The ICC dungeons were excellent, imo, especially for tying back to the story. And I remember the idiocy of Halls of Reflection when someone refused to LoS for the mobs. Also a few times where low DPS ended up with Arthas wiping the group.
It was nice actually seeing Naxx again in Wrath though. So few groups ever got there in Classic, and even when I was raiding, we only had a couple of wings downed. The gearing and balance during that time was simply horrible.
I played the heck out of WotLK and have no need to re-experience it in a downgraded version with economy problems and toxicity. I’m really looking forward to Dragonflight.
Week 1 Sunwell GDKP the legendary bow went to a Warrior for like, 350,000 gold or something. Think it added to over $2k USD. Definitely a problem, Warriors rn are walking receipts
Story wise I have nothing bad to say as I never really cared for the story at all. For me it’s the difficulty and the gameplay and wotlk missed the mark for me. Went from using and requiring cc to just kill the things.
Oddly enough, while I don’t disagree that the content can be argued as “Too easy”, my buddies and I still have a blast taking our ICC 25 H gear and blasting heroics a few times per week. Hard? No. Fun to AoE nuke mobs for a fresh 80 and get relevant badges? Hell yeah
My friend playing in a benediction guild is regularly upset how the rmt players in the guild since tbcc launch forced guild transfers to the “next new place” to have better gold rates. And how they regularly bring in communal wearing rogues into BT. Clearly said characters are just there to have the account sold off or are gold buyers wanting to jump the gearing process for X reasons.
Yup. And that’s when we all should start demanding a Caverns of Time Portal to the Classic Game world with no compromises offered on our part. Simply ongoing repeated demands just like the H.Elf Crowds always do.
I say that only because the only draw to Classic is and has always been the pre-Cataclysm game-world. If they make a Classic Server in Cata’s era, it’s a Exp-locked clone of retail. I doubt I’m the only one sick of retail having to play second fiddle to Classic.
I’d consider messing around if the leadership of my wrath guild wanted to do something. Considering what they are all up to these days, that is unlikely.
I find this sentiment interesting, because it’s so unlike me.
I’ve heard Asmond and Preach say the same thing of “Been there done that”, but for whatever reason my brain goes “Been there, would LOVE to experience that again but with modern knowledge and ability at the game!”
Maybe it’s because in actual wrath I was a stam stacking ret paladin and didn’t actually experience anything correctly, idk
I’m generally not interested in Classic as a whole. I played it when it was new and don’t see a point in doing it over. While Wrath is my favorite expansion I have zero interested in it without dungeon finder.
You dont understand GDKP. If a Warrior spend 350k gold on an item on GDKP, each raid member would receive 14k gold (350k/25man) at the end of the run. That’s just for 1 item.
I started GDKP in original Wrath with ZERO gold. I was receiving 5k to 20k gold for each GDKP run for each toon. I was gaining 10k to 40k per week with 2 toons. First time, I reached 100k gold on WoW back then. And what I have is… I know how to play my toons to kill raid bosses.
Noobs might hate GDKP. They are the ones who are really paying for the items being auctioned… and they get nothing in the end of the run becoz they are kicked very early as they are incapable of killing harder bosses.
I do understand GDKP. No part of what I said insinuated that I did not know what happened to the gold.
The issue is the GDKPs introduce a literal instance of P2W, and to supply that gold our servers get flooded with Bots/Boosters
I was pro-GDKP at Classic launch (As they’re popular on Vanilla PServers) but after seeing what it did to the game, it’s mainly negative. Yes, you can GDKP to get that gold for yourself and eventually buy your own pieces, that’s the good side of it. But the bad side is you’re essentially working for someone to get a piece of the P2W they introduced into the economy when they bought that gold online, and you’re at a disadvantage if you don’t join the GDKPs as the economy will simply inflate without you.