That’s stretching it.
I think you mean people with elves on their brain don’t stop scouring the game for them.
yeah, no.
You have gotten WAY more than just consideration to your requests.
That’s stretching it.
I think you mean people with elves on their brain don’t stop scouring the game for them.
yeah, no.
You have gotten WAY more than just consideration to your requests.
I have to say, if they lean into the tattoos, the elaborate braids, the war paint, the dwarf-adjacent Highvale and WC2 aesthetics, even a hint of nature magic, high elves can be a lot more interesting than anything to do with void or old gods. The Silver Covenant on the other hand really does just seem to be blue blood elves.
I mean, Worgen players had to fight hard just to fix the female Worgen face. Since the dev team vision was not what players wanted.
You have the tools to play as a void elf, a high elf, and even (for some inexplicable reason) a darkfallen elf on the Alliance. Void elves have a pretty good showing of Thalassian diversity - one more aesthetic than their “parent” race does, in fact - and all this begging to poach yet more from them is just laughable to me.
In the story, them maintaining their humanity is supposed to be important. But mechanically, the race is still worgen. They go wolf mode when entering combat, and the human side is just a cosmetic disguise that’s not meant to last.
It’s the same in how forsaken are still technically human but the real point is being a zombie.
It doesn’t matter anymore man. They show up so so so so much. And we all know Blizz will increase their population if they want to. Once again for the 100th time, we point to Void Elves.
We don’t have to scour when we work with them in major content updates during Wrath, Cata, Mop, and Legion. And they have a lodge we do quests for in the Hinterlands and an entire Alliance town in Terrokar are filled with them.
They as a faction show up more than the Gnomes as a faction or the Worgen as a faction, even the Dwarves as a faction never really show up. With the Draenei it gets muddy because of AU Draenor and whether a lot of those Draenei are actually Alliance or not.
Why does it matter when we’re getting a ton of cosmetic and customization options than ever before? They’re just randomly adding new race/class combos, new hair styles, continuing heritage armor, darkfallen skin questline, the Trading Post stuff. Is it a big deal if during one of these smaller content patches in the patch notes they added “A new NPC in Stormwind cleanses the void from Void Elves.”
I fully agree. Void Elves are literally just Elves infused with Void, that’s their entire identity. Their “Capital” Telgorus Rift, is the perfect for them, because it’s a bland, uninteresting, purple rock floating in space.
High Elves with the options fans have come up with over the years would be way more appealing to me.
I don’t think Blizz should’ve given the Alliance Darkfallen Void/High Elves, they should’ve remained Horde.
No we don’t.
I’m not a High Elf of the Silver Covenant.
My racials are Void.
My starting area is Void.
No High Elf can have eyes like mine.
Pretty sure we have a voice filter to sound Voidie.
Our race armor is Void themed.
Our Voice lines are Void themed.
Our tentacle options are bad.
Our Leader is a Void Elf.
I literally turn purple at random.
They also showed up for the second siege of orgrimaar by the way
Have they?
What have they done from BFA on? I mean the Windrunner sisters showed up to deal with Sylv. But what else have they done since then?
Because the people who had that race originally HAVEN’T gotten the same amount of customization love that the void elves have had. The blood elf players need to get some love for a change.
They gotten plenty of love, plus TWO heritage armor quest lines while some of the other races don’t even have their heritage armor yet’
What even is this nonsense.
Original race can look like a high elf, Dark Ranger
AR race on the opposite faction can look like a Void Elf, high elf, and dark ranger
Okay? Blood elves still got two whole heritage questlines and are involved in nearly every expansion.
Just don’t like the blood elves don’t get any love, they get plenty of it
And that has what to do with customization options?
You said the blood elves needed love.
I pointed out they get plenty of it.
Now your complaining about customizations options
Responding to someone talking about giving alliance more elf customizations.
They’re asking for the void elf race to be reworked……
Like, we been over this for days now
Yes, the void elf race that has gotten way more customization love than the blood elves had. So you know again, it’s kinda weird that the AR has a broader range of options than the core race does.
Why are you choosing BfA specifically? I just listed all of the times since 2004 they’ve shown up for the Alliance. In BfA and Shadowlands they didn’t have as much of a role as previous expacs/patches. But, Blizzard never forgetting about them, still took the time to include them in small ways.
" Shortly before the end of the Fourth War, the Silver Covenant participated in the events of the battle at the Gates of Orgrimmar, as high elven ballistae were present during the conflict to support the Alliance in front of the Horde’s capital."
Not to mention they added High Elf Sorceress NPCs in Stormwind alongside the Void Elves, made the Arathi Warfront portal master (someone I had to run up to often) a High Elf instead of a Void Elf, and a High Elf was on an Island Expedition Team.
" During the Scourge resurgence, the Silver Covenant was seen defending their pavilion at the Argent Tournament Grounds in Icecrown. Following the death of Herald Dalora, a Silver Covenant Arcanist opened a direct portal to Stormwind City, connecting the pavilion with the Alliance capital."
It’s not a whole lot, but even in Shadowlands where we spent most of the expac in another realm, they still gave some High Elves something to do.
Blood Elves got a ton of customization options in Shadowlands, including a large range of eye colors, skin tons, jewelry, and more. They also have their heritage armor and it looks amazing, meanwhile the Worgen got fancy dress clothes and the Gnome armor is very bland.
Regardless, I’m fully in support of Blood Elves getting more options, as with everyone else.
Because after the addition of void elves they seem to be winding back the use of the high elves in the story. and I mean, that’s around 1/3 of the game at this point (3 expansions out of 10)
I mean, they got the skin tones all races with real life skin tones got (and void elves got added to them) eye colors are really minor, and the jewelry is a joke.
Probably depends on how they feel about the Sunwell. I think there are examples of High Elves still revering it.
After that, I think there is some dislike in general for void things like tentacles, especially after that episode with Nyalotha.