Compared to back in 2009-2010…
that they can buy their gear in GDP,
Where does all this gold come from? Is it farmed and bought?
I think GDKP is a gift to gold sellers. Should have been banned a long time ago.
Compared to back in 2009-2010…
that they can buy their gear in GDP,
Where does all this gold come from? Is it farmed and bought?
I think GDKP is a gift to gold sellers. Should have been banned a long time ago.
A mass majority buy it, few of them nolife farm.
Mostly due to how big GDKP’s are now. Most gold being exchanged in GDKP’s is gold gotten from other GDKP’s, BUT, most of the goal exchange AT ONE POINT IN TIME, was likely purchased gold.
Replace the gold with wow gold, insert GDKPs and wow gold sites.
Basically explains how everything works.
You can learn about pretty much everything from South Park. It is better than the American public education system tbh
A lot of players buy gold so they can Barbie up their toon with unearned gear.
They bought it! Blizz gave bots “free” lvl 70 DKs so obviously this is how they want the game to work. Personally I think buying gold defeats the purpose so my wealth is my gbank full of farmed mats and consumes, but not everybody cares. And you don’t even really /have/ to buy gold to get rich anymore. Go carry a couple reputable high stakes GDKP with gold buyers and you’ll walk away with more than enough money to either continue building a fortune, or to buy your own gear.
I’m just waiting for all the liars to show up claiming “I legitimately farmed my 100k gold with dailies and crafting CDs! You guys must just suck!”.
Most people with a lot of gold do one of two things:
1.) They get in early on trending markets. Darkmoon decks by utilizing early inscription for example made me about 70k on a fresh server. Hell, even without inscription, buying decks in advanced, knowing the DMF was going to be for a few days and prices of trinkets would skyrocket is pretty easy to see ahead of time. Instant 50-70% ROI.
Recently, I was constantly buying runed orbs because people were cutting 200-300 off the price for some reason. I was able to do this with over 150 on a medium pop server. I would pay people to craft new items when they were lucky to get the recipe on day one and sell boots and belts for 2x the cost of materials because people didn’t want to look on discord and find someone who could make them.
These are basic, no risk, easy to spot things. Imagine all the difficult to spot things out there in the auction house market.
2.) they have like 4 Alts and do dailies. Doing dailies on one toon will net you over 30k in a month at this point. I don’t do dailies because it’s boring and playing the AH takes far less time. I don’t even have TSM configured in classic and it’s that easy, provided you think a bit about what people are going to buy in major content patches. Spellslinger boots and sash of ancient power doesn’t take much foresight to see why people would buy these.
I’ve never done a GDKP in my life and this is a fresh toon and my only toon on a fresh server that I play. Doing all the tbc and wotlk quests was like 16,000 gold. I took that and reinvested it doing simple things as stated and have sold well over 250k worth of auctions at this point playing the AH minimally.
Why didn’t we have this much gold back in the day? Think about how many people have loremaster of Outland and northrend today versus back then. That’s a lot of gold! It just builds from there exponentially.
“Liars”? Are you flamebaiting with old charax. Good times right?
Sock puppets… ROLL OUT!
Step 1: GDKPs create an incentive for more and more gold to buy BiS
Step 2: Bots farm gold to supply GDKPs
Step 3: Bots farm PvP to level bots and accounts to sell to GDKPs looking to make split runs without having to level toons
Step 4: The cycle repeats, adding more and more gold each rotation because GDKP organizers often sell gold right back to the whales who buy gold to get gear
If you are on a large server, odds are your top guilds are selling gold on the side along with directly selling gear/raid spots/mounts to players through Discord for irl money. Since Blizz openly accepts GDKPs the cycle will continue to repeat, which is why it’s becoming more and more difficult to even raid without GDKP of some form being involved.
Step 1: use a sock puppet to create a post.
Step 2: flame it
Step 3: enter white knight
Step 4:
Step 5: flamewar
While there will definitely be some players with legit earned wealth, the rampant gold buying and GDKP’s have completely tarnished the game.
These players aren’t classic-spirited players. Today’s gamers are just garbo weirdos.
Bots killing mobs 24/7 and vendoring everything.
Stop it. it’s so weird how people think that others were not rich back in wotlk. Nowadays just everyone knows about people having gold as they use it in raids for gear.
Back in wotlk we had a JC guy that was just doing the auctionhouse game and done dailies on 5 alts, doing 2.5k gold a day just with the quests and more so with the auctionhouse. Someone that had over half a million gold back then just playing the game.
If you would actually play the game you would know how easy it is to get to 10k → 25k → 100k and beyond in 1-2months of doing something that nets gold for 1h daily.
You cant get with a logical response in this thread. Apparently no one can make that gold if they can’t while not even playing
Guarentee anyone who has been playing Wrath since it released has come and gone through a minimum of 100k on their main alone. Crazy how people think 100k is a large amount or difficult to obtain.
So if I post a screenshot of my forum avatars I take it you’ll delete this post?
I see you typing. Put your money where your mouth is.
because they are good at playing the game for 3 years now, how about you ?
Nope. Like with RDF… I never cared. I like order and believe order comes from chaos.
And your post tells me you take this all way too seriously. Relax bro
Why so serious