How do humans and elves have children together?

whatever are you talking about?

Denial is not a river in Egypt :slight_smile:

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i am not in denial. i have no idea what you are referring to. I DO NOT LOVE DRAENEI!

I want Taurens and gnomes to start breading so we get gnome sized Taurens or as I like to call them mini-taurs lol.


Magic can bend the evolutionary rules, but not break them. Some hybrids are more likely to slip by than others.

dangit weidmann i loved listenin too tobuscus sing back then!

I heard if a Night Elf and a Darkspear Troll have children, they’d look like Zandalari :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

** Stares at Hawkens ankles **

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you best not…
These are my kickin boots!

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Meany, I ways hoping to catch that cockroach crawling up your ankles!

Fine enjoy having it crawling up your leg :stuck_out_tongue:

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/picks up cockroach puts it in a bag

oh boy, i can make that bug chili for that forsaken guy now!

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They make love and that is that.

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Fixed and thank you :yum:

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If you think Azeroth as some Half-Breed crazyness, wait until you learn about Draenor.

They are all descendents from the first ones. So it’s whatever the gods design.

could just ask for some…

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There are Satyrs and Dryads in this world, and you wonder how two humanoid races can breed?

Go to bed. You need sleep.


But I’m scared you’ll try and tame me :frowning:

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Magic is how

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now das lewd

i mean uhh…

i already have a pet fox, i’d mostly just pet ya.

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