How do people with tons of hours in modern WoW have fun?

Time to unsub and move on.

But don’t expect a bunch of addicts to tell you that.


Yea, for PvE I agree. The PvE has turned into an AoE fest Diablo speed run.

But go try doing some pvp with those “2 or 3” buttons and see how far you get.

Collecting stuff is how I have fun. Not so much that it turns me salty and jaded though; if the grind starts getting to me I step away and do other stuff, sometimes meaning a full-on break from the game and I come back weeks or months later.


You are being excessively honest, lol

I have fun because I enjoy the people I play with, if played solo I’d find a new game in a heartbeat.

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So many people say “Oh it’s fun because of who I play with” – how does playing with people you know make a game any different?

It’s still the same game, same mechanics.

I have fun because I’m playing with my friends/guildies.
we’re hanging out in discord, talking about stuff, having a good time, etc.


but it’s just more fun with friends.


I don’t have any friends or family to play with, I don’t do raids, pvp, battlegrounds and rarely dungeons when they are current.

I do however enjoy questing and leveling, which is the main part of the game for me. I get into a kind of headspace for each alt I play, essentially taking them on their adventures for the very first time. I don’t mind rep grinds or wqs and love using ground and flying mounts and especially dragonriding mounts these days.
I occasionally do pet battles but not often. I love running old dungeons at my own pace, for mounts and mogs, able to look around at my leisure. I sometimes focus on achievs and work on those for fun as well.
I have my moments where I get bored and I’ll not play, or just play a low level alts which always enjoys me. I’ve only ever taken extended unsubbing breaks and that was during WoD and again in Cata and that’s it. Aside from a day or two here and there, I enjoy playing as often as life allows. :smiley:

  • Get AotC on heroic for the season
  • Get the M+ achieve (personally not compelled to do much more than that)
  • Gear a few or all classes in BGs
  • Collect stuff

That’s just me. I have a lot of alts and I can’t think of any that are 3-button experiences. Especially in PvP. Mythic raiding seems job-like and I wasn’t compelled to push M+ beyond getting a few portals last season. This season will be the same.

I don’t play this game for a big challenge or to feel “skilled” – it’s a stupid video game, it’s not for that.

So you haven’t played shaman huh


I don’t know what it is but whenever I take a long break, leveling up a character is really appealing. I don’t know if it’s the barrage of quest noise you get on returning characters or the full bars of spells that might have changed but I end up leveling a lot.

Legion zones are so good to me even now, just wish they would fix some of the level breakpoints so you can do the whole class campaigns (right now they give trivial XP at 45, but many things don’t unlock until 45).

Gameplay variety is what I love though, going from Rogue to Warlock to Shaman to Mage. I end up not making a lot of overall progress but it looks like that’s changing finally next expansion!

I didn’t think anyone would ever admit they enjoyed the poop quests.



For me, it’s the group that I play with. Having a group of people that I enjoy doing things with can make anything more interesting.

When I haven’t had that, I’ve taken breaks before. The game can still be fun and enjoyable for a bit, but I don’t do nearly as much grinding if I have to pug 100% of the time instead of pugging 25-50% of the time.

I loved the poop quests. For a while, there was at least one in every expansion and the base game. I think there might be an expansion now that missed having one, but they were always entertaining.


You start by accepting that the enjoyment you had in 2004 and WotLK cannot be the same enjoyment you have out of the game 20 years later. We as people change. What you found fun back in WotLK originally may not be fun to you now. For example I used to PvP all the time in addition to raiding, and I no longer PvP unless a friend specifically asks for help.

I also just know when I’m done playing for the season, or when I’m done with a character and move on to the next. I have times where I’m on every day during the week after work, and than I have days where I raid log or do a dungeon because someone asked me for help.

Engage with what you find fun, and when the fun stops, stop playing.


I don’t find the game particularly fun anymore, tbh. If I’m not playing with people I like playing with then most of my time is spent complaining about how much I despise everything the devs do.

The game is definitely crap now, but at least when I play with fun people we can laugh about it and talk about other things while killing dragons.

It might just be time for you to give it up, my friend. It’s sad, but we’ll probably never get another MMO quite like WoW was.

When I was still playing more “normally”, it was doing the same things I did back in Cata or whatever. Raid Prog. Dungeons on alts or for currency. Now Dungeons are more relevant because of M+, but its still the same game at its core.

If you lose the desire to chase gear or parses / prog rankings then you lose a LOT of reason to continue playing the game in huge amounts. At least if you’re the type of player that cared a lot about that stuff in the first place.

I feel like I started the process of sunsetting my time here back in the 2nd half of BfA tbh, because I no longer have the desire to chase that stuff seriously. One-off things keep grabbing me for a little bit and then fade, but my time played is miniscule compared to anytime before 2019 or so.

It’s the same mechanics, sure, but it’s actually a fun game with friends.

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But it’s a social game, and when you get with friends to enjoy the experience it becomes far more fun. Helping people, just chatting, etc. Old WoW was snooze in difficulty, what people came together for was the social aspect of being in a massive Ventrillo or TeamSpeak call. No one looks back on spamming frost bolt and wand as the fun part, it was the players that made the engagement fun.

And I say this as someone who has maybe caused a wipe or ten from trolling friends.


Overall, the game isn’t as fun anymore. I’m older now, and I have more hobbies than I did 15 years ago. I log in, do what I want to, experience things how I want to experience them. I don’t raid at a high level anymore - I didn’t like the stress that came with pushing content as hard as I was by then.

I focused on Pet Battles in MoP because that’s where I found most of my fun. Raiding was a weekly thing and once it was done for the week, I went and did something else. PvP stopped being fun somewhere along the line and I haven’t been in a battleground in, I dunno, many expansions at this point.

The majority of my friends have moved on from the game. Lives change, people change. I don’t make friends as easily as I used to and I’m content with that. I’m not beholden to a rigid schedule anymore.

The game has never been difficult. I’d argue that it’s gotten exponentially more difficult since the old days. Fights are way more mechanically involved to the point that Blizzard has literally crafted boss fights to combat DBM instead of challenge players - Jailer is probably the stupidest boss fight I’ve ever completed in this game, and just might be the most stupid boss fight I’ve experienced in all my time gaming.

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