How do I avoid ERP on Moonguard?

This! Good idea!!

Yes please!! Iā€™m surprised they havenā€™t commented about moonguard since 2010.

Another type of person rolling just on MG so they can make it worse and in general spread fake lies about it. Shocker.


Iā€™m confused, did Sunday come early this week?

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I was on Moonguard for 2 years and didnā€™t get tickety boo from folks, but hereā€™s a few Ideas.

  1. Dress more conservatively. A lot of female pieces areā€¦ suggestive. If you go for something tha isnā€™t super suggestive then youā€™ll get less attention.
  2. Name and shame. If theyā€™re whisper telling you disgusting things, out them so that everyone knows what creeps they are.
  3. If youā€™re being persistently harassed by the same people contact blizz.

Oh itā€™s a very long and complicated answer, my friend, however, I should try to summarize it in a few as words as I can possibly do so. Just donā€™tā€¦

Donā€™t play on moonguard, you have the tools to fix this problem yourself.

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The answer is to get out of Silvermoon. Specifically, if you set your hearthstone to the inn just west of the main entrance? Yeah. Thatā€™s Hordeā€™s version of the Lionā€™s Pride. Avoid at all costs.

Idek why you would want to roll Horde on Moon Guard anyway. Isnā€™t WRA the Horde RP server?

First problem is Moonguard.

Just avoid the inn. Or if you really want to scare people off, play a female bearded dwarf. That will work too.

Soā€¦ been here about 6 hours doing that on a new alt and no free gold.

If you go there on that toon looking like that then you are probably not going to be able to avoid it.

Doubt it. Horde isnā€™t like the alliance.

Moongard is the creepy RP server. I would leaveā€¦

Make a dwarf!

In all seriousness, if you donā€™t want to do something donā€™t do something.

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For all the complaints of Goldshire, I still donā€™t understand why you havenā€™t had the Lightforged just OMGLAZOR that inn to dust.

So yeah i play on Moon Guard Horde side. I can honestly say i have yet to run into any of what happens to you! I have plenty of Blood elf toons also!

I got more crazy whispers on a female human alliance side over thereā€¦which is why i decided i would play horde on Moon guard lol! I was in goldshire for like all of 5 minutes just to turn a quest in and hop a griffin to SW!

Listen to this dwarf OP

Iā€™ve never run into creepy Horde Moonguard people. A guild group of hilarious ones in a M+ dungeon once, but never creepy.

Most RPers keep to themselves. Itā€™s hard to even get them to engage with you as someone from another server who enjoys casual RP. I can be as in-character as I like, but still get stonewalled. Oh well.

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Donā€™t go looking for a sermon at the chicken ranch.