How do I drink as a Earthen to get Mana Back?

You’re not supposed to be able to use a feast anyway AFAIK

Who needs ozempic when u can just play earthen


Untested and/or bugged new race?

Classic Blizzard.


Yeah a third one is to eat a cut gem every time you need mana, which means burning 1k-2k gold every time you need to drink, when everyone else is using cheap water for that.

Yes, this works, but it requires you have a mage around, which you may not (eg PvP).

It’s just unworkable not to have some cheap baseline way to restore your own mana.


Not sure if the gem buff is bugged but I’m only getting 45 mastery well fed. As for the mage food I quick Que into a follower dungeon and grab 80 mana buns and leave lol.


I don’t have Earthen unlocked yet so can’t check; what about normal non-buff food such as Chalcocite Lava Cake?

Excellent idea!

Edit: You get to keep your Mark and Int buffs too!


YES. Sadly…

I have a thread with some constructive feedback on this. Instead of making new threads with minimal responses we need to just blow up that one so Blizz will notice and Hopefully provide a solution. I listed a few options in that thread

I hope they’ll reconsider the design on this. The concept is fun, but the execution is… not great.

I can’t even buy food or drink from the EARTHEN innkeeper in Dornogal… items like ‘stone soup’ and ‘granite salad’ are giving me the error that earthen cannot consume traditional food and drink.


  1. Let Earthen eat normal food and drink to restore health/mana. - or at the very least let casters drink water to restore mana. The racial passive only mentions food, not drink, so it isn’t very clear as it stands… and this is a big issue for healers.
  2. The well fed buff needs to actually be permanent (persist through death), and the stat bonuses need to be on par with normal food (currently seems to be worse, and not primary stats).
    -----Alternatively, let Earthen still gain Well Fed from feasts/normal food - but give them a small secondary stat bonus of their choice from also eating a gem (that persists through death) - similar to how Zandalari can pick a loa.
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You can pop into a follower dungeon and quickly stock up on mana buns.


Holy damn, you cant even drink water?!

This is so embarrassing for blizzard at this point. I dont know who thought this was good to ship or why.
This has got to be the most scuffed race i have ever seen them Ok.

Whats worse is earthen will have to deal with this every single expansion because gem prices are going to be through the roof.


Earthen should have a racial that basically says they carry around their own supply of water. Regens mana only. Call it “Use personal Mineral Water supply”.

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You could argue that the concept is “rock solid”. :disguised_face:


As for the mage food I quick Que into a follower dungeon and grab 80 mana buns and leave

This is it right here until blues can fix this.


That’s not a bad idea, but we shouldn’t have to do these ridiculous workarounds to get basic functionality out of a character, because whoever implemented the racials has never played the game before.

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You visit an Engineer for an IV bag. They can also make the little rack to wheel it around. Enchanters can make that wheel thing into a staff.

Tailors can make a pin to keep your butt covered in the gown.

“We’d rather you didn’t play the race we just created.”
:beverage_box: :dracthyr_comfy_sip:


Bro, what? :skull: What the hell is going on with this Earthen racial? :rofl:

Pretty much. I’m leveling a baby earthen and well, not being able to eat means long downtimes if a pull goes wrong. It’s stupid.

I get the permanent buff as a racial but they should still be able to eat normal food/drink just for health/mana.


Once again, this is why we can’t have nice things… All the whiners.

Sounds more and more like Earthen is becoming the “Survival game” race.

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