How do the High Elves feel about Void Elves?

High Elves still exist

Yes, and the vast majority of them are blood elves.

Also, just because something exists, doesn’t mean it should be playable, especially if it’s an offshoot of an already playable race.

Not if I can help it

Void elves managed to take the one time the horde finally rejected meddling with dark powers and managed to twist the story into them being in the wrong for it, because the alliance seemingly can’t be written with any real contention of their own doing.

It’s effectively a story of crack babies finally having gotten off their addiction, telling other crack babies not to start doing magical acid, and having players say the first group of crack babies are hypocrites for not wanting them to use magic acid for the good of the recovering drug addict empire.


High Elves literally came first

Blood Elves are literally high elves who named themselves blood elves to honor their fallen against the scourge

And some high elves are still allied with the alliance

Not sure where you think the cope is


They’re the same damn thing.

People crying to have another copy of that thing on the alliance just have to pretend that the vast majority of the race is something that they are not to try and make their request sound more reasonable.





Not every high elf is a blood elf.

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I don’t think this even matters anymore. I feel like WoW’s core playerbase has dwindled to a point where the game’s integrity is more important to the devs than pandering to certain forum demands that have already been met to the extent that they’re willing to go. The “high elf” identity is as meaningful to the blood elves as it is to the void elves - the high elves’ downfall is literally why they go by that name, lmao - and the void elves in particular would be (pardon the pun) completely voided by the pointless addition of the very race they were invented to represent with a twist.

Indeed, the Sunreavers and the Silver Covenant were mirror factions.

The blood elves were all over the place in Cataclysm’s revamp, while the high elves had a small RP cameo opposite the Farstriders in a patch and did nothing outside their lodges (one of which blew up and killed them all). This is a cope.

Indeed, the Sunreavers and the Silver Covenant were mirror factions.

This specific incident I’ll grant you. Vereesa leading her faction alongside Liadrin and Tyrande was probably the high elves’ most significant showing in this game, and they once more played opposite the Farstriders in the hunter hall, but the Blood Knights in the Silver Hand and the Magisters/Sunreavers content in the Tirisgarde had nothing whatsoever to do with them.

They really don’t. An exhaustive list of high elf-free blood elf content would take me longer than I care to spend at my computer today to type up.

Population isn’t a requirement for Allied races.

See Void Elves and Lightforged who literally cannot birth more of them and only a small elite group exists.

The process to become Void or Lightforge is hard and has a high mortality rate.

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They’re still all the same people having an internal conflict.

To use an old and not so contentious example, English civil war was between English people who were disagreeing over monarchy. They’re still all English even if some said they were roundheads and others cavaliers.

I don’t care about the population. I care that the race is already playable twice now.


Did you forget that we have 3 humans on the Alliance?

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Can we admit though that it would be silly if all that HD high elf armor they made (silly as it looked) was just for flashback instances?

This. Good God, this.


Eh, I don’t think worgen should count. The point of playing one is for the werewolf model underneath; that race already seems to suffer by dividing its focus between them and uncursed Gilneans. Unless someone plays a druid, someone wanting an uncursed Gilnean should just be playing a regular human.

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I really wish blizz would lean into the werewolf side more for the worgen.

I hate they basically made them hairy humans with anger issues at this point

Your faction has 2 playable orcs, tauren, and trolls.


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1:They’re all distinct models- humans, werewolves and beefy humans
2: They weren’t originally a playable horde race now were they, seems kind of a dick move if the alliance would have more of those elves than the faction the race belongs to.

But that’s just how the story and lore are written, it’s been that way for two decades now. A significant amount of High Elves remained in the Alliance and Blizzard doesn’t stop teasing us with them. Which is why we want them because they are clearly here and a bigger part of the Alliance than Darenei, Worgen, or Gnomes are usually portrayed. They may have become first playable as Blood Elves in the Horde, but that didn’t magically erase the High Elf lodges in Vanilla, and that didn’t stop Blizz from constantly including them in the Alliance as High Elves who never left.

I just want to be able to represent myself as a High Elf who never left the Alliance, as opposed to a Horde Blood Elf who ditched to become a Void Elf I didn’t want to be. And sure, now I have I have pale skin and blonde hair, but I still have all of these void accessories, mounts, racials, race name, heritage armor I didn’t ask for.

But you’re just inserting your concepts of what you think is cool and not considering ours. For all intents and purposes, I think High Elves are cooler than Void Elves, I don’t like Void stuff. I think the Void is one of the most boring and generic parts of Warcraft. It’s just generic fantasy “darkness” with a purple hue and they whisper to you, that’s 90% of what the Void is. High Elves may not be some cool plot twist, they may not be edgy, or anything new. But I genuinely think they’re pretty cool.

It’s literally not, I’m starting to think you’re the one inhaling hardcore copium. You keep talking about lore and then you keep ignoring it. Blood Elves renamed themselves and later joined the Horde, High Elves did not and stayed with the Alliance, maybe there’s a few oddballs here and there but overall that’s the lore. We all know they are all technically High Elves ethnically, but 99% of the time we are not referring to them all as one group.

When we refer to Blood Elves it’s Horde. When we refer to High Elves it’s Alliance.


They’re still human. Just cursed.

Letting them go human outside of combat cements that.

If they really wanted to keep them separated they would have kept them full Worgen no matter what. No changing form.

Course this is the Alliance.

So they needed that human form or we would complain.

Actual worgen players like me, hate that we have a human form to begin with. It’s not what we signed up for

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