How do I learn the "switch flight style" spell?

But if you click it, it gives the error “Spell not learned”.

It only shows up in your spellbook after level 20.

And WoWhead lists it as requires level 20.

i just showed you a level 11 character with it in their spellbook.


in retail it will show below level 20 too.
…but you can’t use it, because you can’t learn the appropriate riding skill until level 20.

because the spell you’re trying to activate, can’t be learned until level 20.

the ability is still there, and can still be clicked… it just can’t be USED without the appropriate riding skill

That’s not your spellbook.

lol what?

whose is it?

what a weird thing to say.

i clearly can’t test on this character, because it’s not below level 20, nor is it in remix.

You’ve been looking at your mount collection.

Level 70 Spellbook:

Level 12 Spellbook:

yeah… where the ability is located.

open your mount tab.

in remix.

show me that the switch flight button doesn’t exist.

The button shows in your mount collection. It shows in my Remix mount collection.

But it does not show up in your spellbook until you are level 20.

well your ui is borked.

because it definitely shows up before level 20.
it just can’t be activated

No, you’re looking at your mount collection, which is not your spellbook.

WoWhead shows it as “Requires level 20”

Switch Flight Style


It doesn’t show up in your spellbook, until you are level 20.

oh i see what you’re getting pedantic about.

it’s a terminology thing.

a completely irrelevant terminology thing.

the spell is “available”… not sure why you think it matters WHERE in the ui it is, the functionality doesn’t change

It’s only irrelevant if you aren’t thinking like a programmer.

Because if you haven’t learnt it, it doesn’t matter where else it shows up.

what is causing the “not learned yet” error, is that the ability to switch between the two is disabled before both forms of riding are learned.

the implementation is poor/misleading, no doubt

…but someone thinking as a programmer, should know that using the ability from anywhere within the UI should have the same result.

No, you can technically fly at level 10 in Remix.

You can’t switch out of Skyriding until level 20. Because you learn the switch button at level 20.

When you learn a spell, where does the spell go?

you learn it the instant you log in.

you can’t use it, because steady flight doesn’t exist until level 20.

round and round in circles we go.

No, you don’t.

It requires level 20.

I don’t even know why you’re still arguing about it.

because the level 11 has the ability available.

attempting to use it, results in an error, because there is nothing to switch between.

you seem to think that a thing can only exist if it’s in the “spellbook”.

our mounts aren’t stored in the “spellbook”

we open up the mount collection, and drag the mount to an action bar.

you can drag the icon/ability of “switch flight style” directly from the mount tab, to a bar slot… at level 11.

No, the mount collection shows a button, for a spell that has not yet been learnt.

Characters in Remix are able to fly at level 10.

Switch Flight Style, is a spell, not a mount. You learn it at level 20.

When you learn a spell, it goes into your spellbook. It doesn’t matter if it’s ‘visible’ anywhere else.

If you haven’t learnt it yet, when you drag it from your mount collection to your bars, it turns grey, because you haven’t learnt it yet.

Just like if you change talents and ‘unlearn’ one that is already on your bars.

And you can drag talents from your talent page to your bars, even if you’re level 1.

But that doesn’t mean you have learnt all the talents as soon as you create your character.

same with characters in retail.

oh boy.

it requires level 20 to use.

the spell can be dragged from the mount UI to the action bar… at level 10.

it can’t be USED, because there’s nothing to switch to.

and the error message you get if you choose to do that?

nothing. no error.

i think i’m done… i’d rather spend time helping people, than arguing semantics just because you’re bored.

No. Characters in both Remix and Retail can Skyride at level 10.

Characters in Remix are able to, technically, Stable Fly at level 10. But they are not able to switch to Stable Flight, because they have not yet learnt the switching ability.

“Spell not learned”:


nope, i just dragged a high level (non-passive) talent to my bars, and there is no error.

they’re not.
the ability to use steady flight in both iterations of the game, is not enabled below level 20.

this is what a programmer should be able to recognize as a bug. (or just straight up bad design)

i see you added a pic.
the spell is not learned, because the spell you’re trying to use, (steady flight) doesn’t exist.