Which means the ones that they were fighting with where not the “official” Horde.
The SC has always done what it wants regardless of Dalaran’s own goal. Don’t forget Vereesa joined a ceremony celebrating the Alliance players for its victories against the Horde in pvp.
Jaina has also mentioned that merely living in Dalaran does not mean one has to renounce once ties to the factions, if that was the case the entire Purge might have been avoided altogether.
I’m not convinced those ballistae are even meant to represent the Silver Covenant. Lor’themar Theron is the battle commander flanked by the things, with Shandris and her night elven glaive throwers at his side as counterparts. Wouldn’t surprise me if some dev just used the wrong assets after spamming them so much in the blood elf heritage quests.
Sounds more like your headcanon because you don’t like the implication that, yes the Silver covenant, even after all these years can still have forces show up.
Do you really think Vereesa would simply go alone/that her SC wouldn’t voluntarily join her?
The Silver Covenant participated in the events of the battle at the Gates of Orgrimmar, as high elven ballistae were present during the conflict to support the Alliance in front of the Horde’s capital.
Since you’re still apparently confused on the manner. And bolded just for you
What, you think a high elf zealot would do that? Just go on Wowpedia and try and pass a bunch of unsourced guesswork off as lore?
We aren’t told who contributed those siege weapons and it’s conspicuous that Lor’themar Theron is the guy directing the battle from behind them. If I bothered with Twitter I’d ask for clarification.
You literally proves that they did send a balista. Blizzard has said in the past that their environmental assets help tell the story. And like it or not, they probably just didn’t want to add more NPCs to an events that was already bloated with Alliance/Horde NPCs.
I’m not the one who’s making up lore to explain unmanned war machines with no crew around that are not mentioned by anyone as solid proof that a specific organization took part in an event when there is no other participation and no mention of that group at all.
I put up a picture of a ballista present without explanation at the event. You all are the ones making up stories about who sent it and pretending they’re canon.
Again, Blizzard uses their environmental assets to tell their stories. If they wanted to show just Horde balistas they would have done so. They purposefully chose to add this for a reason.
Yes, apperently blue is now the Horde/Blood elf colors again.
As for the Blood elf heritage quests, isn’t that suppose to show an event that happened BEFORE the blood elves were formed?(ie when they were still HIGH elves)