For me it’s like looking at a car crash. It’s awful, but you cant help but look.
Is there an option to ignore whispers from strangers?
Kurtloder: how is Phantasy Star Universe(PSU) related to this ? o.O
Ulendur: nice helm choice I wear dah same 1 on mah hunter…but different chest//shoulders
It’s pretty easy, I suggest daily eye bleach and removing your chat box. Report every player you talks to you.
I’ll be honest, I ignore anyone asking for real life stuff or write little prompts for the ones who offer gold. My Moon Guard characters have a nice sum of gold after this. May as well benefit off of the desperation of people online.
Don’t play on Moonguard.
Any more question?
Have you tried just tracking the person/people down and just completely effing with them in game to the point they break their little ERP and freak out? That’s how I’m able to get people to leave me alone, but it might get you a temp ban so I tend not to use my MG toons that much, but man when I feel like messing with people it’s so fun.
Oh honey, I would’ve believed you… if you didn’t make a dead giveaway.
Horde population on Moon Guard is DEAD
All that are left are the few who refuse to leave their friends behind. Or enjoy the peace and quiet.
Putting people on ignore is cool and all but I just literally ignore people if I don’t want to respond to them. Not to credit this to the times when I am afk though.
I know it’s icky seeing weirdos msg you but the only thing I can provide as far as advice is to /ignore them. Grow a backbone.
They key to avoiding erp on moonguard is to stop wrongly flagging posts.
I could say ERP happened in ERP-mode
- but it obviously didn’t.
It’s quite easy, stay out of Lion’s Pride Inn.
Meme at them, or just expose them in trade chat. Trust me, it will work.
I’m glad this topic came up because I have a question
Sometimes I make a lvl 1 and roll into gold shire in just to see if it lives up to its reputation
What I mostly find is a lot of people, not moving, a few dancing
Maybe a horde player running around and usually some people in the basement and in the rooms
Hardly anyone says a word though
I am doing something wrong here?
everyone probably uses the TRP addon. It lets you set up a character story.
Yea ppl who have been playing for awhile are aware of and know how to avoid the red district of moonguard goldshire.
But I cringe thinking how a new player would feel starting a fresh new trial on moonguard. That server should come with a warning.
Thirsty female roleplayers are worse imo. Been there just not in WoW.
Some girls are just never told “no” and they freak the heck out
Dude, my male BELFS get hit on waaaaaaay more often then my female BELFS do on Moon Guard.
Either way, I usually just /ignore them, unless they say something funny or interesting enough to catch my attention.
Constantly by who? Horde side has been lacking in MG since Legion.