I play a female BELF and I constantly get creeps messaging me disgusting things. I have to add new people to ignore constantly.
Or am I going to be forced to change RP servers? Will blizzard actually take action? I see the same people still in trade.
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You only have yourself to blame playing a female character on a RP realm full of thirsty dudes that have probably never even talked to an actual female.
Enable pvp. That should phase a bunch of them out
I never had an issue on Moonguard for my BE or VE ladies. I did get a bunch of guild invites but that is about it. shrugs
Oh I did my best to avoid hanging out in the main cities though. PVE out in the world was pretty empty.
Just stay out of goldshire, that area may as well be the Sahara desert with the amount of thirst that takes place there.
I’m not sure what the Horde equivalent to gs is but stay away from there also. Honestly only issue I have in Moonguard is some weirdo mailing me meaty bat wings and soup…
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Imagine playing on Moonguard. 
You have a few options:
#1. Wear a mask. Back in the day on Moon Guard for some reason whispers were way more common so I personally just wore a mask when I went into a populated area.
#2. Get TRP and say in caps in your other information section NO ERP
#3. Just ignore them, it is honestly pretty rare for it to happen nowadays so just hit that ignore button.
play server that doesn’t have reputation
Take it from me. Once you’ve been to goldshire you are cursed. Doomed to live out the rest of enternity seeing visions of goldshire “Activities”. Might as well just embrace it.
I made the mistake of innocently making a human on moonguard to learn about RP a long time ago
After leveling to around20 or so I started running dungeons, at which point I was harassed for being on moonguard.
One person even made a new toon on moonguard just to gross me out after I ignored him during a dungeon run.
Lol or avoid it like the plague! Nope not gonna go there. 
You can state that you’re not interested in ERP on your MRP/TRP profile somewhere it will be obvious, like whichever sections pop up on mouseover or in whatever portion is near the top of your sheet.
Or you could decline their offers as they come if not just ignore them entirely, either by not responding or via the in-game ignore list.
You’re Horde on MG. That doesn’t happen because Horde side MG isn’t prevalent.
Get TRP3 and put “No ERP” in it.
But this thread is only here to troll.
Just go there on your Horde toon and kill everyone there to show them that you mean business. You are not there to erp around. Your’re also not even there to derp around. You are only there to drink milk and eat cookies.
》Plays an RP server in an M rated game when he doesn’t want to ERP…
Perhaps if you put on some clothing, stopped chain chugging elixir of Tongues and quit table dancing in the Lion’s Pride…
I don’t blame people for wanting to avoid that stuff.
Someone once asked me to participate and it made me mightily uncomfortable.