It’s contained there. It’s like the Emerald Dream of ERPers. This saves the rest of us.
lol. moonguard…
It’s like warmode. You choose to be there you deal with the locals.
And you left out the most important part. Online interactions not rated by the ESRB.
I mean
It isn’t a completely unknown concept, to be honest
If I rolled a female blood elf on moonguard, I would fully expect lude whispers. I’m not saying it’s justified or right, but it would be something I would expect to happen. I lol’d when I read the OP.
Wow. A ton of people bit on this troll thread. Even worse, some gave advice as if OP was playing on Alliance.
There aren’t even any people on Moon Guard Horde. It’s almost entirely empty. You’d have to seek out this kind of attention, or you’d never receive it.
This didn’t happen, but bravo to OP for getting very dumb people interested in his troll topic.
Op is a known troll, ignore and flag and let thread die.
Moonguard is pretty great. Just avoid the realm tourist areas like Lions Pride Inn.
A good portion of the posts contained legit information though, as well as suggestions
If that’s what trolls are after nowadays, gottem, i guess? If the posts help someone outside of the OP, all the better
As an aside, as someone who puts some time in MG, if folks wanna ERP, are of age, keep it private, and aren’t hurting anyone else, y’know, go at it
Dwarven ales for all as I’m off work in an hour, hurrah
This thread is just fantastic. Lots of fun, but this, this this post is the best!
My best recommendation would involve using a male Elven DK, it’s an introvert’s dream come true and do not have to worry about annoying whispers.
To be extra safe, find something to keep yourself occupied and spend as much time away from capital cities as possible.
The other option would be taking advantage of the opportunity and profit off the unwanted situation with your character.
Why is this post flagged?
jump on mailbox
enjoy the free gold
Does this actually work? Because I’m about that desperate to afford a token.
Big cash to be made. Enjoy that Brutosaur buddy <3
Op is a know troll that constantly makes these type of threads.
There Isnt one…
There is, it’s the inn in silvermoon city.
It isn’t anywhere near as bad as trollshire but you should probably avoid that too.
im a degenerate so i gotta go check it out