How do I avoid ERP on Moonguard?

It’s about as easy as not dropping a trollbait topic in General - you just don’t do it.

You seem to traditionally have a problem with that though.

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It’s no different than avoiding any other game activity (dungeons, raids, pvp, etc) - just say no/not interested. Given how I mog my toons, I used to get all sorts of… interesting whispers at random, on both factions, up until MoP. However, I never actually engaged in anything.

I don’t think it’s as abundant as some claim. The whispers started dying gradually after MoP to near non-existence. Any that do come through are more tame/respectable. On occasion, I’ll hop on a toon in an s-mog and run into GS to see if I’ll get any response. It has been quiet so far… :thinking:

Don’t bother with going to Goldshire. In my years of playing on Moonguard as female toons I’ve never received a sexually explicit message from anyone outside of my friends circle as a gaff.

I’ve played multiple female characters on MG for years and years.

I’ve gotten maybe one whisper. One. So… I don’t know what you’re doing to attract the creepers.

What I did with that one whisper was wondrous, though. :stuck_out_tongue:

Pull your pants up?

Alliance on Moonguard know that Goldshire is for pervs, tourist, and weirdos; the rp in the bars up in SW are where to go