Half-elves are possible since Alleria and Turalyon have a kid, Arator. He just uses the high elf model, but usually half-elves are supposed to be sort of half way between elves and humans in terms of build.
I think on top of some combinations being very unlikely, Blizzard just doesn’t want to make models for half races(and then be spammed with threads asking to make it playable).
Science doesn’t work the same in a magical world. Blizzard confirmed a loooong time ago that anything can have kids with anything, because magic, it’s just rare and also they don’t want to spend money making new models for every combination.
Like how Draenei and Orcs can have children and they’re from entirely different worlds, they couldn’t possibly share enough genes if it were happening in real life.
Like how the Worgen curse passes through blood, but it doesn’t pass from mother to child who literally share blood for nine months. Because MAGIC.
Free your mind from the shackles of genetics, chromosomes and DNA! MAGIC.
The other windrunner sister Valeera? I think that is her name and the old Kirin Tor leader guy before a mana bomb fell on his head had half elf children too.
Evolution is irrelevant when magic is involved in their creation/development.
Besides, how would you know there aren’t gnome/dwarf or orc/troll hybrids? I don’t see anything stopping them from introducing that at some future point if they wanted to.
If you want a reason that half-elves are more common, it’s probably because that goes back at least to Tolkien. Elrond was a half elf. And the relationship between Men and Elves is a fairly…iconic (for lack of a better word) one.
I’m sure there are other combinations that have occurred on Azeroth, the devs just haven’t had a reason to include them in the story yet. Oh and you forgot a combination that HAS been featured: Orc and Ogre (Mok’nathal).
The male human has to go through a rather long and painful procedure to become compatible for reproduction with a Blood Elf woman but for some odd reason there are no shortages of men who are up for this challenge.
well now, when a human and a elf love eachother very much… or get very drunk… lol
but really, like im every fantice story, elfs and humans are close enought that they can have kids, wow isnt any differnt. it dose ask the question, can humans and trolls do it or did the well of eternity change elfs so much allowing them to breed with humans?
my headconnon for thais type of stuff is “if it looks human it can breed with humans and other human looking races”. so humans, elfs, gnomes, dwarfs can 100% breed together.
the above and draenei and orks can prob do it aswell caz of Med’an, a " quarter orc quarter draenei, and half human. trolls are a mabye (trolls and orks may be able to more so then any of the human type races). Pandaren and vulpera are prob the only ones that cant