My main is whatever feels fun at the time. Oddly enough, the ones I use most in Dragonflight are ones I first levelled up in Shadowlands.
- Worgen Priest
- Troll Druid
- Blood Elf Rogue
My main is whatever feels fun at the time. Oddly enough, the ones I use most in Dragonflight are ones I first levelled up in Shadowlands.
That trailer made me roll dwarf Hunter initially. I can dig it.
This was my first ever MMO in 2004 and my first ever character. (Started as a nelf)
I liked playing rogue characters in tabletop DnD so I went with the familiar.
If something works, gotta stick with it.
I liked having enough damage throughput to fight back if i got attacked by a dps, which holy has been doing since cata+ until end of SL started changing that
Not really the case anymore since every dps passively heals more than the damage i can put out
I change for each expansion. One for Horde and one for alliance. Something I didn’t use a lot of last expansion.
In DF its my Horde paladin & Alliance DH. decided to go tanks this expansion because the people I usually run with all wanted to be evokers… DPS and Heals so… I went tank
Because I didn’t get how to play a paladin way back in Vanilla, so deleted it and created a warrior because “I just want to kill things.”
I now play my hunter and mage more, but level this warrior first because I’m stubborn.
My first character was a hunter- back in the old days when the character creation screen would recommend hunters for people that prefer playing alone.
I liked hunter, but I always found myself in melee range…and attacking the adds with a melee weapon (this was before survival spec turned melee if it says how long ive been on this game, lol).
One of my friends at the time noticed this and told me to try warrior as it would suit me more.
…now I’m a warrior addict, LOL. I do have other classes, but warrior is my favorite for sure.
The only correct answer is to pick whatever you think looks the coolest. If you’re not interested in doing FOTM rerolling and just want to stick with one main forever, the only way to do that is if you love how your class looks because it gives you the motivation to stick with it even when they suck.
Same character, different name
i’ve played a lot of classes and specs through the years but windwalker always feels really great to play, even if they’re not OP.(they are right now).
they have an incredible ability to do damage regardless of mechanics/cooldowns/how the tank pulls etc. they can just pump damage 24/7. I like that feeling. their cooldowns are also short and they don’t feel “wasted” like some classes. Ret paladin for example, 30 second wings when the trash pack dies in 15 seconds and half your CD goes to waste. Horrible Feeling.
very carefully.
How did I pick my main? Poorly. Retadin sucks from what I can tell.
Feels very unwieldy and not fluid at all. In comparison, my fury warrior just works.
Fury is tons of fun to play and keeps me wanting to grind quests and objectives.
Also my evoker is surprisingly tasty.
I went
“Hey this is fun”
And the rest was history
I left alliance and made a horde warrior.
Easy for me,
Orcs are by far my favorite warcraft race. Their lore, their look, their style. Love em to bits.
As for Hunter well I like outdoorsy stuff and working with animals (I was a zookeeper for 3 years in a very good zoo and I have great memories of those years.)
I created this character a long time ago (end of wrath) but I did main warrior for most of MoP, WoD and half of Legion until I made him Hunter again. Bazrokh is and always will be my main.
I’m still not 100% set on my main technically. I been hunter main since vanilla despite dabbling with numerous alts, but since I took a long hiatus during the entire SL, I decided to star fresh and settled on monk.
I absolutely love my monk but now that I’m deeper into the endgame I realize that having a class that literally can die from 1-2 hits in M+ ain’t my cup of tea.
Currently working on gearing my 70 warrior, but also have a 70 dk I really enjoy.
Monk is technically still my main, but I plan on changing that soon.
Who do you want to look at the backside of for hours and hours?
I always like playing the night elf campaign in warcraft 3. So it was really bear druid or archer for me… I’ve played both.
My guild;1 of our tanks was a quadriplegic, however you spell it. He played using his mouth and blew into a controller. He was a good player but because he was in a, I think nursing home, or something where he was being taken care of 24/7, they often neglected his treatment due to various reasons to the point he would have to go to the hospital. We would have to keep finding tanks to replace him. My guild wasn’t all that good, we were casual players and he had expectations set too high for what the skill levels were. He left the guild one night out of frustration, and then he came back. I booted him and banned him from discord because after 200 times of this happening, I just said “F the drama that this brings, we will put a stop to this.” We warned him a few times, etc etc. that he was being outa line n stuff like that, he kept ranting n raving. Nonetheless, after all that drama was done, though, we needed a tank and I got tired of pug tanks, of other tanks, of having to constantly be on the lookout for people who could tank but would swap off of tank at the drop of a hat should we need them to not tank that night n someone else do it so I voluntold myself this expansion I would tank for them. Thus, I mained Druid. I was actually originally gonna main BrM monk, but too many buttons when I’m used to playing bears as my tank. They’re such an easy n simple tank that I can do call outs n focus on other things besides just 100% my own gameplay. The monk was too many buttons, too complex, too much for me to handle doing that on top of call outs and helping raid leading n other stuff, and we don’t do mythic raiding so no need to min/max to 10th degree on tanks, thus Druid was it.
I could also pretend I’m somewhat of a healer in tank gear with “After the Wildfire” talented, and now DoC n stuff, too if I want that so I can pretend I am both a tank and a healer.