How do people with tons of hours in modern WoW have fun?

No, when I look back at MoP (my favorite expansion), I look back at the story and vibe of the zones, I look back at the class design (especially fistweaver), I look back at the raids. I never had friends, but I genuinely enjoyed the game back then.

Now I can’t pug mythic raids because of the way lockouts work, and my classes are all boring. It has nothing to do with other people.

This still happens at Grom’gal. I’ll get on the zeppelin and Alliance will be hanging out.

Also was a popular gank zeppelin for Alliance in Classic Phase 2.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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It was this way back in Vanilla too though.

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My favorite xpac as well, but it doesn’t keep me blind to enjoying others.

A spec that literally broke healing and caused spirit as a stat to be rethought. It also still is incredibly fun, to me and many others.

So you kept your channels muted, never socialized?

So how raiding worked back in the entirety of WoW, including MoP.

Again your opinion, can’t argue.

But you are missing what other people are saying, it doesn’t matter how engaging the game is -they- play the game for the social interaction. WoW blew up because it was described as a social platform before MySpace and Facebook, it’s why so many still play. I don’t understand why someone asks a question then says ‘no, not for me, wrong’. If you don’t enjoy the game for whatever reason, and don’t enjoy being social, what answer are you hoping someone gives? That Blizzard holds their family hostage, they do it to pay rent, their addicted to making bigger number?


Last time I had fun was in Legion. These days WoW is more akin to a second job that I’m not allowed to quit or even just take vacation days. Always got to log in. Always got to do more dailies and fill the vault on all my characters and level more characters to do more vaults and dailies.

My trick is just to stop playing for a while. I also force myself to ignore weekly cadence and play on my own schedule. You will be surprised how rushing before the Tuesday reset cash make you resent the game.

Why are you playing like that if you don’t enjoy it?

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I don’t appreciate when people making sweeping statements like “the reason MMOs were popular back in the day was because of the social aspect” and other extremely generalizing statements. Not everyone played to simp over other people.

Then you’re not playing classes to their fullest.

And you’re clearly not doing anything remotely challenging.

So you’ve not done any M+ this season. Got it.


Hm… I kind of feel that Legion and Bfa were by an overwhelming margin more toxic when it came to demanding your time. The ap grind never stopped, bfa had numerous agony inducing systems that forced pvp on pvers and vice versa. The crest system in the new seasons elegantly allows for catch up at any time and makes alting easier than ever. Heck I even was on vacation and missed the s4 start by several days and didn’t feel punished for it.

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That’s not what simp means. Also, like… if you think WoW wasn’t mostly social stuff when it became big, IDK what to tell you. Appreciate or don’t appreciate, WoW was an MMO, it’s whole thing is the social part, you can be the solo player sure, but it’s like saying people don’t like the Sun for being a big ball of fire that keeps us alive, they like it because the Earth goes around it. Like yeah, you can like it for that reason, but it’s not the main thing that got it popular.


For the small hope that i’ll come to enjoy WoW again like i did when i joined back in WoD. Also, WoW at this point is like a drug addiction or being chained to an anchor. Longest I’ve ever been able to get away from WoW before withdrawals hit about 3 days.

Back then i was way more relaxed when it came to the grind. i’d unlock all my weapons nodes and call it a day for that character, but as time progressed into BFA and SL I started getting sucked into the grind grind grind mindset which ultimately led me to despising WoW.

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The other big part was an RPG that was constantly getting new content, and never really ended.

But you know what’s that matter

I mean this fully, please find a professional, addictions are not good.

And it still is? Dragonflight is flooded with content and a new oillar is coming with delves.

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Oh I did, they took my money then laughed me out the door saying it wasn’t a true addiction and i was just melodramatic.

Point is that “social” is only a part of it. It’s not everything.

Then you can bring to court or you didn’t visit a licensed professional.

You’ve been paying to play a game that you don’t enjoy, that you also feel is like a second job, and this has been going on for the last 8 years? Bro, move on. looool


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