How did you pick your main?


  • Vanilla - Shaman
  • BC - didn’t play much, though arguably Hunter
  • WotLK - Warlock, then Paladin
  • Cataclysm - Hunter, then Priest
  • Mists of Pandaria - Death Knight, then Monk
  • Warlord’s of Draenor - Monk
  • Legion - Monk (quickly abandoned), then Demon Hunter, then Paladin
  • Battle for Azeroth - Monk, then Priest, then Paladin
  • Shadowlands - uh… Mage? This expansion was a mess. I tried everything a little.
  • Dragonflight - Completed the campaign on Shaman, though have worked on others quite a bit. Still trying to narrow down a main… likely going with Monk in the end. Fistweaving is finally back!

I mostly play solo outdoor content or dungeon/raid finder, so a big factor for me is how well it can solo outdoor content. Thematically, I love Hunters, Rogues, and Warriors, but I love healing when playing with friends.

The fact I can turn into a cat.

My 1st character was a Hunter that I stopped at level 18 for a Druid instead. This was back in Wrath. I never changed mains

Fit and feel combined with practicality of what I want to do.

I’m an m+ player predominantly, so I want to first and foremost pick a class that’s “good” at m+. It doesn’t necessarily have to be the meta, but it can’t actively work against you.

I enjoy outlaw and enh gameplay quite a bit, they nail the “fit and feel”. And both are quite good in m+. So that’s what I went with. I also enjoy fury warrior, but I wouldn’t pick one because the class is actively working against itself given that prot warriors are overwhelmingly the meta for tanks.

Shaman main 10 years because i love lightning and i love dogs/wolves.

Hunter main 2 years because its just too fun.

Currently my time gets almost evenly split between sham/pally/priest/hunter

I started out playing a Nelf Hunter, WoW was my first MMO and I liked the idea of it. Late in Vanilla I was in a guild where we ran 5 man content every night with a druid tank… one new character later and here we are, been hooked on druid ever since.

tried rping before, apparently folks didnt like my dk, or just didnt care, i rp’d as a hunter, and folks loved me for it.

Everything is a hunter weapon :smirk:

Honest answer, the person I started playing with wanted a hunter partner. That was 18 years ago and they have long since left the game, but I love this class/character.

Lowkey debating on switching my main to fury or arms warrior this expansion, or taking one of my alts to 70 and seeing how they do. Got to 70 on retadin, still not impressed.

Interested to see how they rework it, but I fail to see anything major happening unless they can totally redesign the class and push it to live servers in under three months.

Respectfully, as much as I appreciate the devs, I have doubts.

I liked hunter utility, I like elves…
And I wanted a character named Xenobia (Or a variant thereof) after playing Lunar: Silver Star Story.

This girl was just begging to be made.

I wanted to cover all roles, so I played pally, monk, and druid. Druid had more depth to me with the shape-shifting for damage reduction, healing, melee etc. So I picked it up in legion and have stuck with it, even when I swapped to other classes for my raid groups and m+.
Prior to that I was a gnome mage from 2005-2010. Lost that account info during a move and didn’t play for a few years after due to irl stuff going on.

Always was drawn to NE back with warcraft rts and did a hunter as my first go - then loved the idea of being a druid and shapshifting…i saw a druid tank back in early BC i was grouped with and loved the shiny flowing stuff they’d cast around themselves before shifting and turning into a bear.

my very first toon in like 2006 was a NE druid because shapeshifting was cool. when a real life friend invited me to play with them in a horde guild in 2007, i decided to pick as much of an opposite as I could figure out so I went undead affliction warlock. he was my co-main along with a resto shaman until legion when i decided to run an undead DK. I skipped BFA. undead prot warrior-SL for a while then went classic.

played OT warrior in classic. rogue in TBC classic (most fun I had had in the game for a while). DK so far in Wotlk reboot.

For DF, I had unlocked the nightborne and had never seriously played mage before so I thought I would focus on that first. it is more or less the first toon i do my weeklies on right now.

but i am an altaholic who likes to push moderate content in a variety of ways. I like to mess around with the different roles. I am part of a very small guild and we just bring whoever we want when we play together.

my 70s right now are (in order of my playing them) are all horde:

-ranged dps: nightborne arcane mage (main)
-tank: undead prot warrior (my shadowlands main)
-healer: preservation evoker (likely to be more pvp focused - i like BG healing)
-melee dps: havoc demon hunter

I pressed Stormstrike one time.

i dont like having any kind of pet.

i cant stand warrior since i tried it with full haste corruptions in the past, feels boring now.

DH a bit too edgy and hyper for me. wouldnt plop my eyes out either.

paladin too pink.

druid too granola.

im on a rogue now.

*id switch to MM hunter if they could lust without pet.

Played a warrior in vanilla, saw they were going to make bear tanking a real thing, switched to druid.

Been bear ever since.

I started leveling every Pandaren class to 60 at the beginning of Dragonflight to help me choose a main character, but since I’m playing the game pretty casually, I don’t really need a main character. So I’m pretty much content with playing everything the Pandaren has to offer. Warlock, Druid, Demon Hunter and Evoker don’t really do much for me, so I’m not really worried about them.

My original main back in Vanilla was a Shadow Priest. It seems I’ve come full-circle and will probably end up maining the Shadow Priest again, albeit as a different race and gender.

I was a Paladin for most of BC and all of Wrath. I was super into the “holy warrior/knight” aesthetic during those years. I skipped out on Cata and came back to the game about halfway through MoP. I picked up the Shaman after playing one in Wrath for a little while and Elemental was my main spec for the last ten years or so.

I’ve been playing different characters on and off since the beginning of BFA, leaning mostly towards ranged classes - Mage, Shaman and Priest, more frequently than anything else, though I do enjoy playing Windwalker Monk from time to time.

I don’t have much interest in playing Warrior, but DK is simple and effective enough that it’s fun to play. Rogue is annoyingly slow right now, but she’s only Level 19 - I’ll finish leveling her eventually.

But yeah, I picked Elemental Shaman for Chain Lightning and nothing else.

I did this as well… I had stuff like class lore, speed, spec variation, pvp history, all sorts of stuff, probably 15-20 things then gave a rating of 1-10 for each… hunter won, warrior was second

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I started off playing Druid, then Hunter. I wanted something more fast-paced so I asked on r/wownoob for advice after writing out what I was hoping for in a class.

Some nice folks gave me a variety of suggestions to try out, and I ended up following the recommendation I was given to try out Fury Warrior and I absolutely fell in love with the class.

Hunter had the easiest moveset, Beast Master gets the coolest pets, they can cloak when needed for when Blizzard makes some annoying quests, I like guns, and they’re fun.

When Legion began: as a windwalker (my first main), I was contemplating how to go down a cliff (find the designated route, ie, go the long way - or - jump off the cliff and rez at the bottom: much quicker). As I was pondering this dilemma, a demon hunter just spread its wings and sailed past me safely to the ground below.

Cool, thought I.

The second time that happened, I decided, I want that.

Changed mains, never looked back.