, I can only assume that since it’s been over a decade since TBC, and travel between Azeroth and Outland seems to be somewhat normal, that any who wanted to go back to Silvermoon and joined the Blood Elves…have gone home already. The most logical move for the Alliance is to allow whoever wanted to leave to leave and replace them with fresh troops. All of the expedition leaders have returned to Azeroth. The rest probably either stayed in Outland or resettled in alliance lands.
For an Alliance Expedition High Elf, you just spent decades fighting for survival on a hostile and dying world alongside your Alliance brothers and sisters. You’ve probably fought off demons, Arrakoa attacks, Ogre raids, and Horde remnants or Orc Clans wherever you found them. All while trying to keep at least three strongholds supplied with food, water, and medicine, when two of those strongholds exist in hell-like environments. Some forged life long friendships, some spent their last moments in each other’s arms, some fell in love with each other.
Just like how in the real world military, often soldiers will say that at a certain point you’re not fighting for your country anymore, your fighting for your brothers and sisters in the trenches with you. I can only imagine it’d be the same situation for the vast majority of the High Elves who were trapped in Outland.
Would you return home? Chances are most of the people you knew are probably dead, those that survived turned to fel magic to stay alive and joined the Horde, two forces that you would’ve been very familiar with fighting against in Outland. The concept of going back to Quel’thalas must be completely foreign to most them and imo, the logical choice is to stay with who and what you know. But that’s just how I imagine it.
I would assume they’ve pretty much all come back to azeroth seeing how Outland is technically falling apart doesn’t make too much sense to stick around there.
Basically I just feel like that’s a group that is really likely to have split up into different things, and we can’t really say for sure where they’ve gone or who they joined up with.
I actually came across a very cool concept for an expansion while doing some googling about the alliance expedition.
The idea is basically that Outland is finally on it’s last leg and is close to fully breaking apart. So a mass exodus takes place from Outland and into Azeroth and all of the Outland races have to either join the Alliance, Horde, or find a way on their own and find lands to settle.
This would give an excuse for an old world revamp to settle all of these races wherever they go and give both factions some new races/allied races. As well as some stuff like Swamp of Sorrows maybe getting some Zangar Fungal influence from the Dark Portal and any spores the Spore dudes brought with them.
Maybe the Horde offers refuge for the Fel Orcs, and some Ogres join, others don’t. Lots of interesting possibilities.
They won’t be happy until it specifically says “High Elf” in their name tag.
You sell them short, I’m sure there’s some who won’t be happy until blood elves are deleted and Blizz apologizes for making them
We don’t talk about those Loons.
Auric Sunchaser and the Allerian Stronghold High Elves make it clear they don’t identify with their Blood Elven kin and went so far as to be disgusted on how Kael’thelas turned their noble race into mana addicts.
" No, don’t feel bad. I get that a lot.
I’m a HIGH elf, not a blood elf. Don’t worry, I’m not going to suck all of the magic out of you."
High Elves not only affirmed their commitment to the Alliance. Many went to far as to see their former kin as strangers and addicts. Worse, they saw firsthand what Kael’thas did in Tempest Keep and Terrokar Forest. The High Elves who followed Alleria in The Second War are even more adamant than the veterans of the Second War on Azeroth and exiles of the Third War.
Hasn’t he been hanging out in Silvermoon a lot?
Auric Sunchaser appears in the Sunwell Plateau during the final part of the Quel’Delar quest chain, as the high elf representative. He is seen alongside the regent lord of Quel’Thalas, Lor’themar Theron, and Grand Magister Rommath at the site of the restored Sunwell.
For blood elf players, Auric joins Lor’themar and Rommath in congratulating the sin’dorei hero who had restored the blade. He states that now is the time to rally behind the bearer of Quel’Delar and avenge the destruction of their lands, referencing the quel’dorei and sin’dorei collectively as the “children of Silvermoon.”