How do the High Elves feel about Void Elves?

Or one would do both. Just because you are a naval power does not mean you cant also send foot soldiers.

On this note, by your logic because we dont Kul Tirans ferrying people/have it talked we should assume it didnt happen. When in fact it should be the default assumption unless proven otherwise.

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My logic is that you canā€™t make concrete statements when thereā€™s no info to be had.

We can make assumptions about it, but no one can prove one way or another that a specific thing happened if the devs didnā€™t think that much about it.

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They were present- you see them alongside Thalyssra and Jaina. I think the only playable race not represented is the Zandalari- because Talanji obviously was not OK with working with the Alliance.

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Last time we saw the Silver Covenant was the start of Shadowlands.

Apparently Tirionā€™s Ren Faire will extend beyond the heat death of the universeā€¦ and certainly the death of the Lich King.

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that just feels really lazy


this is Blizzard


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These are the people who literally copy paste everything they can about void elves so we can all fight about it for years (WHAT DOES IT MEAN), and clarify exactly diddlyā€¦ so we all fight from our favored wild mass guessing.

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The forsaken have more high elves than anybody!

Come at me bro!


Give me a step ladder and some clay, and Iā€™ll be a higher elf than any of 'em.


Well itā€™s pretty clear that not only are BEs the main population of High Elves but that some High Elves ala Lanesh are also returning home and taking the BE name.

And as a High Elf fan I know which race Iā€™m picking, the one w the kingdom, the lore, the Sunwell the literal heart of the high elven people, whose very heritage quests reflect our high elf history where we even play as a High elf for parts of it.

And you have what ever it is you have too, even if at the end of the day Blood Elves are High Elves we both have RP tools for the story we want for our characters.


Headpats and a tennis ball first! Itā€™s in my contract :rofl:

Why not both, in the words of the sage?

ā€¦Honestly, I have 2 elves of each flavor. Still havenā€™t personally used the red eyes, though, because it doesnā€™t work with death knights. I suppose I could reroll the warrior who became a death knight in RP back into a warrior, but then Iā€™d have a surplus death knight and confusion. But itā€™s all supported in the lore. Short elves on team Red and team Blue, tall magicy elves on team Blue and team Red. Thatā€™s why I like customizations so much: they open up characters.

My dead brain stumbled here. Why the clay?

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How else are you going to make elf ears, I ask you?

ā€¦Well, I mean, you could cut them off an elf and steal theirs, but itā€™s unhygienic.

Iā€™m just saying that regardless of what ever story places new Void elves from the ranks of former high elves that player agency and story suggests high elves returning to Quelā€™thalas as much as it does for VE players who want that narrative background.

And to deny that each side is in the same place is very odd to me, as it seems blizzard has gone the player agency route.

Thanks for clarifying that, I was on a completely different tangent thinking we might finally get Muck-Elves, and on thinking that I now have a vision of muck elves without ears because of a sudden boom in stepladder clay eared high elves.

I guess you could steal troll ears or orc ears.

Goblins are the wrong shape, though.

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Thatā€™s kinda dark, whatever happened to some wholesome arts and crafts like papier-mache


Sheesh, you try to be considerateā€¦