How did you pick your main?

What was the thing that told you “Yep, I’m going to play this for a long time”?

I suck at picking a main so I thought it’d be fun to see what made you all pick your class/spec.


Honestly? My first RPG character, ever, was a 1st Edition AD&D Paladin. This was … 1980? 1981? Anyway, when I saw WoW had Paladins, I was there.


I liked the lore behind Paladins, and I liked how they heal. Switched from being a warlock main in BC/Wrath, to this toon back in Cata. gg win imho :smiley:


I played a few classes and saw how they felt. Every expac everything changes. Like this guy, I love him but he isn’t my main.

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d20 dice. If the roll is higher, reroll.

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The original World of Warcraft trailer that I watched in 2004. Though to be honest, I’ve always played Druids and Rangers in games. Going back to D&D in the 80s.

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I usually keep to myself IRL and am an introvert, so the rogue class was my pick since they remind me of myself. That and it’s always beneficial to vanish and escape death when your group is getting decimated in raids or BGs.

Resto druid tree form. Still rock it to this day.

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Picture this:

Small rural town in Northern Canada. 4 friends all excited, long time players of Warcraft RTS wanting something new. Month before Vanillia release. All 14ish years old.

Friend 1: im going to be a rogue! Look so cool
Friend 2: nah, Warrior! Look at the cool plate armour. Info online says I can be a tank and we can run group activity!
Friend 3: Hunter, pet running around killing things.
Brother: you guys suck, mage! “Im a charging my fireball”

Me: ill guess ill heal =)



It picked me.


I like the Frost aesthetic, and I’ve enjoyed RPing as Tynne for a while now! Those are two important traits to me if I’m going to invest into a character.

Also there’s a certain charm with throwing large, sharp icy objects at people many times my size.


I like reactionary healing. The play styles of other healers just doesn’t appeal. I don’t want to do small numbers a bunch of times or deal with totems. Damage comes in, direct heals go out. With Mastery topping off, of course.

Though for now, I think I’m going to shelf the priest. From late MoP till now I’ve really enjoyed priest healing. But the type of stress presented to me is no longer fun. So I switched to Arcane and am having a blast in raids and keys. Nothing beats watching Touch of the Magi go off after pumping back to back to back 100k+ Barrages.


Legit made a spreadsheet of all the qualities I needed in a main and whoever got the most points won.

I’m a psychopath.


I pug a lot and gravitate towards self-sufficient classes, and classes with high amounts of utility. Warrior for the mobility and survivability, as well as ease of use and fast pacing. Paladin for the high utility and ability to mitigate mistakes of others.

Way way way back in the day I remember asking myself: “Do I want to have a pet cat, or BE a cat?”

My first character and main for vanilla was, surprise surprise, a Night Elf Hunter. It got a little boring though so I decided to try out a Tauren Druid for something completely different when Burning Crusade came out…and I haven’t looked back since.

Over the years I’ve now leveled up at least one of every class to max and played it casually in world content, LFR, dungeons and the like, and I can confidently say that she is my forever main. Whether because I have so much invested in her over the years, or because I just REALLY like Druids - or both - I don’t see any of my alts ever usurping her as my main.


If the class forces me to hit my keyboard as hard as I can then it’s my main. Cough cough, Fury/Arms.

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Friend wanted me to come back, i wanted to play a healer, he told me Rsham sucked, decided to randomly try the new thing and it clicked with me at every level.

Just dumb luck i guess.

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Big Two handed Hammer…Dwarf. Im in.

(I have learned to appreciate big two handed bladed tools as well)

I went to the character select screen, thought necrotic werewolves were cool, picked random name, and the rest is history.


I dislike melee so that means i had to play a caster.

Mage is squishy as heck and you need to kite all over the place. So no to that.
Elemental shaman doesnt feel good to play so no to shaman.
I want to like shadow priest as i used to main a disc priest. But its not that great and you play as a blob of purple gas.
Druid is annoying having to change forms. Plus i cant be any of my favourite races.
And hunters are just boring.

So really that just left warlock.
And warlock is lots of fun. All 3 specs are good.

As for race, void elves are just cool. And have you seen their heritage armor? Probably the best set in the game.

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