How do the High Elves feel about Void Elves?

carry on then

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Troll ears will grow back. I can see them lining up actually with great enthusiasm to donate their ears to their new muck elf allies.

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Wait a minute. What spa?

Serene Dreams Spa.

The character in question is Zeldis. He’s a model and you find his sun glasses. Also a very angry corgi.

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So let other players have the option to be the OG High Elves who are in the Alliance. Something the Alliance has been asking for since Beta and still asks for after Void Elves.


You already have the tools to be them. Use your imagination to fill in the rest.


Reno :hugs: :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

You saved me the trouble of having to point that out


I think one of the points we’re trying to get across can be summarized as this.

Allied Races introduced a cool concept that was perfect for introducing High Elves. That while not as complete as a normal race, ARs still offered a mount, heritage armor, thematic racials, thematic voice emotes, a thematic mini capital, a leader, etc.

When Blizz gave us Void Elves instead, it was a kick to the chesnuts because Void Elves completely clash with the High Elf aesthetics. High Elves remained as High Elves because they didn’t choose to siphon dangerous magic, which the Void Elves do. And the Void does not match their theme at all, as well as the Void being extremely boring, generic “darkness” entity in fantasy, and I think most of the time looks ugly.

So while Blizz did cave after the outcry to give us High Elf skin, eyes, hair, etc, we were still robbed of the thematic accessories that go along with it. We still have the Void Elf voice, the Void Elf heritage armor, the Void Elf mount, the Void Elf boring and lame Telgorus Rift, Void Elf login background, and Void Elf racials.

It’s like your parents forgot your birthday for 10 years and then when they finally remember they bring you a strawberry shortcake and then you remind them that you’re allergic to Strawberries. And they make up for it by picking the Strawberries out and handing it back to you.

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bit melodramatic much?

If you’re going to do that analogy it’s more of “Your parents gave your sibling something 10 years ago, and despite the fact that they give you as much stuff as that sibling, you’re still throwing a temper tantrum because you think YOU should have gotten the toy your sibling got way back when and because you didn’t get that nobody loves you at all”


Well yeah, but we’re talking about a video game.

True, that is

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But also I’ve long come to terms with the Blood Elves being in the Horde. I’m happy that the story exists and people can play Horde Blood Elves.

I just want to play their kin who never severed ties with the Alliance, and who have been proudly serving it or at the very least allying with it since Vanilla. The option to LOOK like one is there, but without a lot of the in-game mechanic fun of actually being that race, it just always feels just out of reach. It’s pretty OCD, which I have on some level and I recognize that. But I think most High Elf enjoyers feel the same way.

I love all of the Alliance races and want them all playable, just as I want all of the Horde races playable as well. I love the faction identity aspect of the game, so I just want to rep all of my favorite Alliance Races. I’d also kill for Jinyu, Anokan, Furbolgs, Broken, and Frostborn Dwarves. But High Elves are the OGs. This is one of my favorite quotes from one:

“ If we some day return to these woods and complete what was begun here today, we shall name it the Allerian Stronghold. It is fitting - the orcs destroyed much of Quel’Thalas, and so in return we will claim this, the one green region left upon this forsaken world. And if not, these posts will stand as a reminder that the Alliance entered this forest and claimed it as their own.”

— Lieutenant Talthressar, High Elf lieutenant serving under Alleria in Beyond the Dark Portal

And this is his personality summary on wikipedia. “Talthressar was a lethal ally, revealing a preference for duty over morality. His was a perspective keen on calculated justice of a more subtle sort. He occasionally disagreed with Danath, and even after an argument, Danath would be unsure if Talthressar’s trademark tone was either sarcastic or honest but Danath liked him for it. It was Talthressar’s pride and passion which stood out when the time was right. He bore hatred against the Horde due to the attack on Quel’Thalas. Like Alleria, he seeks some matter of closure for all that has transpired. He was also a strong believer in the Alliance and spoke of the combined strength of human, dwarf, and elf.”

Number one, that last part brings a tear to my eye. Number two, I find that character summary far more interesting, and a concept for the racial personality of a race, than a bunch of Blood Elves playing with purple goo that whisper to them and now they’re purple and live on a bland purple rock with the Alliance now.

A lot of these High Elves felt so vexxed by the Horde that they joined the Alliance Expedition to counter-invade and bring the war to the Horde’s world. And in the process became more loyal to the faction and their Alliance brothers and sisters who they fought and died beside, who they ate and slept beside, who they fell in love and forged friendships with, than their homeland. They later have to deal with the fact their their homeland has joined the Horde.

Exiles from their own homeland for trying to protect their home, only for their home to side with the faction they swore to destroy, when they return. And for the faction they chose, to be eternally denied the representation they deserve and for it to be handed to Void Elves.

Say whatever about a game play mechanic standpoint, but lorewise High Elves are the most obvious and number 1 choice for an Allied Race imo.

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And that’s fine, you’re entitled to wanting to have them.

I just don’t think it’s a healthy mindset to treat not getting a request granted as some sort of deliberate slight on you.

There’s a whole bunch of different opinions about elves, and most of us all have different ones about them, even with those on the same side as us of the split of should they shouldn’t they. Blizzard doesn’t just have to cater to people who want pure straight up ripped out of time high elves, or the people who like the new options on void elves, or who want void elves to explore the void etc etc. They have to try and thread a bunch of needles here.

Lots of us are disappointed in this situation for vastly different reasons, but it’s not Blizz neglecting one in favor of the other, no matter how much it might feel that way. It’s just Blizz basically trying to make different player groups with mutually exclusive wants as happy as possible.

See, I think this is something that was a major let down in the aftermath of BC.

That should not have been an easy choice for them (and as far as I know they’re not exiled as they weren’t around for that period of history) This has so much drama. They went on a suicide mission to protect a homeland they had to have figured they had lost forever, and now they can go back. There is family, friends, lovers, everything they left behind to fight for. And yes, they’re now teamed up with some of those they left to fight.

I’m not saying they’d all throw in with one side or another. But damn that’s an emotional story to explore, to touch on the conflicting emotions and loyalties that these elves would have. Instead they’re just like an afterthought so there’s some not-horde based elves in Outland and forgotten forever by the story after that it seems.


To be fair, you can snag the Silver Covenant hippogryph, quel’dorei steed (or a higher def unicorn if the 3 pixels on its face are depressing), the blue dragonhawk, assorted alliance exclusive tabards (as well as Silver Covenant, Seventh Legion or Theramore are stylish), and grab the Alliance enthusiast pet to mock your fallen enemies whilst rolling on your elf with fleshy skincolors and naturalistic hair.

You can take selfies with your favorite Alliance short elf NPCs without violence breaking out. Wear armor or use the cancel aura if you can’t stand being purple on occasion in combat. Visit Dalaran and go into blueside exclusive haunts.

Maybe I’m a simple woman, but there’s not much left that I’d need for the fantasy.

A smidgen of lore, perhaps, but this is Blizzard so… ???


Can’t always get what you want and you’re going to need to accept that.

Exaaaaaample: There are Black Red Plate Boots from Vanilla WoW whose only transmog option is locked behind Paladin and 1800 Rating. I have wanted these for years on end for my Warrior and it is likely I will never get them and I’ve accepted that. My Solution? I made due with what I had and moved on.

Blizzard gave Helf fans just enough for them to RP without being a full on copy/paste. Make due with what you’ve been given and use your imagination to fill in what’s remaining and move on.

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I never did read the first Rhonin novel. I read the Tides of Darkness novel where Marcus Redpath didn’t trust Khadgar and “wanted no truck with magic,” and I read the Kel’Thuzad short story where he says they’ve been called heretics for centuries and that the church has never been fond of their methods.

Peasantry and the religious mistrusting wizards and magic is a pretty well-worn fantasy trope, but nothing about it suggests that Dalaran was “never a solid Alliance nation,” least of all that a perceived hedge wizard is seen as less legitimate.

Dalaran joined the Alliance in Warcraft 2. Antonidas and Terenas were united on the orcish internment issue even as Gilneas was out, Alterac sanctioned, and Quel’Thalas peeling.
Dalaran is still Alliance in Vanilla.

I don’t know what “solid” is supposed to mean in this context that would change any of that.

No we don’t.

Or people can keep asking for things they want. Maybe Blizzard will give it, maybe they wont but at least it keeps reminding Blizzard that there is a demand for it.

Hell, if people didnt make a fuss at all the void elves may never have gotten the non void elf features.


Alliance fans don’t throw in the towel.

It’s why we’ve never lost to the Horde after wc1.

Imagine some of the downright awful choices that would still be in game if we just kept quiet and took it on the chin every expansion.

People may not like it, and even I find it grating at times, but being loud and letting blizz know what we want does produce results.

Money speaks after all and in the end they are still a business who’s main goal is to keep people paying for their products and services