How do the High Elves feel about Void Elves?

Void Elves participated a number of times in the War Campaign, but it was also the expac that introduced them (sorta since they came out in a Legion patch, but themeatically Allied Races were a big BfA thing). In Shadowlands they did nothing. And in Dragonflight both Void and High Elves are also so far, doing nothing.

What kind of options do you think they should get?

I feel like Light and Void customizations will remain locked to blood and void elves respectively, but given both races are led by Farstriders and Magisters, I’m sure any options themed around those “classes” (tattoos, hairstyles, whatever) will wind up cross-faction. BEs already have a cute Elsa braid but it’s certainly not as stylized as Alleria’s.


They could give both races tattoos, VE would be blues and purples and BE would be reds and yellows? More braided hair options and maybe some feathers for Farstriders?

New hairstyles are popular (and while at it, why are only humans getting the new colors they’re working on?) big visual distinction things like scars and tattoos are a popular request. I’d have to look over but there’s been some threads belf players have made about things they want.

I think Humans and Orcs are just getting colors because they’re also getting heritage armor.

Eh, just seems like something small enough you could put a couple lower level artists on it for a short period and spread the love out more.

That would be cool. I actually can’t remember if the blood elf ranger units used tats in WC3, and none of the Farstriders in Hearthstone’s new blood elf expansion are tatted up, so I’d not feel too bad if the void elves monopolized that. Slightly expanded Darkfallen customizations or Rommath-esque “runic” tattoos would be agreeable with me too. Red/gold tats opposite blues/purples are a tantalizing prospect though.

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That would compromise Dalaran’s purpose to be a neutral city.

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Oh please, just because a place claims neutrality doesnt mean all its citizens have to be neutral. Case in point the Enclave/Sanctuary.


How is it compromising? Do you think Dalaran has no faction-exclusive content?

How do the two different versions of Silverpine that show Dalaran as an aggressive partisan nation (one pre-Wrath, one post) square with this idea?

Or the fact that Dalaran has helped the alliance several times in conflicts, either directly or indirectly.

It may be neutral, but very loosely and everyone largely turns a blind eye during the times they break their supposed neutrality


Because its being neutral is basically a combination of a wartime advent and a political reaction to the elves joining the Horde. Dalaran is still styled as the Alliance nation it’s historically been, frontlined by Alliance icons like Khadgar and Jaina even as they vote on whether to tolerate Horde presence.


Dalaran was never a solid member of the Alliance. If you read the first Rhonin novel,it’s mages were met with general distrust, Rhonin doubly so because the Kirin Tor had thrown him out.

Dalaran is neutral?

Jaina, and Council, and the Silver Covenant never got that message

Jaina stormed out and the Silver Covenant isn’t there any more.

No, they’re still in Dalaran. The Silver Covenant that is.

Yes. Rhonin, Khadgar, their council, Aethas, and Jaina have all extolled Dalaran’s neutrality at one point or another. To quote a rather blunt Archmage Modera when pressed on the topic in ToW: “Dalaran is neutral.”

It wasn’t officially committed to the Alliance until MoP. I’d rather it had stayed there, and Silvermoon been presented as its magical counterpart like 5.2 teased, but I guess milking Wrath nostalgia prevailed in the ideas room.

Jaina certainly did. She declared that Dalaran had a higher calling than “Horde” or “Alliance” and that faction squabbles had no place in her city. And hardly an expansion after Jaina abandoned that neutrality, her council outvoted her to invite the Horde right back in. Horde and Alliance (as well as Silver Covenant and Sunreavers) are back to sharing the city as of Legion.

And in the Legion version, the Silver Covenant are replaced by Worgen.

Not to mention, the silver covenant helped the alliance during BfA at the gates of ogrimaar.

Not a good look for a supposedly neutral organization :rofl:

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The Horde rebels also fought alongside the Alliance at the gates of Orgrimmar in BFA.

That specifically was cited as a “battle for Azeroth” where Dalarans neutrality isn’t in question. The SC representing Dalarans interests w a joint coalition of forces for Azeroth doesn’t compromise that neutrality unless one is also arguing the Horde rebels were also representing the Alliance in the same scenario, how odd but not unsurprising from whose making that argument.