How do people with tons of hours in modern WoW have fun?

So I started WoW back in 2004, didn’t really play a whole lot until WOTLK came out. From then on, I had tens of thousands of hours per expansion, absolutely loved the game. Then the WoD prepatch came out, and murdered every class I enjoyed, so I quit. Every expansion after that, they kept destroying the class design even more and more.

Fast forward to today, every class is like 2-3 buttons with a couple situational abilities or cooldowns, and it’s not like the encounters are super hard to make up for it. The game has become extremely easy and my brain goes into autopilot mode, even in raiding and M+.

So… what’s the trick to having fun with modern WoW?

As it is, once I hit the wall where I can’t just queue for things, I burn out extremely quickly. It’s not that I’m averse to doing M+ or higher tiers of raiding, I do all the time, it’s just the game gets boring. Progression slows way down and I have a much smaller number of dungeons and things to do. Used to be I had fun just playing, so that wouldn’t be a problem, but I don’t have that anymore with how easy everything has become.

I just don’t know what to do. No other MMO has enough content for me, or the game plays awful, so WoW is really all I got outside of games like League that I can’t handle 24/7.


I have fun because of the people I play with. If I had stuck to queue-able content I would have quit a long time ago.

If I’m not doing stuff with friends then I’m farming transmogs / collectibles. Maybe doing LFR Razzageth for a chance at the mount skin. Maybe I’m leveling battle pets.

There’s plenty to do in WoW, but it could just be that you’re not as interested in the game as you used to be. The game has certainly evolved in different ways over the years.

  1. Trial of Style
  2. Old Rep Grinds
  3. Dung with my Group
  4. LFR Raid Wings for the melt downs and comedy (BFA LFR atmosphere was something else)

I’m done with this expansion but the next one I’ll be having fun!


I explore, I play through my own stories, I PvP some.

Sometimes you have to get creative:

  • Back when they still worked reliably it was fun to take over Horde Zeppelins with Alliance characters.
  • Engineers and hunters with explosive traps can have fun with explosives. Humanoids that run in fear when wounded are especially fun. Back in Shadowlands I’d place explosive traps in the paths of fleeing stewards. Blasted one up into a tree it couldn’t get out of.
  • Stealthing into enemy cities and emoting stuff to opposite faction players. Nothing threatening, but stuff that just messes with their minds. Not sure if this works anymore.
  • Exploring in places nobody goes. There’s still things in the game that have never been discovered, allegedly.

For me, I don’t just stick to doing one activity.

I don’t raid (I do LFR), I don’t do Mythics (I do LFD when storylines etc ask for it).

I do open world content, I enjoy doing older content for collecting transmogs etc, old achievements.

I pet battle because I enjoy collecting pets.

I enjoy levelling alts to either collect more transmog, more chances at mounts etc

I went full on this year in Trial of Style, I had missed many years of it so I had to collect everything! Thoroughly enjoyed it.

I do want to say that WoW almost has something for everyone but sadly it’s probably not true.

I don’t know if I could ever give a simple answer to why I enjoy WoW, I just do. It’s coming up on around 16 years for me, many breaks in that time from either just plain old burn out or RL issues.

Every new expansion brings new challenges and new shinies and I do love new shinies.


Maybe I should give you the benefit of the doubt and think your on an alt account but I took a gander at your FoS and I’m a bit suspicious that this game is so overly easy for you.


Electric lettuce and ADHD.


Don’t play.

I don’t mean that in a mean way whatsoever. Your free time shouldn’t be spent doing something you don’t enjoy.

If you’re simply over the game, there’s nothing wrong with that. Twenty years is a long time.



I don’t

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Which specs are you playing? gets out the notepad


Right at this point I am looking forward to pandamonium. Otherwise I’m doing mythics or a little raiding. Just finally getting into digs now lol it’s fun.

Otherwise I hate to agree with some people here but season 4 is a bit lackluster. Was looking forward to it more before it came out but now it’s sort of dry feeling actually playing it.

There is no “trick”. If you are wondering why you yourself are not having much fun while other seems to be having plenty of fun, all I can say is people are different. There is also nothing wrong with you if you are no longer having fun. I suggest taking a break from the game, and remind yourself that it is just a game.


This is why you can’t have fun in retail. you want wow to be how it was in the olden days


play with friends. it helps a lot!


This is simply not true.


Have you tried WoW as an eSport? If your so much better than anyone else, you should clean up and be world champion. I have no idea how well it pays but it might be worth a try.


I’m on Moon Guard.

Take a guess.

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Im callin cap bro. Its not easy. If its easy you worky our way up to mythic raiding and mythic 30 key


I sit afk in town waiting for my pvp queue to pop. After the pvp is done, I sell the winning proceeds to a vendor.

Rinse, repeat for an hour or two.

I tried leveling an alt but just couldn’t stomach going through the campaign nonsense again. By now I thought Blizzard would make it so if you did the campaign 2 or 3 times prior, you could skip 90% of it.

But nope… they need to keep the boring grind going so no more alts until next expansion