The “gotcha” is the lore. The high elves changed their name after a disaster and joined the horde. after the fact they changed it so there were a handful that didn’t go along with it. The point is that some of us feel that catering to this desire to roll back the story to an imaginary point in the past is a bad thing and less interesting.
Not all High Elves are Blood Elves.
Stop trying to erase High Elves.
Stop trying to treat a handful of runaways as the true heirs of a race they abandoned.
Now there’s a cope and a half.
If they’re only a handful, then why y’all so pissy about them being playable alliance side?
I mean, other than the fact that they already are there?
They aren’t playable alliance side. What we actually have are Void Elves
see, this is me advocating for the non-elf brained alliance who doesn’t want a second identical elf race because other people are picky about the name.
And I’m sorry for that, especially because a lot of people also play Horde for the “noble savage” story that they keep messing up. So I can see why it’d be an issue for the Alliance to get your most played race after Blizz keeps writing the Horde wrong.
But we already have Void Elves, so I don’t see how giving either Void Elves a few more options to complete the immersion, or just adding a High Elf Allied Race, would put the final nail in the coffin for the Horde. Especially since you’re not losing Blood Elves. The Blood Elves have an interesting story and I appreciate them for what they are, so I don’t think people are just going to ditch them to play Alliance High Elves. I feel like most of the people who want Alliance High Elves are already big Alliance fans and have either never left the faction or returned already when Void Elves became playable or got more skin/eye/hair options.
We all know the lore and we all know the Alliance has a significant enough High Elf population that remains in the Alliance, who never started calling themselves Blood Elves, and have fought for the Alliance at least once in almost every expac. So I don’t understand why you take a lore issue with this. There are more of them than Void Elves, a race we have playable.
How? The Blood Elves have Quelth’thalas, that’s obvious. Aside from that, Blood Elves usually get spotlight in the same way High Elves do.
In Wrath they were opposites in the Kirin’tor and Argent Tournament, and have outposts in Crystalsong.
In Cata they were opposites again fighting the Amani Trolls and the Zandalari.
In MoP, they were opposites again on the Isle of Thunder.
In Legion, they march right next to the Blood Elves and Night Elves to liberate Suramar.
Not to mention High Elves still have their lodge in the Hinterlands that alliance players do help, and the Allerian Stronghold.
Aside from Silvermoon, in game they are represented almost equally and show up wherever the Blood Elves show up.
Actually one more for the Blood Elves in WoD when they’re shown in Talador.
And what you’re completely failing to understand, is people want blizz to rework the Void Elf race, change their racials to arcane based and the name to High Elf.
Problem solved.
Because the playable race was originally horde. It’s not like horde gets any of the alliance races we keep having to deal with over and over every expansion, probably way more than alliance actually deals with helves.
No. I just think it’s a really stupid idea as void elves are so much more interesting than yet another generic pretty elf.
If they were as interesting as you think they are, than people would be happy with them
And it’s funny the only people happy with them are the hardcore horde players
I mean, generally that seems to happen when you define “hardcore horde players” as “people who aren’t obsessed with high elves”
They can exist separately and more High Elves exist than Void Elves or Lightforged Draenei yet they’re playable just fine.
Heck, Gnomes were almost extinct at the start of classic WoW.
Goddddd, tell me about it. And the worst part is that I think this is unfixable. You can’t tell a story about the alliance being unfairly prejudiced toward the misunderstood monsters when the story decides to go “no, they really are just that bad, and so is the new generation that the player character is a part of”.
Feels doubly insulting that the worgen essentially took all of the remaining sympathetic aspects that the draenei didn’t and either adopted them for themselves or proved them unnecessary simply by virtue of being alliance. Because that combos with the two faction wars to get people arguing that the entire premise of the horde faction is a lie on a meta level, and I can’t exactly deny that at this point.
Personally I thought void elves were stupid, as were adding the high elf tones because I really did buy into the whole “silhouettes should at least try to be distinct between the factions”, but at this point the thematic damage is done so I don’t particularly care if the race really does get an option to be renamed as high elves. I don’t get the appeal, but it’s literally all there but in name-only at this point, so meh. Feels pointless to argue against the inevitable.
Everyone but the dwarves were almost extinct at the start of wow.
And yes, keep ignoring the whole fact that the high elves are just a copy of a horde race to pretend it’s like any of the other ARs that stay on the same faction as the parent race.
High Elves came first.
Blood Elves are former High Elves.
Not all High Elves are Blood Elves.
Keep making up your cope lore.
Eeeeh I can’t agree with this. If the game was going to go with a void-themed race, naga and mindflayers were right there to actually bring an interesting aesthetic to the theme. Void elves as a concept had to pretzel itself too hard to be taken seriously.
Still, between generic high elves, and void flavored elves, I think the later has more variety. Especially since they’re already in the game, I feel like adding in high elves now would just be way too much elf