How do the High Elves feel about Void Elves?

To be fair to my knowledge that poster makes up stuff anyways whether they’re a HE fan or not lol

I was happy when we got our blue eyes back for Blood Elves

They never really elaborated on Lanesh but Danuser did say he was aware of him and there is story there.

I feel like seeing High Elves return to Quel’thalas and take the BE name (especially the Outland ones who weren’t in a position to side w their people) is the narrative they allow players agency for w their characters and the story.

Correct check the new Paladin armor the gems compliment blue eyes so nicely.


No, it is made up. There’s what, 2 of them in the scenario, unlabeled scenery.

There’s no mention of the SC, there’s no SC npcs. Just two ballista.

Nope, just that it isn’t specifically SC.

Indeed, which is even earlier than the SC was formed.

For all we know it was stuff Veleeta had in storage, or old equipment that never got updated. There’s nothing showing what they are one way or another.


Again, Vereesa was there. I’m pretty sure several playable races did not make an apperance as well but lorewise every race of the Alliance/Horde participated.

It is literally blue and high elven. It was suppose to represent that yes, high elves were participating.

Or your just being obtuse. If Blizzard did not want to show that the Silver Covenants/high elves did not have a presence it would have been easier not to add it. But it was specifically added to show they did have a presence without adding to the NPC bloat.

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Yes, why would Venessa Windrunner be there when the armies of azeroth went to take down Sylvanas Windrunner? Must by SC businesss.

It was a faction war. It was a business for anyone who has ties to either faction.

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And if they thought it was important to show the SC participating in the event they would have actually shown the SC participating in the event.


Again NPC bloat. I’m 99% certain several races like Kul Tiran and Nightborne, were not present aside from their respective leaders. Does that mean lorewise neither races send anything to that event?

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Who knows?

It’s possible, but you can’t claim positively that they have. Especially since like with the KT they’ve had a pretty longstanding grudge with the horde, so especially with them, it’s more complicated than alliance race does alliance things.

Really? You are going to argue that what was effectively both factions last stand against Sylvanas would not involve everything both factions could muster?

Their new admiral was there. They was no way the Kul Tirans would simply not send forces.

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I’m just not going to claim something definitely happened when there’s no proof that it did.

Because she didn’t have to win them over at all, and everyone loved her from the get go and there’s no way she didn’t have to manage their opinion of her even after winning them over.


Again, there were high elven ballistas there and Vereesa was there. The likelihood she would go alone is next to zero.

Are you talking about Jaina or Sylvanas? Because that discription does not fit either of them.

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According to you.

How did they greet her when she went back to KT?


Are you being serious here?

This reeks of “Stormwind only has 100 or so NPCs” it can’t possibly be a city of thousands.

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Yes. With their history I can see the KT not being happy with the idea of attacking Org alongside members of the horde.

There’s a huge difference between there are more participants in the battle than were seen in game and saying that very specific groups were involved without any solid sign of them

Jaina was literally tossed into hell the moment she went to Kul Tiras. She was not beloved by the people. As for KT, sure they may not have liked the idea of working alongside members of the Horde(no one in the Alliance would at that point!) it was still the best shot at taking down Sylvanas. If someone like say Genn can put aside his feelings. Much more so the Kul Tirans.

Again, we have their leader join in. And like Thalyssra and Jaina, I doubt they would have come alone.

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I guess that eventually happened, after some pretty big examples of him NOT putting those feelings aside.

I’m just saying you can’t say for sure where they were. And are we just talking about the land battle?

Yes. But there’s no other sign that she brought the SC in on this. I mean, does it even still exist as an organization?

I am talking about the actual seige at the ogrimmar gate. Simply not seeing Kul Tiran NPC/Silver Covenant ones does not mean they did not participate.

You can see Vereesa still has Ranger General of the Silver Covenant as her title as of Shadowlands. So yes, it still exists.

As shown by that, these high elven ballista have been used by the SC since Wrath.

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As I said above, the SC are still defending their place on the Argent Tournament Grounds as of Shadowlands. I’d imagine if the organization didn’t exist anymore, for some weird reason, then they wouldn’t still be there. No one would just want to hang out in Icecrown.


Right, So that’s another angle for why KTs might not be there, as a naval power there’s a good chance if they contributed it’d be naval support either in ferrying people or blockade/interdiction duty instead of foot soldiers

Ok, what strikes me weird there is why are they still there in the first place?

and just a heads up, the imgur link goes to a 404