How do people with tons of hours in modern WoW have fun?

Cool, so we are shadow boxing, got it.


MoP remix, brother. Sounds like it’s gonna be a pretty fun way to level a few alts and get a ton of goodies along the way.

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It wasn’t simping. It was just cool then to have what was a virtual chat room in a huge world. Like it or not, that’s what was so revolutionary about MMOs at the time.

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Imagine thinking people are “simping” because they talk to people and have friends. It’s no wonder you play solo, OP.


Seek out harder content, and if you can’t then maybe it’s not as easy to play as you say it is.

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After a certain point, there is nothing more they can add or do to this game.

I don’t like m+, raiding, or pvp so I don’t even do that content. That leaves almost nothing else to do when you already have 700+ mounts on top of it all, having 700+ mounts means you’ve likely hit exalted with 100+ reps and have obtained over 1200+ pets. So if you collect, you’ve done it all already by this point. They can’t add more here to keep up with people who are essentially ‘done’.

Outside of that leaves RPing which is obscure and niche to most in this forum, and basically nothing else. The gearing content treadmill is the most hollow and boring content and interacting with the community isn’t worth the hassle to get the gear.

I don’t even include leveling alts cause again most people can do this too easily anyways and likely have most of the heritage armor they’d want for their favorite races. Most here would have leveled every class to max level at least once and if they haven’t they’re a minority lol.

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Eh, anybody who says they only press 2-3 buttons in any relevantly high level of PvE content is lying.


Are we playing the same game?


It’s a tough question to answer but it usually turns into me playing a lot less than I normally would have. I even took almost a year off DF because it didn’t appeal to me in any way, which was a first. There are very few things in DF that I find enjoyable and in the end I do less and less until like currently where I don’t even log in.

As I’ve got a lot older than when I started playing I’ve lost interest in end-game activities, having to deal with some of you people playing the game isn’t worth it for just gear in a game.

What I do for “fun” or rather I did before I got burnt out recently was collecting more pets but pretty much hit my goal for the time being. I wouldn’t call it fun but it’s an activity nonetheless. I think what really pushed me over the edge this time was plunderstorm. It actively made me dislike the game, which sounds ridiculous but it’s true.

Why of course.

I’m a solo player and tbh I don’t know why I’m still playing. I’ve been solo since MoP and I am getting old so maybe it’s high time I hang up the gloves and call it a day. The game has been comforting to me in a lot of ways, but I mostly find myself drifting away to other single player games these days

Causing these is the only real reason to play…

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Farming transmog and helping my wife with her character. She started late in dragonflight so it keeps me entertained helping her out.

As a pugger i go for ksm (lastly portals) and a full raid run. Do try for a full h raid but lately (last season) it dosnt always happen caz people can be really slow/not willing to learn merchanics

Beaides that i mount/tramsmog run (going to be alot easier in tww). Been doing quite few gloy raid runs lately to mix it up (and been getting alot of people). May try for the Uldir one next, being the crawg seems like a cool mount

Bull sh!t. Lol. Absolutely NOTHING in Wrath was more difficult than running a mythic raid or doing M+ at high keys. You haven’t even come close to doing difficult content because you suck. Lol.

You’re just sad depressed loser. You shouldn’t be putting thousands of hours into an MMO as an adult. Get good.

I personally find something to collect like mounts, toys, etc and focus on that in between raid nights and weekly quests. My current collection is the class hall mounts. I am 4 away from completing every single class available.

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I just engage in the social aspects. Forums, Trade Chat, M+ and Raiding with some RP on the side when I don’t feel like engaging in any of the previous things but don’t quite want to play a different game at the moment.

A raider and M+ player as I once was yes this is a thing.

I play most classes and none of them are like 2-3 buttons. If you are only using 2-3 buttons maybe you should try reading up on things. Even arcane mage is at least 5 for each longer fight.

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How about 2-3 MMOs? You’re not married to WoW. I mostly play WoW but I also play ESO whenever it has new content. Same with New World.